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Being the Storm

13 May

“Fate whispered to the Warrior, “You cannot withstand the storm.”  The Warrior whispered back to Fate, “I am the storm.”   Unknown

Life is filled with opportunity, challenges, problems, blessings and a million other experiences. We will all face moments of great joy, and we may face moments of intense sorrow. Nothing is sure, and everything can change in an instant. The road we’re on may turn or get blocked, the relationships we thought were solid may fail, we may suffer financial ruin, or any number of unexpected developments that stop us in our tracks. It’s hard to feel confident if the rug has been pulled away from under our feet. It’s hard to trust if we’ve been betrayed. It’s hard to look ahead when all we can see is trouble and pain. There may be times when we believe we can’t go on, the trial is too great, and we are sure we will never survive. But we are stronger than we think we are and even though there’s no way to know what will happen next, nothing can stay the same forever. No matter where we are or what’s going on, we can be sure it will change. How that change comes and where it takes us is anybody’s guess, but one thing is certain, we can trust ourselves to be able to face whatever comes. There is greatness inside us no matter what is going on around us. We have sufficient courage, stamina and intelligence to uncover every answer we need to find our way forward. Bad times may come, but nothing is powerful enough to hold us down indefinitely. We don’t have to simply endure the storm, we can decide to be the storm, take control, stand firm and step forward with clarity and determination. There are endless blessings waiting. There is untold success just ahead, and we have everything we need to reach them and make them ours. 

Nobody gets a perfect life filled with paved roads, and endless peace and happiness. This is the real world with millions of other people making millions of decisions. They may be making choices right now that will impact our lives. We may be sailing along and moving forward with little resistance and suddenly it may all disappear. Our plans may become impossible due to factors beyond our control. We never have to do anything we don’t want to do, and if our goal becomes too difficult we can certainly set it aside. Postponing a journey does not end it, and failure only comes when we give up and quit. There isn’t anything we can’t manage, and if we keep our eyes on the road ahead, we will reach every goal.

Sometimes it seems nothing goes right. It’s like the planets have aligned against us and everything we touch falls apart. When trouble comes, we may be helpless to change it today, but tomorrow will bring another set of circumstances and new chances to start again. By keeping our vision clear, and seeing everything objectively, we will find the way ahead, and be able to continue forward. We are powerful, strong and fierce, and nothing, absolutely nothing can keep us from success.

Today if you’re struggling and it seems you can’t get ahead, stop and clear your thoughts, and look at everything around you. The answers are already there. Be fierce and step forward with confidence. You are amazing, and every destination is possible. Every dream, every goal, and every journey awaits. Continue moving ahead, and you will find great happiness and satisfaction.

Wiper Blades

15 Nov

Windshield wiper blades help us see when it’s raining or snowing outside. They move everything off the glass and clear the way ahead. Without them, when the weather gets bad, it may be impossible to see the road and we may have to stop until things change. When they are new, they work perfectly but as they wear, there may be areas that don’t touch and over time it gets harder and harder to see the road. It’s the same for us when we are doing our tasks and working our way through. There are always endless complications and details that may move us off course, and endless tasks to accomplish. If we keep our minds clear and focus on what needs to be done, we will likely find success. But all those details and complications may wiggle their way to the front of our vision, and we may get distracted and stuck, unable to see the way forward. Life is filled with all kinds of unexpected developments and we may tire trying to solve them all. We know where we want to go, and setting aside the journey to take care of this over here, or that over there, will never help us reach the goal. We only have control over our own decisions and there is no way to predict what will happen. Sometimes, everything gets jumbled up and the road gets blocked. But many times the distractions that come can wait. The journey we’re on is important and if we’re determined to succeed, we can find a way to attend to whatever comes up and still continue forward. We know what we want, and already have everything we need to get it. By choosing to stay on track and doing what is needed to make the goal ours, we will prevail. Nothing is out of reach if we are determined to win. We are smart enough to know what to do at every turn, and we will succeed.

Life is complex and we may face a time when we’re so busy taking care of details we neglect to take care of ourselves. Yes, it’s important to solve problems as they arise, and make new plans when necessary, but we are in control of our time and how we use it. There will always be more work to do, no matter what we accomplish. We can be diligent and work hard, and still do what is necessary to ensure our own safety and good health. By taking the time we need to rest and restore, we will more easily find the answers we need, and reach the goal ahead.

If we’re exhausted from too much work, our judgement will likely be compromised. It’s hard to see details when our vision is blurred by fatigue. When we’re tired we may miss important clues we need to move ahead. By being proactive and taking time when we need it, we will be clear and aware of everything we need to do, and where we need to go. Success is always possible, and with patience and wisdom, we will reach it.

Today if you’ve got a lot going on and there is much to accomplish, remember you are the most important person in your life. Be mindful of your needs and step back when you need a break. You are amazing and highly capable and nothing is beyond your grasp. Plan carefully, and step forward confident of success.

Looking Clearly

2 Nov

As we go through our lives we’ll have countless experiences. Sometimes things happen we never dream would come, and if they are difficult and challenging, we might at first try to ignore them. If we don’t look at it, we don’t have to face it, so we avert our gaze and concentrate on what’s more comfortable. That might work for a while, but if the issue is pervasive and constant, eventually it will grab our attention and we’ll have to face it. Maybe there’s a health issue we don’t want to acknowledge, or a relationship problem we’ve been assiduously ignoring, or a work situation that’s deteriorating. Whatever it is, odds are it’s not going to go away until we turn around and look at everything openly, and then do what is needed to address it. We can’t control what comes to us or what happens outside our own decisions. Things we don’t expect are going to happen. We may be completely caught off guard and concerned about what we’ll do, but even if our worst dreams come true, we have all the courage and wisdom we need to address them and do what is necessary to get through. If we need help, we can get it. If we need professional guidance, it will be there for us. There is a solution for every problem we’ll encounter. By keeping our eyes open and refusing to look away, we will more effectively find the answers we need. We are stronger than we think we are, and there isn’t anything that can hold us in place indefinitely.

Everyone wants an easy life where everything goes well and we can sail through without worry or concern. We may wish for that, but this is real life, and no matter who we are, we’re going to face trials and tribulations of some sort. Nobody wants their world turned upside down and it’s hard to go through serious, and challenging times. We may feel isolated and alone, but chances are no matter what’s happened, someone else has already traveled that road. We can reach out and ask for help, and get the support and information we need to fully understand the situation and find the way ahead.

Change is constant and no matter what we’re going through today, it will be different tomorrow. Even long term problems modify as we move forward. There is no reason to get ahead of ourselves and think we can’t survive.  We can be patient and take things one step at a time. Modifying as we go, and learning with each passing moment will help us move forward and manage effectively. Life is unpredictable, and bad things may happen, but we are wise and capable, and will find all the answers we need.

Today if you’re facing a difficult development and feel overwhelmed and unsure, trust yourself. You are stronger and wiser than you imagine and there isn’t anything you can’t handle. Be confident, and stand strong. Look at everything clearly and decide how you want to proceed. There isn’t anything you can’t manage, and there is still great success ahead. Keep moving forward and every dream will be yours.

Holding Fast

19 Aug

The world is a big place with endless things to do and people to meet.  Although we all have our own ideas about what we want to do, there are lots of shiny things and interesting ideas that may distract us. We are inundated with ads and campaigns. encouraging us to do this or do that, go here or go there, and they all look appealing and perfect. Everyone in every ad is happy and smiling and the promise is if we buy what they’re selling, we’ll be happy too. We can do anything we like and can follow any lead, but if we forsake what we want most for what is attractive at the moment, we will never reach our goal. We can jump from one idea to the next and always try the latest fad and we will get lots of experiences, but it’s unlikely they will move us forward. If we want to succeed at anything we desire, we must hold fast to the road ahead and keep our eyes focused on the goal. Just because something looks good on the outside doesn’t always mean it’s what’s good for us. We know who we are and what we want, and with determination we can reach any goal we desire. The world is a big, beautiful place and there will always be something new to try. By carefully deciding how we’ll proceed and doing what is needed to move forward, nothing can keep us from success. We are intelligent and wise, and we will prevail.

Everyone has their own opinions about things. Someone may disagree with our plans and tell us we should do something different. Maybe they think the goal is too lofty and unreachable. Maybe they are jealous because they don’t believe they could achieve it. It doesn’t matter what their motivations are. We are strong and capable, and don’t need them to agree with our decisions before we move ahead. Our lives are ours to design and nobody knows what we want better than we do. Every single destination is possible, and we have everything we need to succeed.

Life is complex and we never know what will happen next. Sometimes things develop that keep us from moving forward. There may be problems, complications, or issues that arise that prevent us from focusing on our own personal goals for a time. Just because we can’t do something right now doesn’t mean we can’t do it later. We can set the goal aside until things settle, and then return and start again. The goal will still be there waiting, and with patience and diligence, we will reach it.

Today if you’ve been distracted from the road you want to travel, think about how you want to proceed and start again. Detours and complications may delay the journey but they don’t end it. We can achieve anything we desire. Decide how you want to continue and step forward. You are amazing and powerful, and every goal is possible. Nothing is out of reach and you can get the life you dream of.

Not Shrinking

23 Jun

We all face millions of situations as we go through our lives. Unless we live on a desert island alone and isolated, chances are there are people all around us and at some point someone is going to annoy, anger, or irritate us in some way. We’re all different and those differences can sometimes cause conflict, which can sometimes become intense and if we’re tired of defending ourselves, we may choose to go on the offensive. There is nothing wrong with standing up for ourselves and stating our positions plainly and clearly to those around us. If we feel empowered and safe, we may stand strong even if we are the only one on our side. But if the others are more powerful than we are, or carry more influence, when things go wrong and we’re on the outside, we might decide to shrink back and stay quiet instead of speaking up. Silence may keep us from the fray for now, but going along simply to get along may not work out for us in the long run. Remaining quiet can be interpreted as agreement, and we might find ourselves in situations we never wanted because we didn’t say something at the beginning. We’re all entitled to our own opinions and beliefs, and we can be confident that even if our ideas are very different from those around us, they are worthwhile and can be expressed. Everyone sees things from their own perspective and through the filters they have gained by their own experiences. We may see things in a unique way that opens up new possibilities not previously considered. Confidently and clearly sharing our views will add great depth and richness to any discussion or plan. We are intelligent and capable, and have greatness inside us. We know what we want and have what we need to get it. We can step forward toward the goals we desire most and be sure of success.

If there is disagreement and someone becomes angry and attacks us, our first instinct might be to attack back. They started it, and we’re going to finish it. Well we can certainly do anything we like but contention added to contention will never bring peace. We don’t have to sit quietly and allow anyone to run us over and destroy us, but we can maintain our composure and answer them with clarity and confidence. Yelling will only make the situation more difficult. No matter what the issue is, there will be a compromise possible. We can be calm even in conflict and find the answers we need to resolve the situation and then move forward.

It’s hard to stand up to someone who has a lot of power and control. If they come for us and are loud and angry, we may wish to disappear or in some magical way be able to escape without them noticing. Feeling threatened doesn’t mean we are weak, and we need not shrink from the challenge. We are stronger than we imagine. We don’t have to be loud in return, and speaking quietly will cause those around us to step closer and listen more carefully. We are powerful and wise, and with patience and resolve can face any situation with courage and strength.

Today if you’re in a difficult situation with conflict and trouble, remember how powerful you are. You are stronger and wiser than you think and nothing can overcome you. Stand strong and be clear. You are valuable and a great asset to the world. Be confident and trust yourself. Nobody has the gifts you have to offer and we’re all blessed because you are here.