Archive | September, 2022

Defining Moments

28 Sep

Life is long and each day we make many decisions. Each choice we make changes us in some way and the roads we choose tell the world who we are. If we are mindful, we may look at everything clearly before we decide, but there’s often a lot going on around us and it’s easy to get rushed and simply choose the first option available. If it doesn’t impact us much, it might not matter what we choose, but there are sometimes hidden agendas and unforeseen complications that arise and make moving forward difficult. Nobody is perfect and we’re all going to falter at some point, and every decision we make determines what will happen next and defines who we are. If we continually make careless and foolish choices, those around us will understand we are not to be trusted. But if we try hard to choose well, we’ll be able to build relationships and make connections that will benefit us as we move ahead. Every choice is a defining moment. By being aware of what we’re doing, and carefully evaluating where we’re headed, we will find great satisfaction, and continued success.

The world is filled with all kinds of distractions and how we manage them will determine how we’ll proceed. If we’re addicted to our phone, texting and scrolling, and value our time with it over time spent with others, our relationships will suffer. There is no end to the information we can access at any moment. We can spend every minute of every day going through on-line sites, and following others, and accomplish nothing for ourselves. We are in control of our lives, and the choices we make will take us somewhere. We can ensure we are going where we most want to go by focusing clearly on the road ahead.

We are responsible for our time and how we spend it. If we allow ourselves to be over extended and have more to do than we can effectively manage, everything will suffer. There will always be more that needs to be done. It does no good to have so many commitments that we’re overwhelmed and can’t think straight. By recognizing our limits and planning our time to allow for success, we will be able to accomplish much and reach every goal.

Today think about the decisions you’re making. Choose the roads that will take you where you most want to go. You are wiser than you think you are, and every answer you need is available. Decide how you want to proceed, and be confident. Every success is there for you.  Every dream is possible. Trust yourself and step forward, and you will prevail.

Small Changes

26 Sep

“If you make a 1% improvement in a host of tiny areas, the cumulative benefits would be extraordinary.” Sir Dave Brailsford

Everyone has something they want to change about their lives. We want to be the best we can be, and that often means there are things we need to work on. Maybe we want to lose weight, maybe we want more education, or maybe we just want to be more patient and forgiving. Change and improvement are always possible, but they usually won’t happen overnight. We can take all the time we like to think about what we want do but until we actually begin to do what’s needed, nothing will change. We don’t have to do everything all at once, or completely change our lives to start the journey. By starting small and focusing on just one facet of the goal, we can begin the process of reaching it. We could give up desert just two nights a week, take just one night class, or stand still for moment before we speak. Small changes don’t seem like much, but once we master them we can add another small layer, and day by day, inch by inch we will reach the goal. There is no rush to succeed. The road ahead will wait as long as it takes, and will be there for us. By taking things one step at a time, we really can have the lives we want the most, and reach any destination.

Some people like to talk about all the things they’re going to do and all the places they’re going to go, but day by day, they remain in the same place doing the same things. The old saying that “Talk is cheap,” is true. We can talk all we want, and make all kinds of plans but until we actually do something to achieve the goal, nothing will change. We are highly capable and can do anything we desire. By trusting ourselves, and taking the first step forward, we can be confident that we will succeed.

If the goal is hard to reach and will require a lot of work and time, we may hesitate before we begin. Our routines are comfortable and easy, and we pretty much know what to expect. We never have to change anything if we don’t want to, but our lives are ours to design, and if there’s something we really want, we can go after it. By changing one thing we can move closer to where we want to be. We know who we are and what we want, and with focus and determination, nothing is out of reach.

Today if there’s something you want to achieve, think about how you want to begin and take the first step. You are amazing and powerful, and can do anything you desire. Trust yourself and be confident. Nothing is too complex or difficult for you to manage.  Decide what you want, and begin. Every single dream is possible, and you will prevail.

Flight Plan

20 Sep

When flying a plane, the pilot doesn’t simply enter the course information into the flight computer and then lie back and relax. There are many factors that affect the plane’s trajectory and altitude, and the pilot must constantly watch what’s happening and continually make small changes to correct course. Auto pilot can assist but will not perceptively re-adjust for storms, winds or other complications, so the pilot must always be awake and aware. In our lives, we make plans for the things we want to do. We know where we want to go and what we want to accomplish and can review every option until we come up with the best plan for achieving the goal. We may make a list of things to accomplish in a specific order, or create a map of exactly how we’re going to proceed. It all looks good on paper and if we get lucky, and everything works in our favor, all may go exactly as planned. But life is complex and there are usually unforeseen complications, unplanned detours and unexpected problems. Our original plan may have been good, it may have been perfect on paper, but once we start to implement it, we may find that what works on paper may not translate into real life exactly as planned. Nobody can read the future or see what’s coming. There is no way to predict how things will go or what will arise. If we want to succeed, just like the pilot, we must find a way to constantly adjust our course. Everything is possible, but the road ahead may not be straight and paved. We are intelligent and if the goal is important enough, we will find our way no matter what happens. By thinking clearly and trusting ourselves, we can do anything we desire and find great success.

Everyone is different and our ideas are unique and specific to our own lives. If everyone was just like us, we could predict what they would do and how they would act, but that isn’t the case. We may think others will respond a certain way based on what we would do, only to be surprised that we were way off base. It doesn’t mean anyone’s response is wrong, but points to the differences between us. Our intentions may be misunderstood because our paradigms are different than those we are interacting with. The best we can do is get as much information as possible before we proceed, and then move forward. Then if things don’t go the way we planned, we can adjust and continue on.

Some people are so sure of themselves that even when it’s obvious their plan isn’t working, will hold fast to it hoping if they just keep doing the same things eventually it’ll all work out. If we’re going in the wrong direction, continuing to press forward will never take us to the goal. By keeping our eyes open, and being willing to change course if needed, we can move ahead and be confident of success. Life is all about change and no matter where we are or what’s happening, if we want to achieve the goal, we can do what is needed to make it ours.

Today if you’ve been pushing toward a destination you desire but are no closer, stop and look at everything objectively. Choose the best way forward and adjust your plan. Keep your eyes open and as things change, modify your direction so you can stay on course. You are very smart and highly capable, and nothing is out of reach. Be confident but remain open to change. You know what you want and every destination is there for you. Success is waiting, and you will reach it.


19 Sep

Life is full of surprises and we never know what will happen next. We’ll go through things we never dreamed of and there will be times when things will go wrong, and we’ll suffer. Nobody gets a life filled with paved roads, rainbows and roses. Everyone will have challenges to overcome and painful experiences to get through. When trouble comes we may be able to look at it objectively and quickly find the answers we need to address the issue and move on, but not every problem is that easy. Some things are complicated and painful, and take a lot of time and thought to figure out. If we’re confused and overwhelmed, we may be unable to see everything clearly. If the situation is very painful, we may need time to gain the clarity necessary to proceed. When we get a scrape or cut that is bleeding and painful, we may put a bandaid on it. It will cover the wound and protect it until it heals sufficiently for us to remove it and continue on. We can do the same thing if we’re facing a very hard situation. We can take a step back and give ourselves cover for a while so we can think about everything clearly and decide how we want to proceed. Stepping back isn’t giving up. It’s like a bandaid – a short break for us to regroup and focus. When we’re ready we can step back in and begin to unravel the issue until we reach resolution. Life is complicated but we are intelligent and wise, and nothing is too complex for us to manage. We can trust that no matter what comes, we will find the answers we need, and be able to continue toward success.

Everyone has their own methods for doing things. Some people tackle problems head on and push their way through regardless of how difficult the road ahead is. Others take their time to look at everything before they make their first move. There are endless ways to move forward no matter what is happening and never only one perfect way to handle things. What works for one may be impossible for someone else. By doing things our own way and in our own time, nothing can keep us from moving forward. We know who we are and how we want to proceed, and with patience and determination, we will win.

There is no end to the many variations of things that could happen. Even when we plan well and do everything we can to ensure success, they will be times when everything falls apart. We don’t know what we don’t know, and there may be people making decisions we know nothing about that impact our lives. When our plans go up in smoke and we can’t even see the road ahead, we can stand still until things clear and then begin again. We are stronger and more capable than we think we are, and there isn’t anything we can’t do. Every single goal is possible, and we will reach them all.

Today if you’re facing a difficult situation and you feel unable to move, step back and look at everything objectively. The answers you need are already there for you. Stand still and let your mind rest for a moment, and you will find your way. You are amazing and smarter than you imagine. Every single dream is waiting. Trust yourself and step forward. Success is just ahead, and you will make it yours.


14 Sep

We share the world with lots and lots of other people, and each of us has our own ideas about what we should do and how things should go. We may find others who share many of our opinions, but no two people are exactly the same. Although we may try to always get along with those around us, we will likely face times of conflict because we don’t share the same viewpoints. If the interaction is civil and polite, we may simply agree to disagree, but some people are very sure their way is the only correct way to proceed. If we don’t agree with them, we may face serious contention, and even become engaged in an argument or worse. If they are strong and have some sort of control over us, and will not tolerate dissent, they may smack us down to shut us up and hold us in place. We may be forced to follow along despite our personal views. Others may be able to hold us down for a time, but nothing is permanent, and the situation will change. If there’s nothing we can do for now, we can remain in place and wait patiently until a new door opens. We are entitled to our own opinions and can live our lives any way we like, and it’s hard if we must temporarily follow something we don’t agree with. By keeping our eyes focused on the road ahead, we will be ready when an opening appears that allows us to modify our situation. Our ideas and perspectives are important and valuable, and we can trust ourselves to find ways to communicate them in ways that are positive and move us forward. There isn’t anything or anyone powerful enough to hold us down forever, and with clarity and patience, we will find the way ahead.

If we’re sure we have the answers and know the best way forward, we may try to convince others to follow us. We may say we respect their opinions but if they are different than our own, we may try persuade them to follow us. If they disagree, and we’re adamant, we may try whatever tactics we can find to make them comply. What we do defines who we are, and bullying or forcing others to follow us will never help us build the connections we seek. If we’re willing to bend and listen to other viewpoints, cooperation and compromise will open the doors ahead.

There are many roads to every goal and there is never only one way to succeed. Everyone’s ideas are worthwhile, and by listening to other suggestions, we can find the best way forward. New ideas bring fresh perspectives that may not have been seen initially. We are intelligent and will always have a lot of answers but nobody knows everything. By being open and flexible, we will be able to evaluate many different possibilities that enable us to move ahead with confidence and clarity, and reach the goal.

Today remember that everyone has something to offer. The world is filled with differences that enrich us and enhance the road ahead. Listen carefully to any suggestions you receive and decide on the best way forward. You are amazing and intelligent, and nothing is out of reach. Decide how you want to proceed, and take the first step. Every single goal is possible and nothing can keep you from success.