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Over It

4 May

We go through many different experiences as we navigate the days, months and years of our lives. Some things are unexpected and take our breath away with their sudden appearance and intensity, and there may be times when it seems all at once everything has changed. What we counted on is no longer available and the whole landscape looks different. When we go through challenging and difficult periods, we may have to work hard to overcome serious issues and complications. But in time, as we find our way through, we’ll get over it and move on. We are very capable and can manage whatever happens, but life has a way of looping around. What we think we’ve mastered or overcome, may creep back in a new way that takes us by surprise and suddenly we’re reminded of where we were. It may seem that despite all the work we’ve done and everything we’ve accomplished, we’re right back at square one, but that won’t be completely true. Every day and with everything we do, we gain more insight and the tools we need to move forward. Old problems may resurface, but we will never be exactly the same today as we were the first time we faced them. We don’t need to fall down and get overwhelmed. Instead, we can step back, look at everything objectively and trust that we have everything we need to process any complication or situation that arises. We are stronger, wiser and more powerful than we think we are, and there isn’t anything we can’t do and do well. With confidence and clarity we can find all the answers we need and continue ahead toward success. There isn’t anything we can’t do, and every destination will always be there for us.

There are all kinds of people in the world and we’ll meet many different types of personalities. Sometimes we may have to work with someone who is rude or hateful, or for reasons we can’t identify seems to dislike us. It may be very difficult to engage with them and find any common ground. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, but we are not entitled to hurt others or make them feel bad. If there is a way to modify the situation so we don’t have to work with them, we can take it. If not, we can make the best choices possible and set the best example for good, fair behavior and continue on.

Heartbreak is very painful and can take a long time to recover from. No matter how hurt or disappointed we are, by focusing on our own personal goals and success, we will find the ways needed to overcome and heal. Once we’re on solid ground again, all the challenges and struggles we faced will bring us greater strength and wisdom. Wounds hurt but nothing lasts forever. By taking our time and learning all we can, we will gain great blessing and benefit from the experience, and more understanding as we move ahead.

Today if something you thought you were over has resurfaced and you feel like you’re back at the beginning again, take another look. You are wiser and more capable than you imagine and have learned many powerful and helpful lessons. Trust yourself and stand strong. Every dream you desire is there for you and every destination is possible. Nothing can hold you in place, and you will prevail. Step forward, confident and clear. Success is there for you and you will claim it.

Another Let Down

8 Apr

Everyone makes their own decisions and we’re all accountable for each choice we make. If we make commitments and honor them, people will learn to trust us. If we give our word and then just forget about it because we really didn’t mean it, others will understand we are not reliable. Life is complicated and we will face all kinds of dicey and uncomfortable situations. If we’re pressed against something we don’t think we can manage, we might say anything just to escape. We may agree to do what someone else wants, or say we’ll take care of the issue, when in fact we have no intention of doing either. We may focus on simply looking good for the moment and getting away, and push off any responsibility we have for following through. We can do anything we like, but one thing is certain – every decision we make will have a result. Dodging our accountability doesn’t eliminate it. We own every choice, good or bad. If we can’t do something, or don’t understand how to proceed, instead of making up stories to get through, it’s far better to be completely honest about what’s happening. Nobody knows everything and we’re all going to be in situations that confound us and tangle the way forward. If we’re open about our true feelings and refuse to agree to something we cannot do, we can stand strong and step forward with confidence. Our lives are what we make them. By being truthful and clear, we can pave the road ahead and reach success.

It’s good to trust others, but we may face a situation when that trust is abused and broken. Maybe someone makes a date with us, but then fails to show. They may have a very convincing excuse, and we may forgive them and try again. If they stand us up a second time, it will be harder to believe them when they try to explain. Some people don’t care how their decisions affect others. They may make all kinds of commitments they never intend to keep, and if we care for them, their irresponsibility may hurt us deeply. We know who we are and what we want. If we’re in a situation that isn’t working, we can step away and go in a new direction

There is an old saying, “Burn me once, shame on you. Burn be twice, shame on me.” Continually trusting someone who constantly lets us down will never take us where we want to go. There is no way to change anyone else or control their decisions. Once we see who they are and how they act, it’s up to us to decide what our relationship with them will be. We never have to stay in any relationship that brings pain or discomfort. There will always be another road and a new way forward. By trusting ourselves, and choosing what’s best for us, we will find great satisfaction and happiness.

Today if you’ve been let down again by someone, think about what you want the most. You are more precious and powerful than you imagine, and deserve complete happiness. There is nothing strong enough to hold you in place. Choose the roads that will lead you to success and step forward confident and sure. You are amazing, and we’re all blessed because you are here. Trust yourself. The best is just ahead.

Shake it Off

31 Aug

We interact with lots of people as we go through our lives. They come and go in and out of our lives on a continual basis. Some relationships are close and strong, others are casual and fleeting. How close we are depends on our circumstances and what’s going on, and lots of other factors. Human beings are complex and even when we know someone well, they may do something, or say something, that confuses us and catches us off guard. We can never know everything about anyone, and even those we are very close to may surprise us from time to time. We may get hurt by something they do or say, or misunderstand their intentions. Not everyone will care about our feelings and someone my offend us – either accidentally or on purpose. When we’re hurt by someone we care deeply about, it can be hard to shake it off. It can be difficult to let go of the pain inflicted by someone close to us. Of course, we can hold onto anything for as long as we like. If there is no resolution, we can carry it with us throughout our lives and let it color how we feel and what we do indefinitely. Hanging onto pain will never bring us happiness, and may hold us back from success. Nobody gets a perfect life filled with butterflies and rainbows. We’ll all go through hard times, face pain and suffering at some point, and have to muddle through difficult issues. It’s the nature of life. But we are intelligent and can see above whatever has gone wrong to the road ahead. Pain hurts but we can decide to shake it off, let it go, and continue on. We are the only ones powerful enough to hold us down and keep us from moving forward. With determination and focus on the road ahead, we can push forward and achieve our greatest goals and desires. Every dream is there for us, and we will prevail.

There is an old saying that, “The best revenge is living well.” If someone has hurt or maligned us, they may rejoice in our temporary demise and suffering. Instead of rewarding them by keeping quiet and staying under water, we can overcome them by simply choosing to stand strong and continue forward. There isn’t anything anyone can do that can hold us down indefinitely. We are strong and powerful, and we know what we want. There is no situation painful enough to paralyze us forever. Every goal we desire is waiting, and we can step forward to claim them all.

Each day is a new beginning. It doesn’t matter what happened yesterday, or last week, or last year. What matters is what we do today. If the road we were on has ended and there is no way to continue, we can step off and start in a new direction. There are unlimited roads possible and every destination is waiting. We have all the courage and wisdom we need to do anything we want. It’s all there for us. We need only decide to begin, and step forward.

Today if you’ve been hurt and are struggling to look ahead, remember how strong and capable you are. Stand firm and shake it off. Nothing is powerful enough to hold you down. Decide what you want and start again. Trust yourself, be confident, and step forward. Every goal is there for you, and nothing can keep you from success.

In Pieces

15 Jan

Everyone wants an easy life where things always go well, and all our dreams and desires come true. We may dream of a world where nobody suffers, and everyone lives in peace and harmony. It’s nice to think about situations like these, but the real world doesn’t work that way. There will be good times when everything goes well and our plans work out, but there will also be hard times when our lives are turned upside down and nothing works. If something happens that hurts us badly and we are devastated, we may feel torn in pieces, holding onto the way things were before everything went south, and trying to figure out what to do now that it’s all gone. It’s hard to grasp sudden and difficult changes immediately, and for a time we may feel stunned and completely confused about what’s going on and what to do. Lots of things can go wrong – we may lose our jobs, our lovers may leave us, we may get seriously ill, or a thousand other scenarios. Nobody wants to suffer but suffering may come, and when it does, we may face our worst fears as we try to navigate through. It may seem the pain is so deep and all encompassing, that we cannot survive. No matter how bad the situation is, nothing is powerful enough to hold us down indefinitely. We already have everything we need to get through anything that comes. The answers are there for us and we have all the intelligence and wisdom necessary to find them. We can stand firm even when the winds blow against us, and reach deep for the courage to continue. Feeling broken in pieces by pain and suffering isn’t easy, but we are more powerful than we think we are, and will prevail. Hard times may stop us for a moment, but we know what we want, and will find our way through. By looking at everything objectively, we will see the road ahead, and be sure of success. Nothing can keep us from any destination we desire. We will find our way and claim the prize.

There are few things more painful than a broken heart. When someone we love deeply turns away from us or hurts us beyond repair, we may feel completely fractured and sure we’ll never be whole again. Our hearts may feel torn and battered, and we may lose faith in ourselves and trust in the future. No matter how it happened, it hurts to lose love. We can take the time we need to grieve and cope with our new situation, and when we’re ready, can look ahead at all the options before us. There will always be a new road and every destination will be waiting for us.

Grief and pain have their own timetable. We can’t rush healing. It takes how long it takes. While we’re getting through, we can take care of ourselves and reach out to others for support. We can lean on the strength of those who care about us until we feel strong enough to stand alone again. Life is full of promise and possibilities. Every dream is possible, and with courage and focus, we can have the lives we desire most.

Today if you’ve been devastated and are in pain, remember how strong you are. Be still and take the time you need to heal. You are incredible and have so much to offer. We’re all blessed because you are here. Trust yourself and step ahead. Every dream is there for you, and you will succeed.

Turning the Page

15 Sep

We’ll all have good times and bad times, things will go well or we may fail, we’ll rejoice or experience heartbreak. Good experiences lift us and bring greater joy and hope for the road ahead. Hard times filled with worry, concern, or sadness, help us gain greater stamina and strength. If we have a very extreme event that hurts us deeply or completely changes our direction, we may feel stunned and unsure. When the world turns upside down, it’s hard to find our footing. We may stumble and get lost for a time, and begin to think we’ll never survive. But we are stronger and more resilient than we think we are, and as each moment passes, our confidence will increase and we’ll find our way forward. We can modify our plans for the future and stay where we are, or decide to completely change direction. Like turning the page in a book, we can change everything and start again somewhere new. The world is a huge place. There are endless destinations, and things to do. We are never restricted to where we are and what we’re doing. We don’t need agreement or permission from those around us to change our lives in any way or at any time. A new location with new opportunities opens the door to different experiences that expand our thinking, and bring the possibility of great happiness. We’re always in control of our lives, and never need suffer longer than we want to. If we’re ready to move on to something new, we can. Every option is possible and nothing is out of reach. The book of life is long, and we can turn the page to a new experience at any time. We deserve complete happiness, and with determination and confidence, will have it.

Personal heartbreak is very painful. When someone we love walks away, they leave a big hole in our happiness. If we’re devastated, we may think we’ll never get over it, and will be emotionally destroyed for the rest of our lives. That will never happen. No matter how much pain we’re in now, tomorrow will be better. Each day will bring healing, and in time, however long it takes, we’ll be whole again. We can trust that no matter how hard things seem right now, the road will straighten and we’ll be able to move ahead with clarity and confidence. Nothing can hold us down indefinitely. Every dream is still there for us, and we will reach them.

There can be great comfort in routine. We know what to expect and are used to how things work. However, if our lives are upended by something unexpected, everything may change. The road we were on may turn and we may find ourselves headed toward something we no longer want. There are endless roads possible and we can change direction at any time. We are more valuable and precious than we can imagine, and can do anything we desire. Despite what’s happened, nothing can keep us from success, and we can have the lives we want the most.

Today if your life has suddenly changed, and you’re unsure about how to proceed, trust yourself. You are powerful and strong. Decide what you want the most, and take the first step forward. You deserve complete happiness and nothing can keep you from success. Be confident. Every dream is there for you, and you will make them yours.