Archive | February, 2021

Chapter One

26 Feb

We go through many experiences as we navigate the years of our lives. Each stage brings new things to discover as we learn more about ourselves and the world around us. But life isn’t divided into defined segments. It’s a continual process of learning and growing, but things may happen along the way that mark specific changes in what we’re experiencing. Like starting chapter one of a new book, we may be in situations where suddenly our lives have turned and we’re stepping on a new road. A new job, marriage, the birth of a child, a painful breakup, the death of a spouse, and a thousand other things may instantly change us moving forward. Important changes that affect us deeply give us the opportunity to review what we’re doing and where we are. We may choose to change everything, go in a completely new direction, or we may decide to stand still. Life is all about change, and sometimes those changes are far reaching and permanent. When our world shifts and we’re on a new road, we may feel uncomfortable, but facing a new story doesn’t mean we can’t succeed. With determination and focus, we can make what is uncertain and foreign become sure and familiar. There are great adventures for us and our first steps toward them may be unsettling, but once we move ahead, we will gain greater confidence and find comfort and satisfaction. The first chapter of a book never tells the whole story. It unfolds with each page. We can step forward and take advantage of every possibility as we move closer to the destination. Every success is there for us, and nothing is out of reach. We can be confident we will prevail and find joy and gratification in the process.

There are all kinds of books out there. Some have similar plots, and we can tell after the first few pages what will happen next. Others are more complex, and we have no idea where they will take us. Our lives are often the same. There will be predictable outcomes we expect and can prepare for, and there will be other times when unexpected developments surprise us and knock us down. We never know what will come but whatever it is, we can be sure we’ll have what we need to find our way forward. We can resolve even the most difficult and complex problems. Nothing can keep us from advancing, and we will prevail.

When we’re moving along in one direction and happy with our progress, if a sudden roadblock appears, we may be stopped and no longer able to move forward. If that happens, we can waste a lot of time trying to make it work, or we can change direction. It’s hard to turn around when the destination we desire is straight ahead, but everything changes in time. Turning our course doesn’t mean giving up. The goal is still possible, and when the doors open again, we’ll be ready to move ahead.

Today if something has changed and you’re facing a new and difficult situation, remember all the times you’ve already been successful. You are highly capable and will find the way forward. You know what you want and have everything you need to achieve it. Be sure of yourself and step forward. Nothing can keep you from the destinations you seek, and you will succeed.

Holding On

25 Feb

Everyone wants an easy, happy life where nothing terrible happens and each day is filled with sunshine and joy. But we live in the real world, and nothing is perfect. We will all have precious moments of bliss where everything goes well, but they will never be permanent. Things will change, complications will come, and we’ll face problems and trouble. Everything can change in a moment. The bottom may fall away, and we may be left suspended in confusion, afraid of what will happen next. When everything goes sideways, and the road ahead is dark and filled with uncertainty, we may doubt we can survive. We may believe this is it, this is how we’ll end. But no matter how bad the situation becomes, or how dark it gets, it cannot last forever. If we hold on, and think clearly about what’s happened, the answers we need will appear and we will be able to step forward. Sometimes the only difference between success and failure is the ability to hold on just a little longer. There will never be a situation with no way out. The answers will always be there for us, and if we look, we will see the road ahead. Hard times will come to us all and we may face something we don’t believe we can survive. But we are stronger and more powerful than we imagine, and nothing, absolutely nothing, can overcome us. It may get dark, and the tempest may threaten, but there is sunshine above and if we hold fast to the way forward, it will shine through. Life is full of challenges and tests. We may be pushed to our limit, but we will not be conquered. With patience and faith, we will find every answer we need to prevail and move ahead. Nothing is strong enough to hold us in place forever. We already have everything we need to win.

When pondering life, we may identify some things we don’t believe we could ever survive. The death of someone dear, the betrayal of a lover, the devastation of home and family, and endless other scenarios. Terrible things can and may happen, and there may be moments when all we can count on is ourselves. It may seem impossible to endure at first, but we are stronger than we imagine and will get through. By trusting ourselves and taking things one step at a time, we can manage anything that comes.

Some experiences are so painful they change us forever. When we’ve suffered through something devastating, our view of life and our part in it may be different as we move forward. It doesn’t mean we’ve lost anything, but that we’ve gained a greater understanding of where we are and the world around us. Change is constant, but we are still in control of our lives and can determine our future. We are intelligent and wise, and with patience and time, we can overcome any disappointment or calamity that has befallen us.

Today if you’re going through a very difficult time and it’s hard to see the road ahead, trust yourself. You are wise and powerful, and nothing can hold you down. Stand firm and look ahead. Every blessing is still there for you. Nothing can keep you from success, and you will prevail.

Chasing the Wind

24 Feb

When we’re children, we have ideas about how our lives will go and what we’ll do. We may dream of being fighter pilots, astronauts, ballerinas, super models and a million other things. Because we’re young and haven’t yet learned about how things work, our ideas may be unrealistic and completely different from what we choose after we get a little older and start to understand things a little better. We all have dreams about how we want our lives to go and what we want to accomplish. If we work hard and do what is necessary to make things happen, and the world around us cooperates, we can make many of our dreams reality. It’s wonderful when we accomplish something we really want, but life is unpredictable. Even if we do everything possible, some things may elude us. We aren’t alone on the earth and can only control what we do. Sometimes what other people are doing and the decisions they’re making may keep us from advancing toward a goal we desire. Like chasing the wind, some things may be continually out of reach. It doesn’t mean we aren’t trying hard enough or that the goal isn’t possible, but that it isn’t available to us right now. It’s difficult to set down something we want badly, but nothing stays the same forever. Instead of spinning our wheels and exhausting ourselves trying to achieve a goal that’s unattainable now, we can move on to something else. In time, the road will change and all the doors we need will open. Life is all about change. If we can’t continue forward on the road we’re on at this time, we can change direction and return later. We can accomplish anything we want, but we may not be able to accomplish it today. Life is long and we have all the patience and wisdom we need to keep our eyes on the goal and adjust our course accordingly. With focus and determination, everything is possible, and we will succeed.

There may be times when we want something completely different than where we are. Maybe we want a different career, or to move to another location far away. Big, life changing, dreams don’t come easily. Some take a lot of time, a lot of financial resources, and a lot of effort. If, after careful thought and consideration, we decide we definitely want to proceed, we can begin doing what is needed to get to the goal. There will probably be complications, and we may have to take a detour or two, but if we stay the course, we can prevail.

Some roads are harder than others and as we move ahead if there are endless problems and obstacles, and it’s difficult to make any headway, we may begin to rethink the goal. Our lives belong to us, and if we don’t want to continue the struggle, we can take a turn and go in a new direction. The goal will still be there and when our situation changes and we’re ready, we can begin again.

Today if you’ve been pushing hard trying to move closer to a goal and can’t get ahead, look at the situation objectively and decide how you want to proceed. You are intelligent and capable. Be confident and wise. Every success is possible, and with clarity and planning, you will find the way forward and reach the destination.

Scrubbing the Roster

23 Feb

When there are big changes in organizations, and new leadership comes on board, instead of training all the previous personnel, they may start over with their own team. It may be easier to scrub the roster of the old participants and begin with an entirely new group. We may reach a point in our lives when we decide to make significant changes in what we’re doing and where we’re going. Our focus has shifted, and we now want to move onto something new. Those who have been with us in the previous situation may not agree with our decision to alter our plans. They may continually tell us it’s not a good decision and question every step we take. If we reach a point where we want less dissention, we may choose to step away from them. Deciding to scrub our own personal roster may enable us to move forward more easily, but it may cause us some discomfort as we step away. Routines and everyday connections are comfortable, but it’s impossible to stay in one place and move onto another at the same time. If we’re ready for a change, and want to proceed in a new direction, we may need to re-evaluate who we’re interacting with and choose another way forward. Our relationships are important, and we don’t have to sever our connections to those around us. We may find a new way to connect with them that allows us to continue building our relationship and doesn’t prevent us from moving toward our new goals. Our lives are ours to design and we are in control of our own destiny. By choosing what is best for us and stepping forward toward success we will find great happiness and satisfaction. Everything is possible, and we will prevail.

There are crossroads and turning points in all our lives. We change as we move forward and what we wanted yesterday may now seem undesirable. The destination we were headed toward is no longer what we want. There are always countless roads available, and when we’re ready for a change, we can step away from where we are and start a new journey. Nothing is out of reach, and every goal will always be possible. We can have the lives we dream about and nothing can keep us from success.

Custom and tradition are powerful forces. It’s comfortable to continue doing things the way they’ve always been done, and it takes courage to step away from the norm and chart our own course. We are intelligent and know exactly what we want and where we want to go. It’s possible to honor tradition and still do things our own way. Our lives are important, and our dreams are ours to create. With determination and focus, we can accomplish everything we desire, and find true happiness.

Today if you’ve decided to make a turn and go in a new direction, take the first step forward. You are wise and powerful, and will find the way to success. Every dream is possible, and nothing can keep you from making them yours. Be confident and move ahead. The destinations you seek are within reach, and you will achieve them.

The Storm

22 Feb

Life is full of surprises and we may find ourselves in situations we don’t imagine will ever happen. Everything may change suddenly, and we may get disoriented trying to figure out what’s going on. At some point we’ll all face adversity. Storms will come, the sky will darken, the wind will blow, and rain will pelt us. It’s not easy to face difficult challenges, and during the turmoil, we may feel overcome and certain we’ll never survive. But we get through one day, and we’re still here. Then we get through the next, and before we realize it, the road ahead is clear. When we’re under water trying to find our way, it may seem everything is frozen in place, but the world continues on. Nothing stops just because we’re struggling. We might be stuck for a time, but others will continue to move ahead, and the earth will continue to turn. When we’re finally on the other side of the trial, we might discover that everything around us has changed. Before we step forward and continue, we can stop and take the time we need to get a good look at everything before us. Things may be different, but we are still capable and strong. We still know what we want and have everything we need to succeed. Trouble isn’t easy to get through, but it teaches us a lot about ourselves and the world around us. We can take everything we’ve learned forward with us and use our new skills to forge the way ahead. Life isn’t always easy, but we will always have what we need to get through anything that comes. We are more powerful than we may realize, and nothing can hold us in place forever. Every road will be there for us, and we can go anywhere we desire. By trusting ourselves and having faith in our ability to overcome, we will prevail and reach the prize. We can do anything and accomplish any goal. Nothing is out of reach, and we will win.

It’s great to have friends and companions who support us and encourage us when things go wrong and we’re facing hard times. They can hold us up when we feel we can’t continue and give us comfort when the road gets difficult. Those who love us will be there when we need them, but they may not agree with how we want to proceed. They may tell us to go in a different direction or manage things in a different way. We can certainly take any advice that’s offered, but nobody knows us better than we know ourselves. We will always know what’s best for us and can find the road we desire most.

There may be times when trouble comes, and we must stand alone. Help is always welcome, but if it’s not forthcoming, we are not destined to fail. New situations and experiences can be unsettling, and when they come with unforeseen and hard complications, it can be hard to figure out our next steps. But we are intelligent and there isn’t anything we can’t manage. We can look at all the options possible and choose the best road ahead.

Today if you’re struggling to get through a difficult situation and aren’t sure how you’ll survive, trust yourself. You are wiser and more capable than you may realize. Be confident and step forward. Every dream is possible, and you will make them yours.