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Over It

4 May

We go through many different experiences as we navigate the days, months and years of our lives. Some things are unexpected and take our breath away with their sudden appearance and intensity, and there may be times when it seems all at once everything has changed. What we counted on is no longer available and the whole landscape looks different. When we go through challenging and difficult periods, we may have to work hard to overcome serious issues and complications. But in time, as we find our way through, we’ll get over it and move on. We are very capable and can manage whatever happens, but life has a way of looping around. What we think we’ve mastered or overcome, may creep back in a new way that takes us by surprise and suddenly we’re reminded of where we were. It may seem that despite all the work we’ve done and everything we’ve accomplished, we’re right back at square one, but that won’t be completely true. Every day and with everything we do, we gain more insight and the tools we need to move forward. Old problems may resurface, but we will never be exactly the same today as we were the first time we faced them. We don’t need to fall down and get overwhelmed. Instead, we can step back, look at everything objectively and trust that we have everything we need to process any complication or situation that arises. We are stronger, wiser and more powerful than we think we are, and there isn’t anything we can’t do and do well. With confidence and clarity we can find all the answers we need and continue ahead toward success. There isn’t anything we can’t do, and every destination will always be there for us.

There are all kinds of people in the world and we’ll meet many different types of personalities. Sometimes we may have to work with someone who is rude or hateful, or for reasons we can’t identify seems to dislike us. It may be very difficult to engage with them and find any common ground. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, but we are not entitled to hurt others or make them feel bad. If there is a way to modify the situation so we don’t have to work with them, we can take it. If not, we can make the best choices possible and set the best example for good, fair behavior and continue on.

Heartbreak is very painful and can take a long time to recover from. No matter how hurt or disappointed we are, by focusing on our own personal goals and success, we will find the ways needed to overcome and heal. Once we’re on solid ground again, all the challenges and struggles we faced will bring us greater strength and wisdom. Wounds hurt but nothing lasts forever. By taking our time and learning all we can, we will gain great blessing and benefit from the experience, and more understanding as we move ahead.

Today if something you thought you were over has resurfaced and you feel like you’re back at the beginning again, take another look. You are wiser and more capable than you imagine and have learned many powerful and helpful lessons. Trust yourself and stand strong. Every dream you desire is there for you and every destination is possible. Nothing can hold you in place, and you will prevail. Step forward, confident and clear. Success is there for you and you will claim it.

Cart First

13 Apr

Nature is amazing and orderly. Everything happens at the right time. Fall never comes just before summer, harvests don’t come in winter, and the sun doesn’t rise at night. There is timeliness and order to everything. We can count on this to continue and often predict what will come next. Our lives are ours to design, and since we have free will, can do anything we like. There is no set schedule for when things must happen, and timing doesn’t count for a lot of things. But there are some that may bring us hardship if we do them out of order. If we buy a car before we have the money to make the payments, we will struggle. If we take a job we’re unprepared for we may go down in flames. If we attempt an advanced course before taking the pre-requisites, we may fail. It’s like the old saying about putting the cart before the horse. If the horse isn’t in the front, it can’t pull the cart, and so we’re stuck. There are all kinds of ways to succeed at what we want to accomplish, and if we skip the preparation, or try to jump ahead, we might get there, but we won’t have all the tools we could have acquired along the way. We are intelligent and can see what is needed to reach success. Doing things in order will help pave the road ahead. Every goal is possible, and we can achieve anything we desire if we’re mindful and focus on what is required to win. We have all the wisdom we need to reach any destination.

Life is full of complications and unforeseen developments, and will bring us lots of challenges. Even if we make every single decision perfectly, there will still be tangles and trouble from time to time. There are lots of forces and people we may be unaware of who may be doing things that make our journey more difficult. We can’t control what life will bring us but we can control what we do. By taking our time and clearly looking at all the options possible before making a decision, we can move forward more easily and reach success.

Everyone wants to get to their goals with as little hassle as possible. We all want to lose ten pounds yesterday, or get that promotion we think we deserve immediately. Nothing worth having comes without effort. Wishing and hoping and dreaming of how things could be is just a distraction. Once we decide what we want, we can determine what is needed to make it ours, and then step forward to accomplish it. We are strong and capable, and nothing is out of reach. Every dream is possible, and we will make them ours.

Today think about putting things in order. Decide what you want and make a plan to achieve it. You are incredibly capable and there isn’t anything you can’t do. Stand strong and step forward with wisdom and focus. There is great success ahead just waiting for you. Be confident. You will win.

Big Red Line

31 Mar

Everyone has their own ideas about how life should go and what we should do. We all have our own personal preferences about everything in our lives. We like some things over others, and pattern our lives in ways that enable us to do what we prefer. There are endless expressions and unlimited varieties all around us. When we want something, we can clearly define what it is, what it looks like, how we’ll get it and thousands of other parameters. If we’re looking for a companion, we can define the traits we like the most and try to find someone who fits them but it’s important not to draw the lines too severely. We can narrow the field all we like, but the more lines we draw and parameters we set, the smaller the group of possibilities will be. If we say we will only date people who are tall and have red hair, and refuse to even consider anyone else, we will eliminate a lot of other potential candidates. If we further add they must work in a specific field, make a defined amount of money, drive a certain type of car, and dress in ways we find attractive, we may specify ourselves right out of success. It’s good to know what we want, but if we keep our options open and allow a wide scope, we have a better chance at finding what we want. Sometimes the perfect situation is completely different than we imagined it would be. By keeping our minds open to all possibilities, we can achieve anything we desire. Every success is possible in every arena of our lives. We have what we need to find them, and with clarity and patience, we will reach them all.

When we’re facing a big decision and look at all the options before us, we may quickly discard some because we don’t like them, or they look too hard to manage. The first look at something can never tell us all the facts. New and uncharted roads may seem daunting at first, but if we take one step closer, and then another, we may find what looked impossible at first is within reach. Throwing ideas away before we find out what they have to offer may keep us from the best roads ahead. We are intelligent and highly capable. There isn’t anything we can’t understand and manage.

The past can never predict the future. If we’ve had a bad experience with something we might avoid anything that looks like it or reminds us of it as we move forward. Life isn’t a record that repeats over and over again. We need not limit anything because of a previous loss. One failure cannot keep us from success. It doesn’t matter what happened before, everything is still possible. Each day brings new opportunities for success, and with determination and focus, we can make them ours.

Today if you’ve been drawing a big red line around things you will not do, think about expanding your vision. You are incredibly capable and powerful, and nothing is too difficult or complex for you to understand. Be open to new ideas, and courageously step forward. The world is full of possibilities and everything is on the table. Every success is there for you. Keep your eyes open and they will all be yours.

Missing the Boat

18 Mar

There are endless opportunities in life. They come around constantly and if we see them and are in a position to take advantage of them, we can change our direction and aim for a new goal. The trick is looking for them and being ready when they show up. Our lives are often busy and we may have lots of details and responsibilities to attend to and accomplish. We may go here and there, concentrating on the next task on our list and never look up to see what’s around us. It happens. Life is all about change and our situations are constantly in flux. If we want a change and are hoping for something to happen that gives us the opening we need, but we aren’t paying attention, it may come and go and we never even notice. We may miss the boat doing other things. When we realize what’s happened, we might think our chance of success is over. We weren’t ready, we weren’t aware and now the opportunity has passed us by. But life has a way of looping around and missing one chance doesn’t mean the journey is over. There will be another boat. Another possibility will come, and when it does, we can be ready. There will never be only one way to success, or only one road available. We have endless chances to do whatever we desire, and every dream will always be there for us. Once we decide what we want, we can do what is needed to begin toward the goal. We are intelligent, wise and capable, and when we’re ready nothing is out of reach.

If we’ve put something off we’ve wanted for a long time, we may think it’s too late now to try. We might think we’re too old, our lives are settled into a pattern that would be too hard to change, or we aren’t sure we have what it takes or a million other reasons. We never have to do anything we don’t want to do, but if there is something we truly desire, if we’re willing to do what is necessary to make it ours – no matter where we are or what’s happening – we can succeed. It’s never too late to work toward our dreams and create the lives we want the most. We deserve complete happiness and have everything we need to achieve it.

Every culture and society has its norms. There may be pressure for us to stay where we are and continue doing the same things because that’s the way it’s been done over time. Traditions are powerful, but we are in control of our lives. We don’t have to continue on the same roads with everyone else or follow along just to keep the peace. We can design our lives any way we like and achieve any goal we desire. By trusting ourselves and stepping forward with confidence and clarity, we can do anything and find great satisfaction.

Today if you’ve missed the chance to do something you desire, do not despair. Nothing stays the same forever and the doors will open for you. Every success is possible and you are capable of accomplishing anything. Keep your eyes on the goal and step forward, sure and confident. There isn’t anything you can’t do, and you can make your dreams come true.

Standing Around and Waiting

21 Jan

Life is filled with opportunities and there are always roads to travel and places to go. Everyone has their own ideas about what they want to accomplish and the destinations they want to reach. We can decide to do whatever we desire, make a plan and set forth determined to reach the goal. We’re in complete control of everything we do, but that is all. Other people may make decisions that stand in our way, situations may develop we don’t expect, and the road may turn away from us. Things are constantly changing, and although we may be very clear on what we want to do, we may face times when it seems everything is working against us. The door ahead may be closed and shut down and we might get stopped in our tracks. We can’t move ahead, and we’re stuck. What happens next is up to us. We can stand around and wait for things to change and just stay in place until that happens. Maybe it’ll take an hour, or a day, or a week, or a month or longer. We may remain for as long as we like. We may believe if we’re just patient, and wait, eventually the situation will change and we’ll be able to push through. That might happen, but how long it takes for that to come is undefined. In the meantime, our lives will continue on and if we do nothing but wait, the goals we desire will wait as well. Life goes on even if we stand still. There is no way to predict the future, or when our lives will change. Instead of standing around and waiting for an opening, we can set the goal aside and move onto something else. Nothing stays the same forever, and in time, we can return and try again. Our lives are important, and time is precious. By doing all we can to continue forward, no matter what is in the way, we will find great success. We can trust ourselves to choose the next best step, and move toward our dreams.

Nobody knows everything and there may come a time when we need someone else’s help or assistance to reach a specific goal. We may ask them for advice or guidance, and they may be happy to help. But we’re all busy and sometimes the help we need may not be available right away. We can be patient and wait for things to change, but while we wait, it isn’t necessary to stop our forward progression. We can continue moving ahead with something new, and step forward with confidence toward our next destination.

It takes courage and determination to step forward toward something new. Although we know what we want, we may be unsure about beginning the journey. Nobody knows what lies ahead or what the next turn will bring, and if we’re not confident, we may decide to wait. Simply standing and waiting will do nothing to change our situation. If we’re unsure, we can look into all the possibilities, and make a solid plan. Once we’ve decided how we’ll proceed, we can begin. It doesn’t matter what complications may come, we will handle them. There isn’t anything we can’t do and nothing is strong enough to keep us from success.

Today if you’ve been waiting for something to change so you can move forward, remember how strong and capable you are. If the road ahead isn’t available right now, move onto something else. Nothing is permanent, and when things change you’ll be able to start again and reach success. You have everything you need to do anything you desire. Trust yourself and be wise. Everything is there for you and you will make your dreams come true.