Archive | April, 2017

Finding David

28 Apr

We’ve probably all heard the story of David and Goliath. David was a normal sized man who came up against Goliath, a mean and vicious giant. Goliath tried to kill David and if were only a matter of size and strength would have succeeded. But David was skilled with a slingshot and in the midst of being pursued, sent a rock sailing through the air that hit Goliath in the head and killed him. When we think about this story we may marvel at David’s ability to keep his wits about him while being chased by a murdering giant, and being able to steady himself enough to make the shot that saved his life. While it’s unlikely we will ever be in the same sort of circumstance, we may face times in our lives when we feel we are being pursued or overtaken by something far bigger than we are that is threatening and making us afraid and unsure. It might a person who has power over us or a situation we can’t control. Whatever the threat, we may feel it’s too big for us to overcome. No matter what the issue or how powerful the other players are, we always have choices about what we will do. We can run and hide if we decide the fight is too strong but hiding from our problems will never solve them. We can pretend the issue isn’t a big deal and look the other way, but ignoring issues doesn’t solve them either. In the end, the only way to address whatever is disturbing our peace is to face it head on. Like David, we have to stop and turn around, and look right at the head of the problem. There isn’t any issue too hard for us to face and solve. We have enough courage and wisdom to manage anything that comes. We can find the David within us, face our problems, consider our options and find the way forward that brings us success.

There are some people who want to control others and situations. They need to have the final say, they demand their way be honored and they want to be in charge of where things are going. When we must work with them we may find it hard to be heard and if we push against them, they may aggressively constrict our efforts and exert pressure upon us. If we strongly believe in our views we may struggle with them before decisions are reached. Although it may be uncomfortable to disagree, our opinions are valuable and we deserve to be heard. We can state our case and press for what is important. We have all the strength and courage we need to proceed and win.

We may face a painful situation where we have little or no control over the outcome. If there is nothing we can do to mitigate the problem we may need to simply endure. It’s hard to wait through hard times when we have no control. But even as we wait we can exercise the courage to be still, and the wisdom to listen. If our only option is to endure well, we can still choose the best course forward and succeed.

Today if you’re facing a threatening situation and you feel apprehensive, find the David within you. You have all the courage you need to face anything you must. Reach for it and be strong. You are secure and capable. Look ahead, aim high, and push forward. There is nothing too big for you to overcome.

Not Getting Up

27 Apr

We all experience good times and bad times as we navigate through our lives.  Sometimes it seems we can do no wrong and every choice we make brings a positive result.  Other times we may face situations that fail no matter what we try.  We all face moments when everything goes wrong.  Everyone falls down from time to time but falling down never means failure.  Failure comes if we decide not to get back up.  If we decide we’ve had enough and quit, if we turn away and give up, only then do we fail.  We can accomplish anything we want to do if we are willing to do what it takes to get it done.  Some plans don’t work out, sometimes we struggle trying to find the way through and sometimes the situation is far more complex than we knew at the beginning.  We can always change our plans and choose another road.  We are in control of our lives and if our first choice doesn’t work out we may decide to change our plans.  Making a change isn’t the same as giving up.  Giving up happens when we really want to achieve something, and quit.  It’s always possible to modify our way forward but we will never find success if we stop trying.  There really isn’t anything we can’t do but we have to be courageous enough to face the wind and determined enough to modify our direction when complications arise.  We have all the courage and determination we need and if we press forward, no matter what comes, we will win.

There is no way to know what will come to us in the future.  We can try to prepare for unplanned eventualities and complications but sometimes the road takes a hard turn we aren’t ready for.  Even if we find ourselves in foreign territory and are unsure which way to go we can regroup and take the time needed to find the way forward.  We are smarter and more capable than we think we are and we have everything we need to succeed.  If we trust ourselves and take our time we can work miracles and change the course of any path until we reach the destination.  No matter how many times we fall, we can get up and start again.

If the road has been long and difficult and we feel the fatigue of the struggle, we can step back for a time and rest.  Most goals we want to achieve don’t have stringent timeframes attached to them.  If we need a break we can take it.  After we feel restored and ready we may begin the journey again.  With diligence and continual effort forward we will reach the destination we are seeking.  We have enough strength to go keep going and we will win.

Today if you’ve been struggling trying to move forward and you’ve fallen down, get back up.  Take a moment to step back and think about the way forward.  There is no road too long for you and no complication too difficult for you to solve.  You can do anything.  You can work miracles.  Remember who you are and pull from the strength inside you.  You have everything you need to win.  Nothing can stop your success.


26 Apr

Made in exact imitation of something valuable or important with the intention to deceive.  Bing

When we want or need to purchase something, we seek out the best options available.  We don’t want something that looks like what we need but turns out to be something else entirely.  If it looks like the genuine article but when we try it we discover it’s a counterfeit version we will have to try again.  We may be deceived by appearance but true authenticity will show itself over time.  Although we may not intentionally deceive others, sometimes we may deceive ourselves into believing things are different than they really are.  We may create counterfeit emotions or pretend our lives are one way when actually they are another way entirely.  If we’re in a relationship that isn’t making us happy but we’ve been involved for a long time or there are outside pressures to keep it going we may convince ourselves we are fine.  If we’re in a job that is unsatisfying but others think it’s perfect for us we may choose to go along and pretend we are content.  True happiness can only come if we are completely honest with ourselves.  If we play the counterfeit game we may get by for a time, but real happiness will elude us.  We deserve to be completely happy and we can change our lives any time we’re ready and start a new path.  We can face reality as it is and decide to do what is needed to be happy.  Our happiness is our responsibility and we have everything we need to achieve it.

When hard decisions are upon us we may refuse to acknowledge them and brush them off quickly, hoping they will work out on their own.  If we must face difficult problems we may only glance at them and then look the other way pretending they are something different than they really are.  We can live our lives in a dream state that keeps us from facing reality.  But reality is where we live and it remains whether we face it or not.  We have enough courage to face anything that comes to us and there is nothing too difficult for us to resolve.

Sometimes when other people are involved and our decisions will impact them, we may choose to go along instead of doing what is best for us.  We may be able to keep that going for a while but eventually our true desires will demand attention.  What we really want and who we really are will need to be addressed.  When we’re ready we can honestly and courageously do what is needed to move forward.  Our lives belong to us and we may design them any way we choose.  We don’t have to be counterfeit.  We are perfect being exactly who we are and we deserve every happiness.  Trusting ourselves and being honest will help us find it.

Today if you’ve been pretending you are happier than you are and going along with something you don’t want to do, be honest and take the first step toward what you really want.  Be yourself and choose what is best for you.  You deserve the very best of everything and there is complete happiness waiting for you.  Go get it.

True Competition

25 Apr

There are all kinds of ways to compare ourselves to the world. We can determine how we measure up to performance standards we admire, notions of beauty we desire, levels of success we strive for and thousands of other ideas. Although we may compare ourselves with others, our true competition is within ourselves. It doesn’t matter what anyone else achieves, how much they acquire, or what they define as success. We are the ones who determine what success is in our lives. If we emulate someone else’s achievements we may get closer to the goal we’re seeking but our personal success is unique to us. We must define true accomplishment in our own lives. Each of us has specific and unique talents and gifts we bring to the world. We will not find success by trying to give the world something we don’t possess. Understanding who we are and what gifts we offer will help us find our way to the lives we want most. We don’t need to compare ourselves against the accomplishments of others. We may set our own goals and standards and achieve them our own way. The world may set all kinds of ideals for what it defines as success, but true success comes when we give our best, no matter the outcome. We are the only ones who can truly judge our performance. We are our true competition.

There are a lot of ideas and opinions about what success looks like. Some believe it’s a reflection of material possessions and the more we have the more successful we are. Others think it has to do with power and having control over many people. Still others equate it only with money with the goal to have a lot of it. But we define what true success is in our lives. There is no success greater than doing our best to live the lives we most want. We determine what that looks like and only we can decide if we are accomplishing the goal. Our competition lies within us and the choices we make every day. What others think really doesn’t matter.

We live with ourselves every single day. There is no way to escape the choices we make or the decisions we choose. If we aren’t living in ways that bring us satisfaction and happiness we can change. True happiness is available to everyone but we must make decisions needed to bring it to us. We can compare ourselves to everyone around us, to what others think we should do, and try to model our lives after examples we admire. But real happiness will only come when we do what is best for us. We don’t have to compete with what others define as successful. We can define it for ourselves.

Today if you’ve been trying to measure up to someone else’s ideas and competing with those around you, remember only you know what makes you happy. Make choices that bring you the personal successes you seek. You know the perfect path forward. Choose it, and you will find joy as you move forward. Every success you desire will become a reality. Real happiness is there for you and you can have it.

Straight Lines

24 Apr

When we want to be successful at something and are working hard to make things happen and push us ahead, we may expect our progress to move forward in a straight line.  If we’re diligently focusing it seems feasible to expect to make continual progress toward the destination.  It would be great if the line from where we are to where we want to go was straight and pointed up all the time.  We can achieve any goal we set our minds to but expecting to get there without delays or detours may not be what we experience.  Things happen, people make decisions, plans change and we may have to go sideways or even turn back a few steps to get back on track.  Success rarely comes easily and generally requires us to rethink, retool, and redirect from time to time.  We can plan and prepare and even if we’re sure the way forward is paved and clear, problems may arise that stop us in our tracks and force us to change our plans.  If the goal we’re seeking is important and we are determined to succeed, we can continue on no matter what complications come.  It may not come easily, the road may not be straight and the way forward may get dark from time to time.  We have enough courage and wisdom to find our way when things go wrong, and we are smart enough and strong enough to do what is needed to find success.

Some goals seem simple when we begin.  We know where we want to go and the road to get there is obvious and clear.  As we plan our way forward we may believe the goal will be easy to achieve.  Sometimes we are right, everything goes exactly as expected and we get to the destination with little struggle or time.  But other times, even if we’ve planned well and are sure the road we want to travel is available and ready for us, things may go awry.  There may be someone making decisions that block our way forward, or things change and the road we planned to travel is no longer available.  We may have to stop and find a new way to get to the destination.

Roadblocks and detours give us the opportunity to stop and think about our way forward again.  Sometimes when we stop in the middle of a journey we find better and easier roads to travel than we saw at the beginning.  We may find the detour points us in a direction previously unknown that gets us to the goal more quickly.  Every problem brings with it information that helps us going forward.  If we embrace the situation and take time to evaluate everything while we’re stopped, we may find answers we’ve been seeking.  There isn’t any goal we can’t achieve.  We have everything we need to find our way forward no matter how complicated the road becomes.  We are wise and powerful, and nothing can stop us from the success we desire.

Today if you’ve been pushing forward and there have been complications that stop your progress, take a moment to look around and see the whole picture.  There are answers there and you will find the way forward.  You can do anything.  There is nothing too complicated or difficult for you to overcome.  Rethink the road ahead and keep going.  Success is waiting for you and you will have it.