Archive | March, 2019

Loud Voices

29 Mar

We live in the world with billions of other people. They come from all kinds of different backgrounds, and believe countless different things. Their opinions are important to them and if they’re passionate about what they think is right, they may be very loud and persistent in an effort to make others follow along. They may tell those around them what they should eat, what they should believe, what they should do, how to act or countless other things. We’re all entitled to our own ideas and perspectives and can live our lives any way we like, but we don’t have the authority to command others to embrace our choices. We all have the gift and privilege or free agency and can make any decisions we desire. We don’t need to do anything someone else’s way or follow anyone else’s ideas or beliefs. Our lives are ours to design and we can live them any way we like, even if it’s different from those around us. There isn’t one perfect way to live. There are endless expressions and interpretations of every facet of life. We can make our own choices and let others choose what’s best for them. Demanding sameness and conformity will only suffocate and repress free expression and ingenuity. Every choice has its own benefits and drawbacks, and we can make them independently, regardless of what’s going on around us. We can listen to the opinions of others, and then choose for ourselves. We know who we are and what we want. We can live our lives in ways that bring us the blessings we seek and take us where we want to go. Our wisdom and insight will guide us along, and with focus and determination, we can have the lives we dream about.

It’s easy to do things when everyone is in agreement. If we’re all on the same page and embrace the same goals, we can move forward with little distraction or division. It’s fine to go along with something if it moves us further down the road we want to travel, but we need never succumb to conformity if it’s not what we want. We are valuable and worthwhile, and have gifts to offer nobody else can bring. The world is enhanced because we are here and we can be confident is being exactly who we are.

Opinions come and go, trends change and ideas modify as time passes. What was popular before may be passé now and what was considered all the rage last year may be a forgotten memory. It doesn’t matter what others are doing or how much importance they put on fitting in. We can decide what works for us and what we want. Our uniqueness and individuality bring depth and flavor to every situation. There isn’t now, nor has there ever been, anyone else like us. We can share who we are and make decisions that take us where we want to go and give us the lives we desire.

Today if there is pressure from those around you to conform, remember you are awesome and valuable just as you are. You don’t have to go along with anything you don’t want. The whole world is blessed because you are here and your presence enhances us all. You are amazing. Be confident and decide what you want most. Make decisions that will bring you the life you dream about and happiness will be yours.

Detour Ahead

28 Mar

Everyone has an idea of how their lives should go and what they should do. If our experiences move us in the direction we want to go, we may be confident and happy we’re on the right track. But life is filled with lots of uncertainties and there may be times when something takes us away from the direction we want to travel. We can’t control what other people do and sometimes their choices knock us off track. There are always circumstances beyond our reach that may affect us, and we may end up going in the opposite direction until we can address the situation we’re in and start again. We can get to any destination we desire but it likely won’t come in a straight, uninterrupted path. Problems may develop, there may be something in the way, or we may be pulled from our focus to attend to a critical situation. There are endless complications that may prevent us from advancing but nothing lasts forever, and eventually we’ll be able to redirect our attention back to the goals we want to achieve. Nothing is permanent and there will always be another chance to start again. With renewed focus and determination, we can succeed in reaching anything we desire. Life is busy and can get in the way, but we’re in control of what we do and can plan our time effectively to ensure we accomplish what is most important. Nothing can keep us from having the lives we desire. All our dreams can come true if we’re persistent and continue forward. We can have the lives we want and nothing can stop our success.

If a lot of distractions and problems have taken us away from the road we want to be on, and a lot of time has elapsed, we may think it’s too late to get to the goal. Our situation may change, we may be in a new location or surrounded by different people, or circumstances may have evolved that make the road ahead harder to find. We can always let go of any goal we like, but if it’s still important it doesn’t matter what’s happened or what’s in the way. We can still reach success if we decide it’s what we want. We have all the wisdom and intelligence we need to figure out any complication and find the way forward. Nothing can keep us from our dreams.

It would be great if we could reach a goal every time we’re ready, but few things go perfectly the first time we try. We only know where we are and can’t see what lies ahead. There may be unexpected turns, or doors that are locked away, and we may have to revise our plans more than once. Every goal is possible but they won’t all come easily. Things may go wrong and there may be a detour or a roadblock, but we can trust that there will always be a way through. We have all the courage and self-confidence we need to push beyond any complication and find the way forward. Nothing is too far to reach and we will succeed.

Today if you’re been pulled from the road that leads to your goal, be patient and keep your eyes focused ahead. No complication lasts forever and you can start again. Every dream is possible and nothing can keep you from success. You are strong and wise, and can do anything. Nothing is too difficult for you to manage. All your dreams can come true and you can have the life you desire.

Do Over

27 Mar

We all have many skills that help us get through the various things we must accomplish every day. We’re good at some things, expert at a few things, and some things may be new or foreign to us. We get what comes without regard to the skill set we currently possess and sometimes we may be lost trying to figure out what we’re supposed to do or how to solve a problem we’re facing. We can evaluate all the options we can see and try our best to move ahead, but we may get hung up or choose a solution that doesn’t work and have to start again. If the problem is complex, we may have to start over more than once until we can solve it and let it go. A do over isn’t an indication that we’re not smart enough to manage the issue or that we’re in over our heads. It just means we’ve discovered that the first thing we tried, or the second, or the third, didn’t work and we get to try again. All the knowledge we gain from our successes and our failures is valuable and will help us in the future. Perfection may be the goal but it will rarely be the achievement. We can be confident that no matter how complicated or difficult the task is, or how convoluted the problem we’re facing, we’ll find our way through. We’re smart enough and brave enough to continue forward until we reach success. Life is all about learning and every day brings us something new to challenge and teach us. There isn’t anything we can’t do and with determination and patience can solve any problem that arises. Nothing is beyond our reach and we’ll find all the answers we need to prevail.

We are far more capable than we may imagine. We sometimes think we could never do a certain task but when it appears before us, we find a way to accomplish it. They say necessity is the mother of invention, and when we’re in a foreign situation and must find our way through, we can figure out what needs to be done to manage it effectively. We have all the intelligence and resources we need to find the answers and move forward, and can be confident we’ll succeed even in the most daunting situations. We are strong enough and wise enough to solve any problem before us.

If we’re intimidated by something and overwhelmed trying to understand the situation, we may believe it’s impossible to solve. Our fight or flight reflex may kick in and prompt us to run for our lives. It’s hard to think when there is serious trepidation or we’re in a panic. Before we throw our hands up and surrender, we can stop, look at everything clearly and take the first small step toward resolving the issue. Once that is done, we can take the second and eventually, even the most devastating problem will be solved. We are powerful and wise, and can find our way through anything that arises. Success is always possible and we will find it.

Today if you’ve been working a problem and you’ve hit an impasse, don’t give up. Review all the possibilities before you and try again. The answers are there for you and you will find them. There isn’t anything too complex or difficult for you to solve. You are powerful and intelligent, and have everything you need to succeed. Be confident. You will prevail.

Inside Out

26 Mar

There are all kinds of ideas, interpretations, scenarios, and concepts all around us all the time. Everyone has their own perspective about what’s happening and how things should go. If we believe our viewpoint is the only one that’s correct, it may keep us from seeing other ideas even if they’re pertinent and valuable. That’s fine if our idea is the only one we need and we control the situation, but if we’re working with others, and must collaborate, it will be necessary to open our minds to what they offer. We may uncover information that will help us move forward, but not everyone will have our best interests at heart. We may be in a situation where someone appears to be trying to help but are only pushing us toward something they desire. They may manipulate the facts to sell their point in an effort to convince us to follow their lead. There are countless ways to accomplish any goal and we can certainly hear every perspective and suggestion. We can be open to new ideas and find a new, and improved path to follow but we must also validate each option before proceeding. We don’t know what we don’t know and there is no way to comprehend everything around us. Everyone has their own slant on each situation and every perspective can evaluated on its own terms. We can be confident and trust that we can discern between truth and fiction. We can listen to other ideas, determine the value of their suggestions and then proceed. We are intelligent and capable, and success is always possible. Every road is open and we can reach any destination we desire by listening carefully and choosing what works.

Truth will always rise no matter how it’s colored, bent, or manipulated. It’s more powerful than any deception but while we’re finding our way, it’s possible to be convinced of a lie. Some people may be determined to push us in one direction and make us believe something untrue to advance their agenda. If we trust or admire them, or they are close to us personally, we may fall victim to their plan. When the truth becomes apparent, we may feel completely inside out and confused. Despite the deception, we can trust ourselves to step forward with confidence knowing we will find the way ahead. We can learn from the situation and reach success.

We live in the real world with real facts and consequences. There may be times when something in our lives is hard to accept. We may desperately want things to be different than they are, and may decide to create a reality that’s easier to swallow and more what we desire. Living in a dream state may make us feel better temporarily but truth will persist and in time, if we want to move forward, we’ll have to accept it. Things don’t always go the way we want them to. We can accept what is real and then proceed forward with determination.

Today if you’re struggling to find your way, remember you are wise and capable. You can recognize what is real and true, and will know how to proceed. You know what you want and have everything you need to reach your goals. Choose the best road ahead and move toward your dreams. Everything is possible and nothing is out of reach. All your dreams are waiting for you. Step forward and claim them.

The Other Side

25 Mar

There are all kinds of things that can happen as we go through our days. We may be surprised by a turn of events that stops us in our tracks, or discover upon reaching a goal that things aren’t exactly as we thought. We never know what lies ahead and even when we plan carefully, something may come out of left field that knocks us off our game. Lots of things can change and without warning, the road may turn and take us somewhere we never intended to go. We can chart our course ahead but when we’re on one side of the coin it’s impossible to see the other. Life is filled with possibilities and change is constant. Just when we’re sure we know what to expect everything may shift and we may suddenly find ourselves in foreign territory. It may be unsettling or confusing at first, but we are capable of adjusting and managing any changes that come. There isn’t only one road to any destination and if there’s a detour ahead or the door we need to walk through is blocked, we can find another way forward. Keeping our focus on the ultimate goal will help us handle any complications along the way. The road may get rocky and we may get lost momentarily but we are intelligent and wise and will find success. We can go anywhere and do anything. We have overcome many obstacles already and have the skills and insight we need to move forward. The whole world is there for us and the possibilities are endless. We can be confident in our ability to succeed and find our way.

We’re in control of our lives and can design them any way we like. We can keep them small and stay within close boundaries where we feel comfortable and safe. It’s easy to maintain a routine where we know all the players and what to expect. Repeating the same patterns may give us comfort but can never bring something new that will challenge and engage us. We can trust ourselves to stretch beyond what is easy and try for something more. We have so much to offer and are capable of accomplishing great things. Reaching beyond what we know will bring us great confidence and increase our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

We never know what we’re capable of until our limits are tested. We may think there is something we could never do but then in a great time of need discover we can accomplish it. We are capable of far more than we think we are. We’re strong and have all the courage we need to face anything. Our resilience and intelligence will help us move forward and nothing is beyond our reach. We can accomplish any goal we desire. We can set our sights as high as we like and then find success. Nothing is too difficult or complicated for us to figure out and we can make all our dreams come true.

Today if the road you’ve been on has turned and you aren’t sure you can find your way, trust yourself. The other side is already there waiting for you. You have everything you need to find the way forward. Be determined and have confidence. You know what you want and you will succeed. Keep moving forward. All your dreams are possible and you are strong enough and wise enough to reach them, and make them come true.