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The End is Near

26 Aug

We’ll go through countless different experiences and scenarios as we navigate through our lives. We will build relationships, make connections, work with others, and learn a lot about who we are and how the world works. We can’t predict the future and there is no way to know what will happen next. Change is the only thing we can count on. No matter where we are or what we’re doing, eventually our situation will change. Nothing can stay the same forever, and although we may intellectually recognize this, it isn’t always easy to accept the changes when they appear. Our relationships are important, and it feels good when they’re going well. If both parties are invested in keeping the relationship strong, and willing to do what it takes to stay connected, they may last our entire lifetimes. But not every relationship will survive the test of time. People change and those changes may move us further apart instead of holding us close. Saying goodbye when we don’t want to leave can be heartbreaking. We may try to do anything to salvage the situation, and that might work, but there will be times when no matter what we do, the die is cast, and our lives are headed in a new direction. Unless our next move brings us greater advancement and joy, endings are rarely easy. When the winds of change blow over our lives, and we’re facing a new reality, we may feel unsettled and unsure. However, we are wise and strong, and can find our way through whatever comes. Success will always be there for us, and every dream is still possible. By trusting ourselves, and believing in our ability to succeed, we can step forward with confidence and clarity.

When we’re happy and everything is working out, it would be great if we could freeze time. If we could just stop everything and stay where we are we would never have to worry. But this is real life, and we only have control over our own decisions. Events beyond our reach will happen, and our lives will eventually be impacted. If we’re facing the end of something we love and value, we may believe that’s it. The new road is just too hard to face and we’ll never survive. That will never be true. We are capable of managing whatever we must, and in time, with patience and determination, we’ll forge a new path and find happiness again.

The first day of a new situation is like a blank page. Nothing has yet been written, and every option is possible. We can decide how we want to proceed, and start to create the life we dream about. By opening new doors, and trying something new, we will find great refreshment and excitement. There are endless possibilities and we can do anything. Every single destination is there for us, and we will reach them all.

Today if you’re facing the end of something you don’t want to lose, stand strong and look ahead. Turning the page is just the beginning of something wonderful. You are amazing and talented, and nothing can keep you from anything you desire. Step forward with strength and confidence. The whole world is there for you, and you will find great success.

Not Moving In

2 Apr

We all have ups and downs in our lives and will suffer from disappointment or discouragement from time to time. Life can be challenging and difficult, and if we’re suffering, we may find great comfort in sharing our despair with someone who cares. Getting support and sympathy from someone else can make us feel better and help us continue on. Others may come to us for encouragement when they’re struggling, and we can be there with a listening ear and a kind word. Being supportive is helpful, but it doesn’t mean we’ll take the burden away and carry it ourselves. We can visit and share the load, but we don’t have to move in and take over. Those who are suffering may want to hand the issue over to us and leave it behind, but we all have trouble, and nobody wants to take on more. If we care deeply about them, we may really try to help, but everyone is responsible for finding their own answers and solving their own problems. It’s not fun to suffer and go through hard times, and we may face very difficult issues, but we gain much as we unravel and untangle them and find the way through. Our greatest lessons come from adversity, and as we solve each problem we are enriched and learn more about ourselves and the world around us. We have everything we need to do anything we must. There isn’t a problem too complex or too difficult for us to solve. We are highly capable, and can trust that no matter what is happening, no matter how convoluted and twisted the issue is, we can find the way through. Life is filled with possibilities and nothing can hold us down forever. We are stronger and wiser than we may imagine, and every answer is already there for us. By being confident in times of discomfort and despair, and trusting ourselves, we will prevail. Every goal is possible, and nothing is out of reach.

Some people get overwhelmed more easily than others. When things go wrong, they become unsure of themselves, and struggle to keep going. They may worry they will fall and never be able to rise again but that will never be true. Even in our darkest moments, there will be light ahead. No storm can last forever, and the sun will always rise again. Difficult times will come to us all, and we may be overwhelmed and unsure for a time, but with focus and clarity we will find the road ahead. All our dreams will still be there waiting for us, and we can step forward and claim them.

If we’re in a relationship with someone who needs a lot of support and attention, we may spend all our time helping them get through and sacrifice our own desires and goals. It’s good to be helpful, but we’re all responsible for our own lives. If we fix every problem for someone else, they lose the opportunity to learn and grow by solving them themselves. Instead of opening all the doors for them, we can stand side by side and encourage them to step forward on their own.

Today if you’ve been leaning on someone else to get through a personal issue, trust yourself. You are powerful and strong, and nothing can overcome you. Be confident and stand tall. Every answer is there for you and you will find the way forward. All your dreams are possible, and there is great happiness ahead.

Closing the Book

18 Feb

When we read a book, we open our minds to new ideas that increase our understanding of the world and those around us. We enjoy the learning and when we’re finished, can close the book, and put it on a shelf where it may remain. In our lives we’ll have millions of experiences. Some of the lessons will be fun and enjoyable, but others might bring sadness, and heartbreak. Each is important, and as we move forward, we can draw on all we’ve learned to help us as we move ahead. A new challenge may be similar to something we’ve already gone through, and like pulling a book back off the shelf, we can remember what happened and how we navigated it, looking for clues that will assist us now. That’s helpful when we prevailed before, but if what happened was left unresolved and painful, opening it back up may flood us with difficult emotions. We may be temporarily paralyzed as we recall everything that went wrong and how much it hurt. It may feel like we’ve been transported back in time and are going through it all over again. The past is gone, and we are in complete control of what we’re doing now. We can step back and objectively view what has happened and look at where we are. No memory can keep us in place. We are strong and can do anything we like. Every book has a lesson, and when we’re ready, we can close it, and move on. We’re in control of our lives and our future is ours to design. Life is filled with challenges, but nothing can keep us from anything we desire. Remembering how strong and capable we are, and trusting ourselves to prevail no matter what comes, enables us to step forward, confident we will succeed.

When we cut ourselves, our bodies respond immediately to heal the cut and create a scar. At first, scars are thick and tough, but over time they smooth out and flatten to blend in with the surrounding skin. It’s the same when an experience hurts us. In the beginning, we may put up barriers to prevent from being injured further, but as time passes, as we begin to trust we can let those walls come down a little. It’s good to protect ourselves, but if we want to build connections and create relationships, we must be willing to start again.

If we’ve suffered through a terrible experience that has hurt us deeply, we may decide to retreat and try to keep to ourselves. Avoiding relationships and isolating ourselves may make us feel safer but will not guarantee we’ll never be hurt again. Instead of hiding we can remember all the times we’ve overcome adversity in the past and trust ourselves to manage anything that happens. We are more powerful than we realize, and nothing can keep us from moving forward.

Today if you’re going through something that brings back a past disappointment, remember how strong and capable you are. Close the book on what has passed, and step forward with confidence. You are more wise and powerful than you imagine, and nothing can keep you from success. Trust yourself. The best is yet to come.

Lost and Turned Around

26 Oct

There are endless roads we can travel and unlimited places to go. We can choose any destination we desire and go anywhere we like. We may feel confident of success when we take our first steps toward a new goal, but there is no way to know what we’ll face as we progress. Sometimes the journey is easy, and we reach the destination quickly and with few complications. But nobody gets a paved road every time, and we’ll likely face moments of confusion where we’re disoriented and not sure which way to go. It’s easy to find our way when we’re familiar with the road ahead, but striking out for something new may take us through foreign territory and we may get lost as we try to push through. When the scenery is new, and every path looks the same, we may get confused and turned around. It may take time and effort to figure out the best way forward, but we are capable and will find it. Getting lost doesn’t mean we can’t reach the destination. We are certainly intelligent and wise enough to discern where we are, and uncover how to proceed. If we take a wrong turn, we can correct our course. If we end up going the wrong direction, we can turn around and start again. Nothing is impossible and every goal is within our reach. We can trust ourselves that no matter how complicated the journey gets we’ll find all the answers we need to reach success. Life is full of twists and turns and we may face moments of doubt and uncertainty. When they come, we can step back and look at all the possibilities before us. The answers will always be there for us, and nothing can keep us from success.

If we’re involved with someone we care about and they have a lot of influence over us, it’s possible they may steer us in directions we haven’t chosen for ourselves. We may follow any advice we’re given and go where we’re directed, but nobody knows us better than we know ourselves. Following someone else’s plan will never take us where we want to go. We can chart our own course and make our own decisions, confident we will reach every destination.

Starting out toward something new takes courage. If we’re afraid of what might happen and unsure we can succeed, we may delay taking the first step forward. There is no way to know how things will go, and we might face some serious complications, and get lost along the way. One thing is certain – if we stand still in fear, we’ll go nowhere and never achieve our dreams. We deserve the lives we desire most, and have all the courage and wisdom we need to make them ours. By trusting ourselves and stepping forward with confidence, we can make all our dreams come true.

Today if you’ve gotten turned around and are unsure how to proceed, stop and look at everything objectively. The road ahead is there for you and you will find the way forward. Every dream is waiting and with focus and determination you will make them yours. Nothing can keep you from success. You are amazing and capable, and will prevail.


2 Jun

As we go through our lives, we make many connections and alliances with those around us. We build relationships and friendships, and when they are positive, they embellish our lives and bring us joy and comfort. Each time we connect with someone, we create an anchor of some sort. If the connection is beneficial, it will give us a stronger foundation and help us as we move forward. A personal relationship with someone who brings joy and support is an anchor we can lean on when times get tough. But not all anchors are helpful. If we have a job we don’t like, a personal relationship that isn’t working, a family situation that’s destructive, or any other difficult situation we remain in out of convenience or fear, we may find the anchors we build hold us down and keep us from our goals. Anchors can be very heavy, and we may find ourselves stuck in place, dealing with a situation that isn’t changing and will not help us advance. Our lives belong to us and we never have to stay in any position forever. We can let go of whatever is holding us back, and step forward on a new road that leads to the destinations we desire most. It doesn’t matter what others think or how they want us to proceed. We can do anything we desire. Each day is a blessing and once it’s gone, will never return. We have all the courage and wisdom we need to direct our lives any way we choose. By letting go of whatever is holding us in place, we can purposely choose the best road ahead, and move forward with confidence that we will succeed.

Traditions can be very powerful. When things have been done a certain way for a long time, and we want something else, we may face opposition from those around us. If our family holds onto specific situations and activities, and we want something different, conflict may arise. We never have to live our lives according to someone else’s ideas, and we can manage any complications that come. Our lives are ours to design, and we can let go of anything that keeps us from success. We are powerful and capable, and can do anything we desire. If we trust ourselves, we can be sure we’ll reach every destination we choose.

If someone near us is overwhelmed by a situation and we offer to help, they may try to dump the whole problem on us and walk away. We never have to carry anyone else’s load, or build an anchor that prevents us from moving forward. We can take care of our own lives, and make our own decisions. We know what we want to do and where we want to go. We can set down anything that holds us back, and make excellent decisions that help us move closer to our goals. Success is always there for us, and nothing can keep us from it.

Today if you’re stuck in place because of an anchor that will not let you move, remember you’re in control, and can change anything. Let go of whatever is holding you down, and step forward with confidence. You have so much to offer, and every success is possible. Have courage, and be sure. Success is already there for you. Step forward and claim it.