Archive | September, 2021

Looking Up

29 Sep

Life is full of challenges. We try to plan ahead but we never know what will happen next. Some days everything sails along and we feel fine. Things are going the way we want them to, and we feel confident and settled. But nothing lasts forever, and eventually everything will change. People may get in our way, problems may creep up, the landscape may change overnight, and all our plans may go up in smoke. Our situation may go from calm and positive to turbulent and critical in a moment’s notice. It’s hard to feel good when lots of things are going wrong. It’s hard to look ahead when we feel overwhelmed and pressed down. We may face our worst fears, and doubt our ability to survive, but all is never lost. No matter what happens, no matter what comes, no matter how bad it seems, there will always be a way out. We are strong enough to face anything and there isn’t anything powerful enough to stop us in our tracks permanently. By trusting ourselves, and looking at all the options before us, we can find the answers we need to continue forward. Hard times will come to all of us. We will be tested and pushed to our limits, but we will not break. By looking up and standing strong, we can step forward. Things may go wrong, everything may fall apart, but nothing can keep us from success. There will be a road waiting, and with patience and clarity, we will find our way.

Nobody gets a perfect life where nothing ever goes wrong and they never falter. We’re all human and all make mistakes at some point. When we’re struggling it may seem like someone else has it easy, and nothing negative ever happens to them, but we never know what’s going on in anyone else’s life. Everyone gets their share of hard times and trials, and nobody is exempt.

Life has a way of looping around and a mistake we made in the past may surface and trip us up when we least expect it. Nothing is permanent, but some decisions have lasting effects. If we’re reminded of something that didn’t go well, or some mistake we made, it doesn’t need to overcome us. The past does not define our future. We can learn from what is gone, and confidently move forward.

Today if you’re inundated with trouble and feel overwhelmed, look up. There are endless roads available and every destination is possible. Do what is needed to pave the way ahead, and step forward with clarity and confidence. Every success is waiting, and nothing can keep you from it. Your dreams are still there, and you will make them yours.


28 Sep

There are opposites in everything – black and white, good and evil, right and wrong. Whatever opinions or beliefs we hold, someone, somewhere will have an opposing view. Endless ideas and interpretations are everywhere and if we haven’t decided which way we’re going, we may be pulled in countless directions. We can listen to all the views around us and when we’re ready, decide what is best and how we want to proceed. Everyone is different and we will undoubtedly face times when our views clash with those around us. If everyone else is singing one song and we’re on another page, we will likely face conflict. We’re all entitled to our own beliefs and decisions, but that doesn’t mean the power of the group won’t come into play. It’s far easier to get to the goals desired if everyone agrees. When there is dissent, it can make the road a lot rockier. In an effort to make things easier for those around us, we may be pressured to go along and asked to conform with something we disagree with. Of course, we can do anything we like and if we want to acquiesce we can, but our ideas are important and we are entitled to express them any way we like. We never have to follow anyone else if we want something different. We can be polite and still be steadfast in our decisions. Our lives are ours to design, and we may live them any way we choose. We don’t need agreement or permission to choose our own way forward. By trusting ourselves, and being confident, we can step ahead on the roads we desire most, and find great success.

Some people are very loud and forceful. They believe their ideas are best and may press us to do things their way. Being loud may open some doors, but certainly doesn’t equate to having power over us. We can do what we like, even if it’s different from everyone else. There are countless roads to every destination, and we can choose the ones we’ll travel. Our dreams are ours alone. We can take control, choose our own direction, and move toward any destination we desire.

Group think squashes creativity and removes individual responsibility. Nobody makes their own decisions, and nobody gets blamed when things go wrong. Nothing could be more damaging to personal growth. It’s good to have friends and build connections, but we can connect with others and keep our own autonomy. We are all unique and have special, individual gifts nobody else can offer. By honoring our personal differences, and stepping forward according to our own specific desires, we will bring great depth and blessing to the world around us.

Today if you’re being pressured to align yourself with others, remember your contribution is important. Trust yourself and follow your own road. You have so much to offer and bring gifts nobody else can give. Be steadfast and confident. You are amazing and powerful. Your light brings great joy and we’re all blessed because you are here.


24 Sep

Everyone wants an easy life filled with happiness and good fortune. Nobody wants to go through hard times or suffer. We all want the roads ahead to be paved, and easy to traverse. It’s natural to want things to go well, and many times they will, but this is real life and not fantasy land. There will be few times when everything goes exactly the way we want it to, and we are blissfully happy. We will have wonderful moments filled with joy that bring us great fulfillment and satisfaction, but we’ll also likely have difficult times where we may struggle and feel serious pain. The betrayal of a friend or loved one, the loss of a relationship, the death of someone dear – all carry with them grief and suffering. When we feel crushed by the weight of sorrow or disappointment, we may feel we’ll never get through and believe there is no way we’ll ever survive. Serious pain and loss are very hard to bear. We may have to sit down and stay in place for a while as we cope and try to recover. Grief takes as long as it takes. There is no need to rush, and we can stand still for as long as we need to. Although we may be certain this is the end, and we are finished, that will never be true. No matter what has happened, no matter how bad the situation is, no matter how defeated we feel, the sun will rise again tomorrow. All the answers we need will be there for us. When we’re ready, we can take one step forward, and start again. We are stronger and more powerful than we think we are. Hard times may push us down, but nothing is powerful enough to stop us forever. Time will heal the pain, and clarity will return. Every blessing is there for us, and success is just ahead. By trusting ourselves, and taking our time, we will find the road forward.

When we’re on a road trip, if we get a flat tire, we aren’t doomed to remain by the side of the road forever. The trip does not end because something went wrong. We can do what is necessary to fix the problem and then continue on. If something dreadful happens that upends our lives and stops us cold, it doesn’t mean it’s the end. We aren’t endlessly frozen in time. Every problem has a solution. No matter how bad things seem or how dark it gets, the road ahead will still be there for us.

When something happens that rocks us deeply, we may feel broken and lost. Our whole world may turn upside down and everything we thought we could count on may disappear. That doesn’t mean our lives are over. By stepping back and looking at everything openly and objectively, we will find the way forward. There is great success waiting, and nothing can keep us from reaching it.

Today if something has knocked you down, and you feel crushed and broken, take the time you need to see everything clearly. This is just a passage, and cannot last forever. You are powerful and strong, and have everything you need to get through. Trust yourself and look ahead. All your dreams are still possible, and you will make them yours.


22 Sep

Life is complicated and there are a lot of things to take care of, manage, and watch over. Everyone wants to be strong and healthy, and we have a lot of information about what we need to do to accomplish that. We need to eat the right foods in the right quantities, get plenty of rest, drink water and exercise. Everyone knows these things, but our lives are busy and although we want to be healthy, we may not take the time to do what is necessary to achieve it. We may grab fast food on the go, work too late or too much and become sleep deprived, and decide to sit and watch TV instead of getting the exercise we need. Maybe we think we’ll change later when things settle down, but life continues on, and rarely slows down for anyone. Time continues its march forward and before we know it, years may have passed and we haven’t done anything differently. We own every decision we make and the results that come. Many people believed the Titanic was unsinkable. After it hit the iceberg and started taking on water, some thought it wouldn’t be an issue and they’d be fine. When a few passengers started boarding the lifeboats, others remained behind, confident everything would be fine. The first lifeboats went out only half full, and when the Titanic tilted and began to sink, everyone panicked, and wanted one, but by then it was too late. We can do anything we like, but if we don’t do what is needed to get to the goals we desire, it’s like deciding not to get on the lifeboat. We may not sink in a ship, but we may suffer consequences we don’t want. Our lives are ours to design and we can create them any way we like. By deciding what we want the most, and then taking control of our decisions, we can reach any goal we desire. Everything is possible if we’re willing to do what is needed to make it ours. We are capable and wise, and when we’re ready, nothing is out of reach.

Change will never happen simply because we desire it. If we want something different, we actually have to do something different. Staying in a bad relationship, keeping an unfulfilling job, or repeating behaviors that bring us difficulty will never make us happy. Our happiness is important and we can change whatever we need to make sure we achieve it. We are powerful enough and brave enough to do anything we desire. We need only take the first step and continue forward, and we’ll reach the goal.

It’s good to be independent, but if we want to do something that is very difficult and we are unsure, we can ask for help. We all have different experiences and no matter what we’re trying to do, odds are someone will have information that will assist us. By reaching out to those around us, we can get the support we need to move forward and reach success. There is greatness inside us, and with persistence and determination, we can move mountains.

Today if you’re in a difficult situation and feel like you’re going under, trust yourself. Look at everything possible, and do what is needed to pave the road ahead. You have so much to offer. Be wise and make decisions that will move you closer to the goal. Nothing is out of reach. You are in control of your life and can do anything you desire. Decide what you want, and step forward. Every success is possible and you will prevail.

Not Biting

21 Sep

There are all kinds of people in the world and we’ll have all kinds of interactions with them. Most of the time things will go just fine, we’ll communicate and get along without issue and move on. But everyone is different and some people have very defined ideas about how things should go that may be completely different from our own viewpoint. They may demand that we respond or do something they want, and may apply serious pressure to get us to go along. They may even give us a mandatory time frame to respond or act by. People can make any demands they like, but we are in control of our own lives. It doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks we should do, we can make our own decisions. Just because the issue is imperative to them does not make it imperative to us. We never have to do anything we don’t want to do. The influence of others is only as powerful as we allow it to be and we have the right to live our lives according to our own desires and standards. While some people may think they’re in control of those around them, and do everything they can to press their views, we never have to take the bait. By not biting, and simply continuing forward according to our own desires and priorities, we can move through any difficult situation. We can be respectful and decline any suggestions offered. Our lives are ours to design, and when we are true to who we are and what we want, will find great satisfaction. We know who we are and where we want to go. We can set our own course and continue forward toward success.

Some people want everyone on the same page, agreeing and following along. They like conformity and are uncomfortable when others have different ideas they do not share. While it’s true that it’s often easier to move forward when others are involved if everyone stays within the lines set forth, we all have unique perspectives that are valuable and worthwhile. Sameness can only bring sameness. Different viewpoints and opinions bring depth and richness to every situation. Listening to everyone’s point of view will open new doors and enlighten the way forward.

If we want to make cookies, we must pull together many different kinds of ingredients. It’s impossible to make something delicious with just one item. A bowl full of flour is just a bowl full of flour. But if we add sugar, salt, eggs, chocolate chips and other ingredients, we end up with something wonderful. Our lives are the same way. By allowing all kinds of opinions and ideas and being open to new ways of doing things, we embellish the road ahead and enrich our experiences.

Today if someone is demanding that you do something their way and you have other ideas, be patient and polite, and then chart your own way forward. You are amazing and intelligent, and know what you want. Stand strong and step forward with clarity and purpose. Every destination is there for you and nothing can keep you from success.