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Video Store

30 Mar

Life is full of opportunities and possibilities. We can do anything we want if we’re willing to accomplish what is needed to make it ours. Sometimes when there are many choices it can be hard to make a decision. Like when we used to go to the big video stores that displayed thousands of movies. We may get overwhelmed with the vast variety available and be unable to choose. That inability to decide what we really want can manifest itself in many ways in our lives. We may stay in a relationship that isn’t working because we aren’t sure how things would go if we left. We may stay in a job we don’t like simply because we know what to expect and it’s easier to just continue on. We are in control of our lives and if we aren’t completely happy where we are, we have everything we need to change it. But change can be difficult, and it can be unsettling to step away from our current comfort zones and try something new. It’s impossible to see the end of any road at the beginning, and if we lack conviction, we may simply decide to just forget it, and stand still. We can do anything we like, and we are capable of greatness.  There’s is no limit to what we can accomplish, and there isn’t anything too difficult for us to overcome. By believing in ourselves, and courageously stepping forward toward the dreams we most desire, we will find great satisfaction. Our options are endless, and once we decide what we really want, nothing can keep us from success. 

Everyone has their own ideas and opinions about how things should go and what we should do. They may offer us advice and direction, and we can certainly listen and try anything we like. But nobody will ever know us better than we know ourselves. We already know what we want, and with courage, and determination, we can achieve anything. If the goal is difficult, we can make a plan that helps us move forward. It doesn’t matter how long it takes to succeed, time will go by no matter what we’re doing. We can design our lives any way we like, and reach any goal.

There is no way to know what is around the corner, or what will happen next. Unexpected complications may arise and we may need to stop and figure out how to proceed. There is no time limit and if we can’t more ahead now, we can set the goal aside until our situation changes, and then begin again. By keeping our eyes on the road ahead, and moving forward step by step, we can accomplish anything we desire.  If we need help, we can get it. If we need more information, we can find it. We can be confident and sure, and make all our dreams come true.

Today if there is something you want to do but there are a lot of details and distractions, decide how you want to proceed. Trust yourself and take the first step toward your goal. You are amazing and highly capable, and nothing is out of reach.  Be confident and keep your eyes looking ahead. Every dream is possible, and you will make them yours.

Ten Lies

9 Feb

We make endless decisions as we go through our lives. When we have to answer for something or explain a situation, we always have the choice of either being honest or making up a story. If the situation is difficult or we’ve done something that has caused problems, we may be tempted to lie about what actually happened.  Of course, we can do anything we like, and if we want to fabricate a tale that takes us out of the equation, we can certainly come up with something. Telling a lie may seem like it’ll clear the way ahead, but there’s always a catch. Nothing ever stands alone and remains untouched for long. Before we know it, we may have to tell another lie to explain circumstances that arise from the tale we told originally. In the end, we may have to tell ten lies to cover up for the first one. We’re all creative but it may become difficult to keep tangling the web without everything falling apart. It’s hard to remember made up stories over time, and we may find ourselves completely twisted up trying to keep our cover. No matter what’s happened or what we’ve done, the best and easiest way forward is to tell the complete truth. We might be embarrassed, but we can get over that. We might get in trouble, but we’re accountable for everything we do, and that’s fair. When we’re honest in all our dealings, even when it’s hard, we will gain the respect of those around us. They will understand they can trust us, and that may pave the road ahead to the goals we seek. We are intelligent and can make excellent decisions. By being wise and thoughtful before we act, and choosing the best path forward, we will achieve great success and satisfaction.

White lies are stories we tell because the truth may be difficult to navigate. Someone may ask us a question about their appearance, and if we’re concerned that being completely honest may hurt their feelings, we may choose to embellish the truth a little. Getting into the habit of telling little white lies that don’t seem to hurt anyone might be okay, but once we take one step away from the truth, it’s easy to take another step further. Instead of saying things that aren’t really true, we can find a way to be truthful without causing an issue.  

Some people are very ambitious and will do anything to get what they want. They may have no problem telling lies to get ahead. They are willing to cheat if necessary to go around anyone in their way. If we must deal with them, we will never know if anything they say is true or not. Instead of taking their word for anything, we can do our own research and figure out what’s real. Once we understand the true story and what is actually happening, we can decide how we want to proceed to get to our goal. We have all the wisdom we need to choose the best roads ahead. By being honest and careful, there isn’t anything we can’t accomplish.

Today if you’re in a difficult situation and it would be easy to lie to get out of it, think about the person you most want to be. Every decision brings a result, and by choosing well we will achieve what we want the most. Trust yourself and be confident. There isn’t anything you can’t manage, and every goal is possible. You are smarter and braver than you think you are. Step forward with clarity and you will succeed.

Tangled Up and Confused

3 Jan

People are complex. They may willingly share their lives with us but still keep some things to themselves. Even people we know well may hold back and act in ways they think we’ll accept that may not be their true character. It’s possible to get involved with someone and see them entirely differently than they really are. If they say all the right things, flatter us, or in other ways ingratiate themselves to us, we may not be aware of what’s really going on. If someone says they love us but then don’t show up when we’re scheduled to meet, we may be confused and demand an answer. If they want us to stay connected to them, they may say whatever it takes to hold us there despite our disappointment. If this continues, and they let us down again and again, we may find ourselves tangled up in a relationship that sounds great, but doesn’t make any sense. Words are powerful, and if someone wants to, they may try to hold us close despite what they’re doing by continuing to say the things we most want to hear. Everyone wants to be loved. It’s incredibly rewarding and satisfying to know that someone really loves us. When that happens, we feel great and fulfilled, but sometimes the situation isn’t what we imagine and we may get hurt. We never have to stay in any relationship that isn’t working or makes us feel bad. We deserve complete happiness, and no matter what someone says, what they do is who they really are. By stepping back and looking at everything clearly and objectively, our vision will clear and we will know how we want to proceed. We are in complete control of our lives and can change anything at any time. We know what we want, and with focus and determination, we will have it.

It’s good to have friendships with those around us. Many people will come in and out of our lives, and some will be friends, and others will be passing acquaintances. Real friendship and close connections require time and effort. There’s no such thing as a part time friend – we’re either there or we aren’t. If someone we thought was a friend betrays us or lets us down, we can re-evaluate the relationship and make any changes we desire. We are the most important people in our lives, and by keeping our eyes open, and seeing things as they really are, we will find the happiness we seek.

Most people are good and want to choose the right as they move forward. Complicating our lives with lies, fictitious tales, misdirection or other types of manipulation will never make us happy. We can do anything we like, and if we want to create havoc, distrust and disharmony, we can, and we may fool those around us for a time. But eventually truth always rises and if we’ve been dishonest or deceitful, we may be left standing alone. There is greatness in us all. By choosing the best roads ahead, and being honest in all our interactions, we can have the life we want the most.

Today if you’re tangled up in a relationship that’s confusing and doesn’t make any sense, step back and see everything clearly. You deserve the very best of everything and complete happiness. Change what isn’t working and step forward in a new direction. You are amazing and more powerful than you imagine. Trust yourself and be confident. Every happiness is there for you. Move ahead and claim it.

Behind the Scenes

6 Dec

Our lives are complex and filled with endless decisions. Every day brings something new and whatever we choose will bring some kind of result. If we’re intent on staying the course moving ahead, and make choices that push us forward, we’ll continue to advance. But there are few times when everything is black or white and easy to see. Many times our decisions may be influenced by what’s happening around us, how we feel, who’s involved and dozens of other factors. Although we may try to be honest in all our dealings, we may face a time when we decide to step off center and do something behind the scenes that will make the road easier. Maybe we fabricate a story that makes us look better, or we bribe someone to say or do something that opens a door we want to go through. Our ethical standards and choices tell the world and those around us who we are. If we fall prey to situational ethics – meaning the situation instead of our standards decide what we’ll do – we may open all kinds of new risks to our project, ourselves, and our integrity. If the goal is very important, we may think it’s worth the tradeoff when we start, but there is no way to see the end or any road from the beginning. One left turn may take us completely off course, or bring more trouble and discord than we expect. It’s not always easy to make the best choices, and sometimes doing something less than honest that appears to pave the way ahead looks very appealing. We must decide what we want the most. Is the goal really worth selling out to get it? Will the reward be worth the cost? Only we can make these decisions, but one thing is certain. When we choose the first step on any path, we are also choosing the last. Choosing the roads that will take us to the destinations we most desire and enhance our credibility and true character will always bring success. We have greatness inside us, and with wisdom and clarity, we can share it with the world.

There are lots of people willing to do whatever it takes to reach a goal. They will manipulate, lie, steal, coerce, whatever is needed to make it happen. They don’t care who they hurt or how much damage they do. Their devious and unethical behaviors may bring them great success, and lots of money, but none of it will augment their character or make them better people. It’s easy to cheat and manipulate to get our way, but nothing can compare to the nobility of true honesty and integrity.

Our lives are ours to design and we can do anything we like. If we don’t care about ethics or morality, there will be lots of opportunities to get what we want without them. However, true happiness comes when we choose what we know is best and hold fast to our personal standards. Not every destination will be easy to reach, but by keeping our eyes on the goal and continuing forward, we can go anywhere and do anything. Nothing is out of reach and every success is possible.

Today if there’s a chance to do something untoward that will make your journey easier, think carefully about the person you most want to be. You have so much to offer and all the wisdom and intelligence you need to accomplish anything you desire. Trust yourself. There isn’t anything too difficult for you. You are amazing and capable, and have everything you need to succeed. Show us your best, and be confident. There is great success just ahead, and you will reach it.

Our Journey

6 Sep

There are billions of people on the earth and each is individual and unique. We all have ideas about how things should go and what we want to do. Our personal journeys are ours to determine and design. There are endless possibilities and we can do anything we like and go anywhere we want. The future awaits and once we decide how we want to proceed, we can step on any road we choose and move forward. It would be great if others agreed with our choices, and that will likely happen at some point. But our lives belong to us and we don’t need agreement or approval to move in any direction we desire. Nobody knows us better than we know ourselves, and nobody else needs to understand our journey. All families and groups have traditions, and it’s easier when everyone goes along with what’s always been done, but we aren’t responsible for making life easy for those around us. There may be pressure to conform, but we are responsible for our own lives, and no matter what others think or prefer, can go our own way. The world is a big place filled with opportunities. Each choice we make will take us somewhere, and if we choose what we want the most, we will find great happiness and satisfaction. By trusting ourselves, and stepping forward toward the goals we most desire, every dream is possible. We know who we are and what we want, and with clarity and determination, will reach every success.

Sometimes when there are a lot of choices possible, it’s difficult to decide on one. Everything has its benefits and drawbacks, and before we can make a decision, we must first decide what we want to accomplish. Just going from one thing to another, trying this and that, is fine if we just want to superficially experience a lot of different things. But if we want to be successful at actually achieving a goal, we must choose the destination and then do what is necessary to make it ours. There will always be unforeseen complications and snags along the way, but they don’t mean we cannot succeed. We are intelligent and capable, and with determination can achieve anything we desire.

Nobody can see the future or know what will happen next. Once we begin toward a goal we may discover that the road to reaching it is far harder and will take far longer than we thought. If it’s too complex for us to manage right now, we can set it aside until we get more information or our situation changes. There is no rush to reach success, and once we’re ready to start again, we can move forward one step at a time, untangling complications as we go, and with faith and determination, reach the goal.

Today decide what you want and how you want to proceed. The journey ahead is yours to determine, and nothing is out of reach. You don’t need to explain your choice or get approval before you begin. Every destination is possible and nothing can keep you from success. Choose the road forward, and take the first step. Nothing can keep you from success. You are wiser and stronger than you imagine, and you will win.