Archive | March, 2020

Silver Linings

31 Mar

Everything is fluid in life, and nothing is certain. When we want to accomplish something, we can do our research, make excellent plans, and chart a positive course ahead, but we can’t read the future. Although we have complete control over the choices we make, there is no way to know about all the other decisions being made by those around us. Someone completely unconnected to us, maybe even far away, may do something that causes the dominoes to fall in our direction and when they reach us, suddenly all our plans have to change. The road we chose may close and all the ideas we so carefully put together may no longer work. It’s disappointing, sometimes heartbreaking, when what we want isn’t possible. We may feel depressed for a time, and unable to think about starting again, but nothing stays the same forever. We can take time to grieve if we need it and then when we’re ready, we can look at all the options before us and choose our next steps. Hard times come to all of us, but with every experience there will be something of value to carry forward. Weathering the storm will make us stronger, and we’ll have more knowledge than we had before. There will be a silver lining if we look for it. Life is all about learning and everything we go through teaches us something new. Whatever we gain, even if it seems small now, will embellish us in ways we may not perceive. We are strong and capable, and we know what we want. If we can’t move ahead as planned, we have all the wisdom and intelligence we need to find another way. If our situation isn’t workable, we can set our plans aside for a time, and when things change, return and start again. We have everything we need to do anything we desire. Every dream is possible and with determination and focus, we can have the lives we want the most.

Sometimes unexpected developments stop us in our tracks. The doors that were previously open and welcoming may close and force us to change direction. There is never only one road to any destination. If the goal is still possible, we can chart a new course and continue on. If circumstances prevent us from achieving it right now, we can move on to something else and wait until the opportunity to try again presents. We can do everything but we may not be able to do it all today. We can make plans for the future, and when things open again, we will be ready.

It’s very hard to stand still when we want to move. It’s challenging to wait but waiting gives us time to evaluate every possible option, and see every opening. We can look at everything clearly, review the benefits of each choice and make a plan for when things change. We are completely capable of finding our way to any goal we desire. If we have to wait, we can. We know what we want, and in time, we will achieve it.

Today if you’re frustrated with a situation that’s holding you in place, think about how you want to move ahead. Make a plan for the future, and prepare for when things change. The door may be closed now, but it will open, and when it does you will be ready. Everything you desire is still there for you. Be patient and stay focused. Every dream is possible, and nothing can keep you from success.

Reaching Deep

30 Mar

Life is full of uncertainties. We never know what will happen next or how our lives will be altered by circumstances out of our control. Sometimes things move along as expected and there are few surprises, but other times a big detour may suddenly appear and everything we thought was going to happen is completely out of the picture. Maybe we can’t go where we want to go, or do the things we planned right now. Perhaps we’re held in place for a time because of a situation beyond our reach. When we get stuck and there isn’t any way to continue ahead as before, we may be stymied and confused. What are we supposed to do now? How are we going to continue on? Will we still be able to reach the goal? The answers we need will be there for us, but they may not be readily apparent at first. We may have to stop, and reach deep to find them. We are amazingly capable and already possess everything we need to manage anything that comes. At first, we may feel lost and unsure, but as we step forward the road will open and we’ll gain the confidence we need to find the way forward. We may have to modify how we get there, or incorporate new tools and methods to get through, but we can still find success. A change in direction, or a sudden stop, doesn’t mean we can’t get to the destination. There will always be another option to choose and another way forward. Success is still possible, and with patience and consideration, we will reach it.

When we’re working with others on an important project, and our options to connect change, there will always be an alternative method to meet. There are other possibilities we can consider and if we still want to continue, we’ll find one that works. We are incredibly creative and can bend when things change. We can be flexible and open to new ideas, and find the way forward. We know what we want and every destination is there for us. By adjusting our journey to fit whatever has changed, we will still reach the goal.

Our relationships and connections with others are important and bring us satisfaction and pleasure. If circumstances beyond our control keep us from seeing those important to us and spending physical time with them, we will likely feel the loss. But with today’s technology we can find ways to spend time connecting that are beneficial and keep our bonds strong. By holding close to what we value most, even in times of stress and uncertainty, we will feel whole and complete. Difficult times will come, but we are strong enough, and smart enough to manage them effectively and positively.

Today if you’re restricted from doing the things you want to do, find ways to connect to those around you and keep your relationships strong. You are wise and intelligent, and there isn’t anything you can’t understand. Look at all the options possible and modify the way forward until you find the best answers. Every success is still there for you. Your potential has not changed. Step forward with confidence, and you will prevail.

Repeat Performance

27 Mar

People are complex beings with different ideas, interpretations, and beliefs that color every decision and choice. We see the world through our own unique filters, but others, even those very close to us, may see the same situations in completely different ways. We’re all individuals, and our life experiences affect how we see the world around us and color our perception of what’s happening. If we’ve been hurt badly in the past by a particular situation, we may anticipate the same pain if we get close to something similar. While the situation may seem like a repeat of where we’ve already been, nothing in life returns in exactly the same way. Life isn’t a continual round of the same things over and over again. Things change and we gain knowledge as we continue forward. If we’re faced with similar problems we suffered through in the past, how we manage them today may be completely different from how we handled them before. Our past does not determine how things will go in the future. We learn as we go, and every experience gives us something of value to carry forward. As we mature and learn more about the world and those around us, our perceptions deepen and our understanding increases. We learn something new with everything we face. Our ability to grow and develop is limitless. Each day teaches us something new, and we can get closer to the person we most want to be with each choice we make. Every destination we desire will always be possible, and we can accomplish anything.

Making the same mistakes over and over again will never move us forward. While practice may make things perfect, repeating poor judgement will not improve anything. Just because we’ve done something one way in the past does not mean we must repeat it again. Staying on the same road and hoping it will take us somewhere new is useless. We are always in control of every decision we make, and our lives are a reflection of every choice. If we aren’t happy where we are, we can move. If we don’t like where we’re headed, we can change direction. Everything is possible, and when we’re ready, we can have the lives we dream about.

Routines and traditions are powerful motivators, but repeating the same behaviors over and over again does not guarantee success. It only guarantees we’ll get the same result we’ve gotten in the past. If we want something more, or something different, we must modify what we’re doing. Every single goal is possible and nothing is out of reach. We have all the power we need to get the lives we most desire. Success is always there for us, and with focus and determination we will prevail.

Today if you’re not moving toward the goals you want the most, look at all the possible options before you. The road you’re on is only one option, and there are endless others available. Decide what you want the most, and choose the way forward that will take you to it. The past does not determine your future. You are more capable and powerful than you think. Nothing is out of reach. Trust yourself and step forward with confidence. Everything you desire is there for you, and you will succeed.

Heavy Load

26 Mar

The things we must face change every day. There can be unexpected developments that suddenly alter the road ahead, and make it necessary for us to change our plans. When things don’t work out the way we thought they would, or something serious goes wrong, there may suddenly be more to carry than we planned on. Problems arise, details get in the way, and complications creep in that make the way forward, if not impossible, certainly more difficult than we want. We already have responsibilities and things we must attend to, and when there’s a change in the road ahead, it may make getting them done more difficult. Let’s say there’s a huge field covered with rocks and it’s our job to pick them all up and move them. All we have is a big bag to carry them in and each rock we pick up and add makes the load heavier. After a while, the bag may become too heavy to carry and we have to drag it behind us, until in the end, we can’t move. When lots of things go wrong and we have to navigate through, it’s like picking up rocks along the way and trying to manage them all. If we can’t solve the problems as they arise, we add them to the bag, until we get to a point where we can’t handle any more. But we never have to carry a load that’s too heavy for us. We don’t have to solve everything right away. We can carefully evaluate what we can do, and if we can’t resolve an issue right now, instead of carrying it along with us, we can set it aside for later. When our situation clears, we can go back to the issues waiting for us and begin to unravel them, one at a time. We can decide what’s most important, and let the others things wait. With patience and wisdom, we will make the best decisions moving forward, and reach the goals we most desire.

Lots of people have lots of opinions about the way things should go. They may tell us we should be able to handle more than we’re managing, or that we need to solve every problem as soon as it appears. They are entitled to their opinions, and even if they are important to them, it doesn’t mean they must be important to us. We don’t need agreement or permission to set our own course. We have all the intelligence and inspiration we need to find the way forward, and reach any destination.

There may be times when we must deal with a lot of complicated, difficult pieces to a hard situation. When there’s a lot going on it can be challenging to find the answers we need. If we step away from the fray and take some time to see the situation objectively, our vision will clear and we will see the road ahead. We are completely capable of handling anything that comes to us. There isn’t anything that can hold us back indefinitely. We can trust ourselves to find all the answers we need, and manage every situation competently, and move forward toward success.

Today if you’re dealing with a lot of complex and difficult issues and you’re confused and concerned about finding your way, step back and look at the situation openly. All the answers you need are already there for you. Let your vision clear and the road ahead will arise. You are incredible and strong, and will always find your way. Nothing is out of reach, and you will succeed.

Hard Road Ahead

25 Mar

Life is filled with all kinds of unexpected events. Things may be rolling along smoothly and then suddenly, out of nowhere (or out of China), something comes along that stops everything. When we’re restricted from living our normal lives, and doing the things we want to do, we feel it deeply. If we have to re-order everything and try to figure out how to get things done, we may struggle to find the way forward. It’s not easy to reconfigure our lives to accommodate some unforeseen complication and find the answers we need. Nothing is certain in life. Even when things are going well, we never know what might come. When we have to change what we’re doing and all our plans have to wait, it can be hard to know how to proceed. There will always be another way to accomplish our tasks. It will take patience at a time when we may feel frustrated and restrained against our will. There may be a lot of moving parts we must consider, and finding a way to accommodate them all may not be easy. But we are smart and highly capable, and no matter what we have to modify, will find our way. Every answer is there for us, and we will find it. We can change course and adjust our plans until we find a workable version, and continue moving ahead. During times of stress and uncertainty, when we can’t do things the way we want to, and have no idea when the situation will change, we still have control over every decision we make. We can be confident that we will find the road that takes us closer to the goals we seek, and keep moving forward. Nothing lasts forever, and we have everything we need to manage whatever we must. Every destination is still there for us, and with determination and focus, we will reach them all.

If we look at a road map, we will see many different roads to every destination. We can take a direct route from point A to point B, or choose a more winding one that takes us through interesting towns and attractions. If there’s a detour on one road, we can turn and take another. When our lives are restricted and we can no longer continue forward as before, it doesn’t mean the journey must stop. We are intelligent and can discover another way to get to the goal. There will always be more than one option to get ahead. We can take the time we need to find the best choice and continue moving forward.

Unexpected changes can be unsettling. When the rug is suddenly pulled out from under us, we may stand suspended for a moment trying to process what’s happened. We may feel uncertain, and unclear about what we should do to manage our new reality. The answers are there for us and we can be sure we’ll find them. Nothing can hold us in place forever. We are capable and strong, and will always find the road ahead.

Today if you’re struggling trying to figure out how to move forward, take the time you need to see everything clearly. All the answers are already there for you and you will find them. Trust yourself and be confident. You are amazing and powerful, and nothing can keep you from success.