Archive | February, 2022

Things That Matter

28 Feb

Life is complicated and unpredictable. We never know what will happen next and it’s impossible to see how any situation will eventually end up. We’ll face endless challenges and sometimes just when it looks like everything is settling down, something else pops up that tangles and confuses. The superficial stuff that doesn’t matter is generally easy to manage, but what is important and has the potential for a big impact on our lives can be intense and complex. Things that matter are often hard to navigate, and may take all our attention and energy to manage. Big health decisions, sudden changes in our financial status, family complications, and a host of other difficult and consuming issues may arise. When serious concerns come, everything else may fall by the wayside as we try to figure out what to do and how to proceed. It may feel as though time has stopped, everything is frozen in place, and we may be overwhelmed with the decisions we need to make. Finding the best way forward may take serious thought and consideration, and we may doubt our ability to get through. When everything is upside down, and the road ahead is unknown and unclear, it’s hard to feel confident and sure. At first, we may think there is no way we’ll survive, but we are stronger than we imagine, and as the moments tick by and our understanding increases, we will find our footing. Difficult, horrible, disastrous things may happen. We might lose everything we hold dear, but as long as we’re still breathing, success is possible. Hard times come to everyone, and our worst dreams may appear, but we are stronger than we imagine, and have all the wisdom and insight necessary to find every answer we need. We will never face a time so terrible that there is no way through. By standing firm and trusting ourselves, and reaching deep for the courage within, we will prevail. Even in darkness and despair, our dreams are still there for us. Nothing can hold us in place indefinitely, and with patience and determination, we will succeed.

There is no way to know the whole story of what is happening unless it’s happening to us. We may see someone struggling with what appears to be a simple situation with an easy answer, but there may be hidden complications we cannot see. We’re all different and some people prefer to keep their personal issues to themselves. We may offer our assistance if they reach out to us for help, but if the issue is private, they may prefer to keep it to themselves. We’re all more connected than we imagine, and by being supportive and caring, we can be an anchor during times of intense duress.

When our lives take a difficult turn, the skies overhead are dark and it’s hard to see the way forward, we may be concerned and unsettled. It’s hard to know what to do when everything is unsure and foreign, but we have already been through hard and complicated issues, and found our way through. There will always be a way forward and all the answers we need are already there for us. By taking our time, and trusting our instincts, we will find the way ahead and reach the destinations we desire. There will never be anything too awful or confusing for us to figure out. We are strong and wise, and will prevail.

Today if something has turned your world upside down and you feel lost and unsure, trust yourself. You are wiser and more powerful than you think you are. Stand strong and look at all the options possible. Every answer is there and you will find your way forward. All your dreams are still possible and nothing can keep you from success. Trust yourself and step forward. The road ahead is waiting, and you will win.

Knee Deep

25 Feb

Life is filled with opportunities, but few of them come without challenges attached. When we want to accomplish something, generally there will be something pushing us back or standing in the way that we’ll have to circumvent. If there are a lot of problems and complications, it can feel like we’re walking knee deep in mud and making little progress. It’s hard to keep pushing forward when it seems everything is working against us, but no matter how complex the situation becomes, despite all the hiccups and tangles, there will be a way ahead. If we keep our eyes focused on the goal, and hold fast to our determination, we can find the answers we need to continue on. But there are limits to everything, including our energy and patience. If we’ve been pressing forward for a long time and have made only small advancements, we may feel like it’s hopeless, and there is no way to win. We can change anything at any time, and if we’ve had enough and no longer want the goal we can stop and let it go. However, timing is everything and if we really want to get there, we can set everything aside for a time, work on something else, and revisit it once things change. Life is full of changes and the road that was blocked and unclear earlier may be wide open in the future. Setting something down for a time isn’t giving up. We can go back and check in and if the situation has improved, we can begin again. There will be few times when what we want will come easily. We are intelligent and can decide how to manage what happens next. Every destination is possible, and we already have everything we need to reach success.

Everyone has their own opinions and ideas. Those around us may see us struggling to succeed and offer their personal suggestions. They may have insight we haven’t considered, and may be very helpful. Or they might think what we’re doing is too hard and we’ll never succeed, and advise us to give up and move on. If we aren’t convinced we can prevail, their negative comments may be enough for us to walk away and forget about the goal. We’re in control of our lives and can do anything we like at any time, but we are the only ones who will give us what we want the most. There is no genie or fairy godmother waiting in the wings to provide our dreams for us. If we really want to succeed, we have what is needed to continue on and reach the prize.

Mediocrity is easy to achieve. We can sit back and just let life take us where it will. We can follow along, keep our heads down, and wait to see what happens. If we don’t control where we’re going, we’ll end up somewhere but it may not be where we want to go. Our dreams are possible and they are waiting for us. When we’re ready, we can decide what we want to do and then step forward, clear and sure of success. We are stronger, wiser and more powerful than we think we are, and absolutely nothing is out of reach.

Today if you’ve been trying hard to reach a goal, but the way forward is difficult and problematic, decide how you want to proceed. If nothing is working, step away for a while until the situation changes. The road will eventually open and you will find the way forward. You are amazing and smart, and already possess everything you need to win. It’s all there for you. Be confident and trust yourself. Every success is possible and they will be yours.

Explaining It

24 Feb

Our lives belong to us and we can do anything we like. We can decide what we want, where we want to go, what we want to accomplish and anything else we desire. Everyone knows we can all make our own decisions, but that may not stop some people from questioning us about what we’re doing. They may see us moving toward something they don’t understand, and ask us to explain ourselves. Our decisions are ours to make and we don’t need those around us to agree or go along in order to succeed. If we want to explain our thinking and what we’re doing, we can, but we’re not compelled to do so. We don’t have to share the details of our choices or why we’re doing anything. The roads we choose are up to us, and fit whatever model we have chosen for our own personal lives. Some people are more comfortable when everyone is doing the same things, and if we step away from the paths they’ve chosen, they may question us. Their need to understand and be comfortable is not our responsibility, and we don’t have to comply simply because someone else wants us to. There is a big world out there with endless opportunities for those who seek them. Every destination is possible, and we are brave enough and smart enough to find our way toward any goal we desire. The lives we want the most are there for us. By being true to who we are, and doing what is needed to move forward, we will reach great success. We already know what we want and nothing is out of reach. We can keep our eyes focused on the road ahead, and step forward, confident we will prevail.

Change is constant and no matter what is happening now, tomorrow will be different. We learn as we go, and gain skills and understanding as we go through all the experiences we face each day. If we’ve been in a career field for a long time but find it is no longer rewarding or taking us where we want to go, we can look at all the options possible and decide on something new. Others around us may question why we would ever give up what we’ve done so well for so long, but their questions have no impact on our decision. If we want something different, something more, we can have it. We are never stuck in one place indefinitely, and can change anything at any time.

If we pretend to agree with something we don’t like in an effort to move forward, it may work for a time. We can go along even if we’re not convinced, and play the game for as long as we like. But our happiness is important, and it’s impossible to be completely happy living a counterfeit existence. We can choose to honor our best selves, be truthful and step forward, honestly choosing what we really want the most. Every goal we seek is possible, and with focus and clarity, we can go anywhere and do anything.

Today if you want something different and others are asking you why, be confident. You know what you want and don’t have to explain your choice. Your life is yours to design and every destination is possible. Decide what you want the most, and take the first step forward. You are more powerful than you realize and there is great success just ahead. Nothing can hold you in place, and you will prevail.

Forget That

23 Feb

There are generally people around us most of the time. We have family members, friends, acquaintances, work associates, and people we only see in passing. Everyone has their own ideas about how things should go, what we should be doing and endless other situations. We’re all entitled to our own opinions and decisions, and if we like, we may share them with others. If we are open about our desires and what we want to do next, we may freely express our thoughts to someone else. They may think we’re right on target and encourage us to move forward, or they may not. If they disagree with our plans, they may say the idea is ridiculous, or there is no way we could ever achieve the goal. They may tell us to forget that, and move onto something more reasonable – translation, something more like what they would do. We can always take any advice we like, but we know ourselves better than anyone else. Our friends may tell us to go one way, our family may point in another direction, and others may have different ideas. There are unlimited versions of what we could do and if we try to follow everyone else’s advice, we may end up going nowhere fast. If we want to take a road trip to a specified destination, there are all kinds of maps available. There will be lots of routes possible and if we can’t decide which way we want to go we might take one road for a while, then switch to another, then maybe turn around to jump onto a different highway to see what it has to offer, and on and on. We might eventually get to the destination, but it will likely take far longer and be much more difficult than if we had decided at the beginning exactly which way we wanted to go and stuck to the plan. We can do anything we like and listen to all kinds of opinions, but we are in control of our lives and once we determine exactly what we want, can step forward with confidence that we will succeed. Every destination is possible, and with clarity and focus, nothing can keep us from the goal.

Customs and traditions are powerful and may be very important to us. As we navigate through our lives, they may color our decisions and choices. We can always stay inside the lines of what has always been done, and conform to whatever patterns and customs we choose. But we’re unique and despite any pressures around us, may choose anything we like. We have our own specific gifts to offer that no one else possesses, and by honoring who we are and what we want, can bring great light and blessing to the world.

It’s always easier to manage a group of people when everyone is doing the same things, but there is great richness that comes from encouraging different ideas. Variety brings refreshment and opens new doors that may not have been previously considered. We can do whatever we like, while allowing others to also make their own choices. There are always many roads to any destination, and by being open to something new, we will learn more about ourselves and the world around us.

Today remember you are entitled to have the life you want the most. You don’t need agreement or permission from anyone to make any choices you desire. The whole world is open to you and every road is possible. Decide what you want to do and where you want to go, and take the first step forward. Every blessing awaits, and every dream is possible. Be confident and sure. Nothing can keep you from success, and you will make it yours.

Waiting to Begin

22 Feb

We can do anything we like and there are endless options from which to choose. We can go anywhere and accomplish any goal we desire, creating the lives we want the most. There is never a time when we must stay where we are or continue doing something that isn’t fulfilling or doesn’t move us closer to where we want to be. But nothing changes without effort. We can do all our research, make an excellent plan, get everything ready and be completely prepared to move ahead, but everything will remain the same until we actually move forward. Starting a new journey takes courage, and there will never be a perfect time to begin. If we stand and wait until everything falls into place, and every road ahead is clear, we may never move. There will be few times in life when the way forward toward our goal is completely paved and open, ready to glide us easily to the destination. Life is complicated and there are always a lot of unknowns. If we wait for the perfect opening before we start, odds are we’ll never go anywhere. We are intelligent and highly capable and can trust ourselves that no matter what we face moving forward, we’ll be able to manage and continue on. The road may twist around, we might get stuck a time or two, there may be things in the way or people blocking our path. It doesn’t matter how complex the journey becomes. We are powerful and wise, and can find our way through. By stepping forward with confidence and pushing ahead no matter what happens, we will reach success. We can have the lives we dream of and achieve every goal. Nothing is out of reach and we will succeed.

In order to prepare to attend a big event, we can put on the right clothes, make sure we have our tickets, get our car keys and do whatever else needs to be done before we leave. After completing everything, if all we do is stand at the door, ready to go, but never open it and proceed, we will miss the entire production. Of course, we would never do such a foolish thing, but making big plans for what we most want to accomplish, and then doing nothing to put those plans into action is the same thing. Talk is cheap and changes nothing. We can do anything we like, but we actually have to do what is needed to make it ours.

Dreaming is important. It helps us define what we want the most and motivates us to move forward. We can dream all we like, and make endless lists for how we’re going to do whatever we’re thinking about. Planning is important, but that is only the first step. Nobody is going to grant our fondest wishes just because we made a great plan to achieve them. We are strong and intelligent, and already know what we want. Every goal is possible, and with determination and focus, we can make them ours.

Today if you’ve been planning to start on a goal you want to achieve, but haven’t yet begun forward, take the first step. You are amazing and powerful, and nothing is out of reach. Trust yourself and be confident. The whole world is there for you and every success is possible. Keep your eyes on the goal, and move forward toward success. Every blessing is waiting and you will make them yours.