Archive | August, 2018

Standing Alone

31 Aug

It’s great to have the support of others when making difficult decisions.  Knowing there are those around us who understand our situation can make it easier to choose and help us find the right way forward.  But sometimes we may make a decision nobody else agrees with.  Perhaps there is something they don’t want to face, or they feel they know the situation better than we do and have a more effective solution than we’ve chosen.  Or they may simply dislike the direction we want to travel.  We don’t need agreement or support for any decisions we make, and we don’t have follow everyone else if we want to turn another way.  We are the only ones who know ourselves and our situation completely and are perfectly capable of making excellent choices.  However, in a difficult situation where the road ahead may have serious complications, if our decision doesn’t go along with what others want, we may stand alone.  It’s not easy to be the only one who wants to go in a different direction and if we’re criticized because of our choice we may lose some personal connections.  We should always be true to what is most important to us and value the standards and choices we make.  If we differ from those around us we are strong and confident enough to take any push back that comes our way.  Our lives belong completely to us and we can live them any way we desire.  We can make our dreams come true by choosing the roads that take us to them, even if we must go alone.

People are often most comfortable around others who are like them.  If we’re different, the pressure to conform may be great.  It will always be easier to go along with those around us than to forge our own path forward.  There is comfort in the herd but we can never completely be ourselves if we’re simply doing what everyone else is doing.  Breaking away and taking our own personal road is the only way to reach our goals and make our dreams come true.  We don’t need to worry about being alone.  We know what we want and where we want to go, and nothing can stop us from finding success.

Everyone defines success their own way.  For some it’s simply getting through the day without trouble.  For others it means to reach for the highest peak possible.  The ideas of others belong to them and need not become ours unless we want them.  There are infinite possibilities in every life and we can decide where our priorities lie and what is most important to us.  We can make any decisions we like and take any road we desire.  There may be others traveling with us or we may take a solo journey.  In either case, our determination and courage will take us to the destinations we choose and we’ll find the success we seek.

Today if you’re standing alone because you’ve chosen a path others don’t want to take, be confident.  You know where you want to go and you have everything you need to move forward.  You have endless potential and nothing is out of reach.  Have courage, and remember how wise and strong you are.  You can do anything.  All your dreams are possible and you can make them come true.


30 Aug

“Strength or force gained by motion or by a series of events.” Miriam-Webster

There are a lot of people around us all the time. We may not interact with all of them but there will be some with whom we build strong connections and come into contact with every day. Influence can be very powerful and if we’re involved with people who have strong ideas and opinions, our on-going contact with them may change our lives. Behaviors have a way of rubbing off on others and without even noticing, we may find we begin to look like them and act like them simply because of their constant interactions with us. Like an on-coming tide, there may be momentum in their influence over us. We may get swept up in what they’re doing, what they believe, and how they think we should live our lives. We can change anything about what we’re doing at any time but it’s important to be in control of the changes we’re making. Going along with someone because they are powerful and we admire them will not allow us to genuinely be who we are. Each of us is unique and have special gifts to offer the world that no one else can give. If we surrender that uniqueness to fit into someone else’s ideas, our gifts may remain unopened and our influence in the world may be quieted. We can be close to others and still hold onto our personal beliefs and desires. We can share our lives and still remain true to who we are. Momentum can be powerful but nothing is strong enough to carry us away if we are happy where we are. Our individuality is precious and by staying true to our core beliefs and values we enhance the lives of everyone around us.

When we’re children we mimic what our family does. We do things the way our parents tell us to and do not yet have our own personal style or belief system. As we grow and get to know the world we decide what is best for us and who we want to be. Every step we take defines us and creates the unique personality we share with others. By being ourselves, we bring diversity and variety to the world around us and enhance the experiences of others.

We are in control of our personal lives but if we don’t know what we stand for or who we are we may bend and follow every idea that comes along. There are a lot of different perspectives and we must decide which ones are best for us. We can’t be everything to everyone. We can clearly determine what we will and won’t do, and how we will live our lives. The design is ours to create and each day we can adjust and refine our way forward until we are happy with the lives we’re living.

Today if you’ve been following someone you admire who has definite ideas about what you should do, remember you know yourself better than anyone else. Decide how you want to live your life and then move forward in ways that bring you every blessing you desire. You are a gift to the world just as you are. Show us your uniqueness and share your life with us. We all want to know you. Your presence is a great gift to us all.

On the Inside

29 Aug

There may be times in our lives when we desire a big change.  Perhaps we’ve been through something difficult that has taken a toll on us, or we’ve been in the same place for a while and feel the need for something new, or we just want to start over.  It may seem when we’re down or things aren’t going well, a new place and a fresh start will do a lot to help us move forward.  We can always change our lives anytime we want to and there isn’t anything strong enough to hold us in place if we really want to move.  Change does help a lot of things but it can’t change what’s really going on inside us.  The fears, uncertainties, and worries we may be struggling with will follow us wherever we go and stay with us until we’re ready to face them and let them go.  A change in scenery can make us feel better for a while but real contentment comes when we’re honest with ourselves about everything we’re doing and are willing to do what is needed to address anything holding us back.  Happiness can only come from within and we have the power to be completely happy no matter where we are.  When we’re ready to face what is keeping us down and open all the doors to the secrets tucked away we’ll be able to begin on the road that will take us to contentment and peace.  Our lives are always in our control and if we aren’t happy we are the only ones who can change them.  We can remove the darkness that is keeping us from complete happiness and step into the light.  We deserve every happiness and when we’re ready to step forward we will have it.

When people are unhappy, sometimes they pull others down with them.  They say misery loves company but we don’t have to spend time with anyone who makes us miserable.  It’s nice to be helpful and offer solutions but everyone must face their issues on their own.  We will always have enough to manage in our own lives without trying to take on someone else’s troubles.  We can be compassionate and kind, and let them find their own way forward.

Guilt is a powerful tool some people use to get us to do what they want.  It’s effective but guilt is a self-inflicted injury and nobody can make us feel it.  We’re all responsible for our own decisions and there is never a need to feel guilty about anything we haven’t done.  Each day is a gift and a blessing.  Living it fully and choosing to do what we must to be happy will bring us joy and comfort.  Paying attention to how we feel on the inside and valuing our personal happiness will bring us great satisfaction and clarity.  Our lives belong to us and we can change anything we want to have the best life possible.

Today if you feel like changing everything because you’re stressed or things have gone wrong, look inside and think about what’s really happening.  Remember that your happiness comes from within and real change will come when you let yourself find it.  You deserve the very best of everything.  Open all the doors.  You are precious and valuable, and nothing is out of reach.  Trust yourself and step into the light.

Defining the Goal

28 Aug

The world is filled with endless opportunity and options from which to choose. We can do anything and go anywhere. There are endless things to do and we can decide on any goal or destination we desire. If we start moving forward without any planning we might end up in places we want to go or someplace else. If we want real success and satisfaction we must define where we want to go before we begin the journey and then move forward with purpose toward the goals we want. Road trips can be fun but it’s exhausting and unfulfilling to drive around indefinitely with no destination in sight. Just taking things as they come and following one path after another will take us to all kinds of different places. We’ll see a lot of things but if we haven’t decided where we want to go, we won’t arrive anywhere that takes us closer to our goals. True joy comes when we first decide where we want to go, define what we want to accomplish, and then start forward toward the goals we’ve chosen. There are endless roads to travel and we can decide which ones are ours and determine the way ahead. Nothing is out of reach and each step we take can move us closer to what we want to achieve. Our lives can be filled with success when we take the time to decide what we want and then move forward with determination. All options are possible and with our dreams in mind we can reach any destination we desire.

We can simply go through the motions of our days and hope for things to happen that will open the doors to where we want to go. We can leave our lives up to chance and let things roll out as they will, letting each day unfold on its own and see where it takes us. Chances are we’ll probably end up in some places we like and we may even reach some destinations we have in mind. But letting our lives play out with no thought or direction will not move us toward the goals we most want to accomplish. We have control over every decision we make and when we’re ready can purposely move toward the things we dream about and achieve every goal we desire.

Our personal goals are ours to define and are unique to what we want to accomplish. If we follow along with others around us and meet the goals they set we may achieve success but it will be success they have defined. We deserve to have the lives we want the most and can determine what that means. We can do things our way and in our own time. Every dream is possible if we decide we want to achieve it. We can plan our way forward and choose each road that takes us closer to the destinations we’ve chosen. We can take control and move forward toward the goals we desire. We are smart enough and strong enough to achieve anything. We know what we want and with planning and determination we will prevail.

Today if you’ve been coasting along hoping your life will go the way you want it to, take control of your decisions and decide to succeed. Take a step forward toward the goals you most want to achieve and focus on what will bring you happiness. You are amazing and capable, and nothing is out of reach. Every goal is possible and with determination and planning you will reach success.


27 Aug

There are unlimited opportunities to try, new things to experience and different activities to participate in throughout our lives.  We may be eager to take on some of them and others we may do simply because of where we are and what’s going on.  Our choices are ours to make but sometimes because of the situation we’re in we may feel pressured to do something we don’t want or go somewhere we’d rather avoid.  Those around us may suggest something because they think it’ll be good for us or will move us forward toward a goal we’ve been seeking.  They may be right but ultimately we know ourselves better than anyone else and if we don’t want to participate, we can pass.  There are all kinds of opinions out there and we can listen to them and take whatever we feel is helpful, letting the others go.  We are always in control of our lives and can go along and take all the suggestions offered, or stay where we are and determine our own road forward.  It’s good to participate with others when that participation gives us something we desire or need.  But if we want to go a different way, we can step back and choose our own path.  We don’t always have to swim upstream but sometimes going in a different direction than everyone else is the only way to our goals.  Our lives are ours to design and we are responsible for every decision we make.  If we go along when we don’t want to and end up somewhere we didn’t want to go, we own it.  We’re wise enough to know how we want to proceed.  Every choice we make will take us somewhere.  Making the choices that take us where we most want to go will bring us satisfaction and happiness.

There can be a lot of pressure to go along when we’re in a group.  Sometimes if we’re in a situation where they have authority over us we may need to comply.  But most of the time we can choose our own path.  Even if everyone else wants us to go along, if it’s not something we desire, we can go another way.  We can let others make their own choices and move forward without us.  Our experiences are unique to our personal lives and we determine our personal destinations.  We can be in control and make the decisions that take us where we want to go the most.

It’s nice to have others around us as we navigate through our days but there may be times when our desires require us to move forward alone.  We all chart our own courses and have all the courage and determination we need to succeed at anything we choose.  We can find the way forward by ourselves and reach any goal we desire.  We determine what our lives will be even if it’s different than what others want for us.  The roads we take are ours to choose and every destination is possible.  We can make all our dreams come true by focusing on what’s most important and then doing what it takes to get there.

Today if you’re being pressured to do something you really don’t want to do, remember you know yourself better than anyone else.  You know what you want and what you need.  Be confident and choose the paths that will open the doors to your goals.  You can do anything.  The whole world is there for you and every dream can come true.