Archive | March, 2021

Wrong Way

31 Mar

Life is complicated and we’re constantly bombarded with decisions that must be made. Some are inconsequential but others may have far reaching consequences. Before we decide anything, we can look at all the options available, and the possible results of whichever choice we make, and then decide what we want to do. We’re responsible for every decision we make and have everything needed to make them well. But there are lots of others around us who may influence us to go in one direction or another. Their suggestions may be beneficial, or they may try to push us in a direction that might not benefit us but serves their purposes. If they are very loud and powerful, they may manipulate and coerce us to follow their promptings. If we do, we may end up going in the wrong direction and complicating our lives moving forward. It’s very disappointing to realize we’ve chosen badly because of someone else’s influence. Trying to point the finger at them when things fall apart will never change the fact that the choice was ours to make, and we own the results. Nobody is perfect and we’re all going to stumble from time to time. That doesn’t mean we can’t correct our course and start again. When big decisions are upon us, we may listen to any advice that’s offered, and then trust ourselves to choose what is best. If we are pressured to go in a direction we don’t want to travel, we can decline and take the road we desire most. There are many roads to every destination. We may get waylaid, turned around, or have to backtrack and start again, but we will find our way. If one direction doesn’t work, we can adjust our trajectory and move ahead in another. Every success is possible, and we have everything we need to go anywhere and do anything.

Every decision we make takes us somewhere and alters our life in some way. We hardly pay attention to the mundane daily choices we all make, but even though they are seemingly inconsequential, if we make them badly, we may suffer. What we choose to wear may seem like nothing except for the day we have that big meeting with someone we really want to impress. We may not pay attention to what we’re eating until some health issue arises. We don’t live in a vacuum, and everything will have a result. Being mindful, even of the small things, will enable us to move forward more confidently and successfully toward any goal we desire.

Some people are very confident and think they have all the answers to every situation. It’s annoying to have them continually tell us how we should proceed, and what we should do. They may know a lot about many things, but nobody can possibly know us better than we know ourselves. We can listen to any advice, and then choose what’s best for us. Just because a road they choose is paved and easy doesn’t mean it’s the right road for us. We know what we want and will reach every destination we desire.

Today if you’re facing a big decision, trust yourself. Every answer you need is there for you and you have everything you need to choose well. Decide what you want the most and step forward with confidence. Every success you desire is within reach, and you will make them yours.


30 Mar

Everyone has their own dreams and goals they want to accomplish. They are personal to our own individual journeys, and we decide where we want to go and what we want to do. If we were all alone and there were no obstacles to impede our progress, we could accomplish everything as soon as we desired. But life is full of diversions, distractions, unexpected developments, other people making all kinds of decisions that impact us, and a million other complications. We may run into something that stops us and blocks the way forward that requires us to pause in our pursuits for a time. It’s frustrating to have to wait when we want to move, but if we must endure an interruption, we can find ways to make it beneficial. As we wait, we can use the time to review how far we’ve come and look at all the possibilities for the way ahead. Answers may appear that we overlooked while we were pressing forward, and we might discover better methods for accomplishing our goal. Taking a pause in our progress doesn’t mean we must forsake the goal. Time out is not the end. It’s just a break from the road to address something else. While some goals may be time sensitive and stopping might prevent us from achieving them now, most of the time what we’re after can wait while we take care of other things. We can manage what needs our attention right now, take care of it, and then resume our journey forward toward our own personal goals. We know what we want, and there isn’t a detour powerful enough to keep us from it. Our lives are ours to design and we can do anything we desire. Every goal is possible, and with patience and focus, we will make them ours.

Those around us may ask for our time and assistance. If they have authority over us, we may not be able to decline whatever they request, but if not, we can decide what we want to do. It’s good to be helpful and share our talents and time with others, but if we continually pause our own journey for the sake of someone else’s, we will not achieve the goals we most desire. We can judiciously decide how much time we can offer, be helpful, and still continue forward toward our own goals.

We may be in a relationship with someone who needs a lot of support and guidance, and who continually asks us to do things for them. If we always do everything they ask, we may find it difficult to accomplish our own goals. We’re all responsible for our own lives. It’s impossible to reach our own goals if we give all our time to someone else. We are important and our dreams matter. We can be supportive and kind, and help out, but we need never sacrifice our entire lives for someone else’s comfort.

Today if you’ve been stopped from moving toward your own goals because of the needs of others, look at everything objectively. You are amazing and valuable, and your dreams are important. Be supportive and helpful, and serve in ways that allow you to move forward toward the goals you desire most. You are in control of your life. Every dream is waiting for you, and you have everything you need to make them yours.

Paving the Way

29 Mar

There are unlimited things we can accomplish in our lives and endless places we can go. The whole world is there for us, and every goal is possible. Some roads are easy, and we reach the desired destinations quickly, but others are more complex, and require thought, effort, and time to achieve. We can help ourselves reach success by looking at everything objectively and gathering as much information as possible before we begin. By planning carefully and paying attention as we step forward, we can pave the way ahead and avoid some pitfalls. But there may be times when we get excited, and all we can see is the end of the journey. We might jump in and begin before we get all the facts. If we’re captivated by an idea and eager to get started, we might forgo any prior planning and just start running forward. If we don’t have any clue about what lies ahead, the odds of running into trouble increase. Like stepping into the dark with no idea of direction, we might find ourselves going around in circles as we try to unravel one problem after another. Jumping in without planning may move us in the direction we want to go, but without any idea of what we may encounter, there will likely be unknown obstacles that stop us in our tracks. Roads that are rough and uneven are transformed with good, solid pavement. They become smooth and clear, and much easier to travel. The same is true for our personal goals. We can pave the road ahead with preparation and planning, and create a journey that will move us forward more effectively than if we just thoughtlessly ran ahead. We are intelligent and have enough patience to take the time necessary to ensure success before we begin any journey. There isn’t anything we can’t do and do well. We know what we want, and with focus and clarity, can step forward and make it ours.

Everyone has their own ideas about how things should be done. If we plan something they don’t like or it’s different from the way they would proceed, they may offer us advice, and suggest an alternate scenario. Of course, we can do anything we like and if we prefer their ideas may certainly adopt them, but nobody knows us better than we know ourselves. We don’t need anyone’s permission or agreement to do things our way. Every goal is possible, and we have everything we need to reach them.

Life is unpredictable, and there may be times when we must move quickly and don’t have time to plan before we start. Some situations are unexpected and there is no way to prepare before moving forward, and in those cases, there will be no way to anticipate what will happen. No matter what comes, we can trust ourselves to find the answers we need. We can think on our feet when we must and find our way through. We are intelligent and highly capable, and nothing can hold us down indefinitely.

Today if you have a big goal in mind, think about how you want to proceed, and plan your way forward. You have everything you need to reach any destination you desire. Get all the facts and pave the way ahead to success. Every goal is possible, and nothing can keep you from achieving anything you desire. Step forward and be confident. Every dream is possible, and you will make them yours.

Here Ya Go

26 Mar

There are lots of people who come and go in and out of our lives. We make contacts and connections, build relationships, and interact with them continually. We may only wave in passing, or they may be important and integral to our daily lives. We’re all sharing time on the planet and each of us is experiencing our own personal events. It’s good to have others who support us when things go wrong to offer help and advice, and we can be there when someone else needs us. Our connections to one another run deeper than we think, and our presence may be all that’s needed to help someone over a trial. Everyone gets the opportunity to experience problems and trouble, and we all struggle from time to time. Our lives are our own responsibility but if we’re overwhelmed with something, and someone we trust and rely on shows up, we might try to transfer the issue over onto them. We may imagine that since they care about us, they won’t mind taking on the extra burden, and believe they could manage it better than we could anyway. We may say, “Here ya go,” pass it off to them, dust off our hands, and walk away. It’s nice to think others will willingly handle all our messy, difficult problems, but our lives belong to us, and our problems are our responsibility. We own them, even when we try to give them away. Nobody wants to face problems. Nobody wants to suffer, but this is real life, not fantasyland, and things are going to go wrong. It’s never convenient, it’s not fun and we don’t enjoy struggling, but that doesn’t mean we can’t manage the issue. We are stronger and wiser than we might think, and there isn’t anything so hard and complex we can’t figure it out. By trusting ourselves and taking things one step at a time, we will find our way through whatever comes. We are powerful and capable, and will succeed.

Guilt can be a very useful tool for manipulating others. If we’re asked to do something we don’t want to do, it may be used to get us to change our minds. They may remind us of when they helped us out of a jam, for which we were very grateful. There is always give and take in every relationship, but we’re in control of our lives. We never have to do anything we don’t want to do, and manipulation through infusing guilt into the equation, doesn’t change anything. We can be confident of our decisions, even if others disagree, and continue forward.

There may be times when we’re facing a very difficult problem and don’t know how to manage it. Instead of ignoring it and hoping it will magically disappear, or trying to find someone else who’ll take it, we can reach out for help and advice, and begin unraveling it ourselves. All the answers are there for us, and we are intelligent enough to find them. We can be confident we will prevail and push ahead toward resolution.

Today if you’re facing a difficult challenge and don’t know how to proceed, trust yourself. Ask for help and get the information and advice you need. You are more powerful than you realize, and nothing is too hard for you to manage. Be confident and stand strong. Every single blessing is there for you. Step forward and claim them.

Spilling Over

25 Mar

Life is complicated. We only have control over ourselves, and there are people everywhere making all kinds of decisions we know nothing about. Those decisions may affect our lives in ways that are difficult and unexpected. One moment we’re moving forward, and the way ahead is clear and unobstructed, and suddenly everything may change, and all we counted on is gone. We may be stunned by what’s happened and unable to move. It’s difficult to grasp extreme turns all at once, and we may need time to fully understand what’s happened. When we’re struggling through a hard time, it can seem like time is standing still. We may feel overwhelmed and convinced there is no way to survive. We’re at the end, the cup is spilling over and there’s nothing left inside us to carry on. Dark days filled with strife and confusion that drain our energy and push us against the wall are challenging at best and may be crushingly hard to endure. Problems come to us all, and they may be severe and extreme, taking everything we have to face them and find our way through. We can’t prevent trouble from coming, but we can trust ourselves that no matter how awful and dire the situation may appear, we will be able to find the answers we need to prevail. Even if everything turns south, everyone abandons us, and we are left standing alone, we can find all the answers we need to get through. We can stand still and take time to see everything clearly and objectively, and remember there will never be a time when there is no way out. Every road will always be there for us and we have all the wisdom we need to find them. We are stronger and more powerful than we imagine, and nothing can keep us from success. By trusting ourselves we can find the way forward, and reach every goal.

Some people think problems come because of mistakes we’ve made in the past. They believe life is a big scorecard and every decision determines our fate. While it’s true that every choice has a result, the past can never predict or control the future. Every day is a new beginning, and we are in control of what we do. We can change anything we like and turn in a new direction at any time. Our destiny is ours to design. We know what we want and can reach every goal we desire.

We may face a time of extreme hardship where many things go wrong, and we’re consumed in misery. Hard times come to us all, but nothing lasts forever. Change is constant, and although it may seem impossible that our situation will ever improve, in time, things will modify, and we will find relief. There is always sunshine above the dark and threatening clouds. We are strong and capable, and have everything we need to reach it.

Today if you’re in the midst of trouble and don’t believe you can survive, remember how many times you’ve already overcome adversity. You are amazing and powerful, and nothing can hold you down forever. Trust yourself and step forward. Every answer you need is already there for you and you will find them. Every success is waiting, every dream is possible, and you will reach them all.