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Hard Choices

31 Oct

We will make millions and millions of decisions as we go through our lives. Some of them are consequential and have serious results, and others we may make on the fly without any impact. Choices that have clear and defined likely results may be easy to make. We can look at what will happen based on what’s happened before, and then decide how we want to proceed. The hardest choices are often those that have no right or wrong answer. There is no best way to proceed, but only the way we choose. When there is a wide open possibility no matter which way we go, we may struggle with making the decision. For instance, when deciding on a change in our career, we may apply for a lot of positions. If we get offered two very good options, with comparable benefits and we like them both, how will we choose?  It can be hard to discern between equally beneficial options but if we take our time and look closely, there will be some differences that may help us decide. Every decision we make will bring a result. By looking at everything clearly, and deciding how we want to proceed, we will make excellent choices and reach the destinations we most desire.

We may face a time when we must make a choice that will dramatically change our lives. If we’re unhappy in a relationship that we’ve had for a long time, and we want to step away and go in a new direction, it may be painful even if we’re sure it’s the right decision for us. If it’s too hard, we might give in and just remain despite how we feel. Breaking away from someone we’ve been attached to is never easy but we deserve complete happiness, and if we want something different, we have all the wisdom and courage to do what is necessary to get it.

When we were children, chances are our parents did everything they could to protect us and keep us safe. As we grew and matured, in order for us to learn and grow, they had to step back and let us make our own decisions, even if we were headed down the wrong road. It’s hard to watch someone you love do something you are sure is going to hurt them, but each of us is responsible for our own lives, and we can trust ourselves to make choices that will take us where we want to go.

Today if you’re facing a hard decision and aren’t sure how to proceed, look at everything objectively and clearly. Take the time you need to discern everything to find the best road forward. You are extremely capable and can make excellent choices. Focus on what you want to achieve, and be confident. Every success is possible, and you will reach them all.

Beaten and Destroyed

14 Oct

Everyone wants an easy, happy life. We all want to find true love, win the lottery and be enormously successful. It’s nice to think about the situations we dream of that we believe will bring us endless happiness and long lasting peace, but life isn’t nirvana and no matter who we are or what we’re doing, odds are at some point things will go wrong. There is contention and opposition in everything, and if we’re on the wrong side of the story, we may suffer greatly. We may face failure in business, we may lose our money, our lovers may walk out, a serious health issue may develop, or a million other unexpected possibilities. If the situation is devastating and at first we have no idea how to proceed, we may feel beaten down and lost. It may seem our lives are destroyed and there is no way to recover. Bad things will come to us all, serious and unbelievable events may knock us down, and we may be sure we’re doomed and will never survive. It’s hard to have faith in the light when all we can see is darkness. Terrible things may happen but nothing stays the same indefinitely. No matter what’s gone wrong or fallen apart, or how our plans have blown up, everything will eventually change. Even when we’re unsure, we can trust that we will find our way. Even if it seems there is no answer, an answer will come. We are stronger and more powerful than we think we are, and there isn’t anything too difficult for us to manage and manage well. We can stand firm in the wind, and be confident we will prevail.

There are few things more painful than betrayal. It’s hard to understand when someone we trust or love intentionally does something to hurt us. Instead of wasting time trying to figure out why they did what they did, despite the pain, we can step back and look at the situation objectively. Their actions have been destructive, but they have given us more information that will help us as we move forward. We know them better now than we did before, and can do what is needed to protect ourselves in the future. The pain will eventually ease and we will find our way forward.

If we do something that causes a serious setback, we may lose our confidence. It may seem we aren’t smart enough, or capable enough, or any number of other factors. None of that is true. Even when we make excellent decisions, we have no control over what happens next. Failure is painful but it gives us valuable information. By focusing on what we’re learning, we can use it to help us move forward, and be confident and sure of success.

Today if everything has fallen apart and you are devastated and unsure, remember how strong and capable you are. The whole world is blessed and embellished because you are here. Look at everything objectively and learn all you can, and then start again. You have so much to offer.  Trust yourself and move forward. Every dream awaits, and you will make them yours.

Trusting the Tide

7 Sep

Life is unpredictable and nobody knows what will happen next or how things will develop. We may be happily sailing along without any concerns when suddenly something changes unexpectedly, and we’re thrown into a fog of confusion and uncertainty. We can only control our own decisions and there are lots of people making choices we know nothing about, that may affect us and stop us in our tracks. When everything turns upside down and we can’t see the road ahead, we may feel surrounded by trouble and lost. The oceans are very big and powerful. Each has a tide that is consistent and constant. No matter what happens in the world, the tide continues to reach the shore. Big storms may cause them to swell and take over the beach, but no storm lasts forever, and eventually everything will settle. We can trust that the rhythm of the tide will continue non-stop until the end of time. When we’re going through extremely difficult and challenging times, when it’s hard to see the way forward and we feel overwhelmed and unsure, it may seem we’ll never get through and instead be frozen in place. We may doubt our ability to manage what’s happening and wonder how we’ll ever find our way again. But we are stronger, wiser and more powerful than we think we are, and nothing can hold us down forever. Like the constant tide, we can trust that no matter where we are or what’s gone wrong, we will find the answers. We will always, every single time, find the way ahead. By remembering how much we’ve already overcome we will find the strength and temerity to stand strong and step forward. Every success is still there for us, and with patience and determination, we will reach them all.

Nobody knows everything and we may face a situation that is so confusing and threatening, we feel it’s impossible. There is too much going on and too much to comprehend all at once. We don’t have to figure everything out in three seconds. If we can’t process what’s going on, we can step back and take the time we need to see everything objectively and clearly. There is always a way forward and by openly looking carefully at the situation, we will find it. Life can be hard, but a big, unexpected turn to the left doesn’t mean we can’t proceed. We are intelligent and capable, and will prevail.

We may face a time when our very worst, dreaded dreams come true. The one thing we thought we could never survive has happened. What do we do now? We can try to hide from the situation, go to bed and pull the blankets up over our head, but refusing to look at problem will never solve it. It will remain until we face it and take it apart piece by piece and find the answers we need. There isn’t anything we can’t do. Like the constant tide, we can trust that no matter what comes, we will find our way through. Life is complicated, but we are smart. Every blessing awaits, and we will make them ours.

Today if you’re facing an extremely difficult situation and you feel overwhelmed, trust yourself. You are powerful and wise and nothing, absolutely nothing can overcome you. Be confident and stand strong. The whole world is blessed because you are here. Show us your best and step forward. There is great success just ahead. Keep your eyes on the goal and you will win.

Long Way Around

22 Aug

Life is full of challenges and everyone’s experiences are different. What one person sees as a trial, another may see as an opportunity. We’re all unique and our interpretations of what is happening differ from one to another. Everyone has their own ideas about how things should go and what they want to accomplish, but the road isn’t the same for everyone. Although we know what we want to do, sometimes our vision of how to get there gets cloudy. If we have many responsibilities and lots of complications going on, even the shortest journey can be difficult to achieve. Although we can see where we want to go, due to circumstances around us or others involved, instead of moving straight ahead, we may need to take the long way around to get there. We have complete control over our own decisions, but nobody lives on a deserted island, and there may be lots of other people making choices that prevent us from proceeding as we’d like. It’s hard to be patient and turn away from the goal we want, and it may seem the way ahead is so complicated and tangled, we’ll never succeed. But nothing stays the same forever and change is constant. We may need to change direction for a time, but whatever is happening will eventually change, and we’ll be able to move forward. Every destination is possible but they won’t all be possible today. We can set things aside and work on something else until our circumstances change. There isn’t anything we can’t do and with patience and clarity, we will prevail.

Some things take a lot of work and focus to accomplish. It’s impossible to see the end of the road from the beginning, and we may find the way ahead is far more complex and difficult than we first perceived. If we don’t have all the tools we need to get there when we start, we can take time to gain the skills and knowledge necessary to proceed, and then start again. There is no rush to reach the goal and we can move forward at a pace that allows us to manage every complication and detour. We are intelligent and wise, and can figure out anything we must to reach success.

Other people in our lives may not agree with the choices we’re making, and may advise us against proceeding. We can certainly listen to any advice that’s offered, but our lives are ours to design. We already know what we want, and no matter how complex or difficult it may be to reach the goal, we have everything we need to move forward. If we need help, we can ask for it. If we need more information, we can get it. There is greatness in us, and nothing is out of reach. By being confident and trusting ourselves, even if the road is long and twisted, we will find our way forward.

Today if the goal you want to achieve is far away and the road ahead is complicated and long, trust yourself. There isn’t anything you can’t manage. Failure will only come if you stop moving forward. Every destination is possible and all your dreams are there for you. Decide how you want to proceed, and step forward. You are stronger, wiser and more powerful than you imagine. Success is waiting, and you will reach it.

Taking It With You

9 Aug

Life is complicated and ever changing. Every day brings something new to deal with and understand. Everyone has their own ideas about how things should go, and when they don’t go the way we want them to, we may suffer great pains of disappointment and frustration. Most of the time we can manage the ups and downs, but if something terrible happens, it may change the way we think about our lives and we may struggle to move on. When we suffering with personal problems and feel lost and confused, we may think a change of scenery will help. We may believe that if we just go someplace new we can start again and everything will be fine. A change in location will force us to concentrate on lots of new things until we get settled. We may be too busy to notice what’s been going wrong and feel some relief. A different place may distract us for a time but no matter where we go, or what new activity we get involved in, we take everything with us. Problems don’t usually solve themselves, and they will remain quietly waiting until the dust settles again. We can try to tuck them away, and hide them deep inside, and that may work for a time, but eventually they will rise and remind us they are there. There is nothing to be gained by dragging problems along indefinitely, and the best we can do is stop, open all the doors, look at everything clearly and find the answers we need to resolve them once and for all. If we’re unsure we can do it alone, we can ask for help. By reaching out to someone we trust, we can get the assurance and encouragement we need to do what is necessary to finally let go. Life is a great blessing. Holding onto unresolved conflict will never help us move forward. We are intelligent and have everything we need to prevail. Nothing is strong enough to hold us down when we’re ready to move. Every success is always possible and we can start again, and make them ours.

Nobody gets a charmed life filled with paved roads and endless parties. We’re all going to suffer through hard times, face difficult challenges and struggle to find the way ahead. Nobody wants to suffer, but the hard trials we face teach us a lot about ourselves and the world around us. If everything always worked out and nothing ever went wrong, we would know very little about reality. The things that test our patience, and push us to our limits bring us the tools we need to live fully and successfully. When we must push hard to move forward, finally reaching the goal brings great happiness and satisfaction.

Nobody is perfect or knows everything. We may face something that is so difficult and complex, we have no idea how to process it much less solve it. Everyone’s experiences are different and it’s likely someone else has been through the very issue we’re struggling with. Reaching out to others will open new doors and bring new ideas for resolution. We’re not alone if we allow others to help. All the answers we need are already there for us. We can do what is needed to take things one step at a time until we find our way forward. Nothing is out of reach and we will prevail.

Today if you’re facing a serious problem and are thinking of running to a new place to find relief, remember how strong and capable you are. You are wiser and more intelligent than you realize, and nothing can keep you from success. Take your time and look at everything objectively. Reach out for help if you need it, and be patient. You are amazing and all the answers you need are there. Trust yourself and be confident. Every destination is waiting and every success is possible.  Stand strong and step forward. There is light just ahead, and you will reach it.