Archive | May, 2017


19 May

We all have things we want to accomplish, dreams we want to pursue and goals we want to achieve.  We can plan for them and work toward them until we succeed and sometimes when we get to the destination everything is exactly like we thought it would be.  Other times we may arrive and discover the goal we were after isn’t exactly what we expected.  Like a mirage in the desert something may look good from a distance but upon closer inspection is a bit different.  If we’ve worked hard for a long time to achieve the goal and then discover it isn’t what we want after all we may be disappointed or feel we’ve been cheated.  We can’t know everything from the beginning but if we pay attention as we move along there are often clues that will give us more information about the road we’re on.  If we simply storm ahead sure of ourselves, we may find in the end we’ve reached a destination that isn’t anything like what we want.  Everything we do changes us in some way and as we’re moving forward our lives are evolving and we may find what we sought at the beginning isn’t what we want now.  We can turn our course and change direction any time we’re ready.  There are countless roads that lead to happiness.  Which one we choose depends on where we want to go and what we want to become.  The whole world belongs to those who take it.  We can do anything and go anywhere. If we’ve reached a place that doesn’t fit we can turn our course and begin again.

Few things in life are permanent and unchangeable.  Most ideas and decisions can be changed and modified if needed.  If we are open and honest with ourselves and clearly see what isn’t working we can modify our plans to find happiness.  If we aren’t happy we need not stay in any situation and if we don’t feel fulfilled and content we may change whatever is needed to correct our course.  We may leave a relationship, a job, move to a different location or open a new door.  Whatever is needed to find joy in our lives is available to us and we have enough courage and wisdom to move forward to get it.

Some situations are very alluring and captivating.  Like a mirage in the distance they call to us and we may be consumed with attaining them.  We can make all our dreams come true but first we must be sure that what we’re seeing is exactly what we want.  Do we really want what’s at the end of that road?  Are we sure we are willing to do what is needed to achieve it?  Being clear on what is required to move forward and then making our decision will enable us to find success.  We can take the time we need to make the best decisions for our future and then plan our way forward. We can be wise and careful and find the happiness we seek.

Today if you’ve been working hard to reach a goal but aren’t sure it’s exactly what you’re seeking, take a moment to think before you proceed.  See all your options clearly and choose the road that’s best going forward.  You know what you want and are wise enough to make excellent choices.  Happiness is there for you.  Look for it, plan for it and then begin forward to achieve it.


18 May

We’re all different and have been blessed with specific gifts and talents unique to us alone. Nobody is exactly like anyone else and we all have our own role to play in life. Although most people understand this there may be times when someone near us expects us to be like them. They may believe their choices are better than ours, their understanding is deeper or that they know more about what we need than we do. They may be family members who adhere to traditional patterns and want us to do the same, or friends who believe they are smarter or wiser than we are, or they may be someone in authority over us who feels responsibility for our choices. There are limitless ways we may be influenced to change something in our lives or to mimic a certain behavior. If the pressure is pervasive and constant we may surrender out of shear fatigue. We can go along with someone else’s idea about how we should be for a time but eventually who we really are will rise and we will have to choose. True happiness will never come to us if we are trying to be something we aren’t. It’s important to be honest with ourselves and authentic in our behaviors. We each have special gifts to offer the world only we can give. We can honor our uniqueness despite pressures around us and choose to be completely who we really are. When we do, the world is blessed and we find happiness.

A clone is an exact replica of something else. It’s a copy of something that already exists. Clones are not unique or different in any way and respond and act exactly like the original item. While others may not say they expect us to be their clones, there may be times when we are asked to do things exactly their way even when we want to do something else. If there is enough pressure or the consequences of going our own way are difficult we may acquiesce. Becoming a copy of someone else will never bring us happiness, even if the other person is happy. We must be genuinely who we are to find it and who we are is perfect for our lives. Our gifts belong to us alone. Only we can express them and find the joy they will bring.

Some people believe they have insight and understanding about what others need and continually offer their advice and comments. We can hear and accept other views and decisions, and we may certainly give them all the respect they deserve. But in the end our lives belong to us and what we do relies solely on our personal choices. We may listen to the advice and counsel we are offered and then do what we feel is best. Nobody knows us better than we know ourselves and we can choose our own way confident we will find success.

Today if you feel pressure to conform to someone else’s idea of what you should be doing, remember you have everything you need to choose for yourself. You know what you want and you have all the wisdom and power to accomplish anything you desire. Be yourself and be true to the uniqueness you offer. We need your influence and your special gifts. You are a great blessing to the world.


17 May

When there are many wires and cords in the same location they sometimes get tangled.  They may get moved or bumped and fall under one another, pulled against each other, twist and turn around and create a big knot we eventually have to patiently pull apart strand by strand.  It’s frustrating and can be time consuming to get everything separated again and lined up the way we want it.  The decisions we make in our lives move us in different directions and if we ignore boundaries, include others in private matters, share information we’ve been asked to keep to ourselves or made other decisions without thinking, we may find our lives as tangled and convoluted as a mess of cords.  It takes effort to live a clean self-directed life filled with careful decisions and thoughtful choices.  If we make continual decisions based on what’s easy at the moment without considering where they will take us in the end we may complicate our lives in ways that bring us discomfort and frustration.  Like untangling a knot of wires it will take time to unravel the problems and correct our course.  We can take the time we need to make wise choices and choose the path forward that is clear and open.  We are wise enough to see problems in our path and navigate around them so we can continue to move forward with confidence and clarity.  We can move forward without the tangle of bad decisions and find success.

Trust is something we earn by the choices we make.  When others trust us they feel confident working and sharing personal information with us.  If someone tells us something in confidence and we share it with others we may lose the trust they have in us.  When that happens we create a small twist in our lives.  If we do it again the small twist may become a knot and we may find ourselves in a tangle.  Everything we do takes us somewhere.  If we break confidences and ignore the trust placed in us we may lose connections to those around us. We may tangle our lives up and it may be hard to get things back on track.

It’s difficult to make decisions freely when we are constricted by prior choices that bind us up and prevent us from moving forward.  If we’ve chosen the wrong path and have made poor choices in the past our freedom to progress may be stalled.  Nothing is unchangeable and we can correct our course and begin to unravel any situation that is holding us in place.  We can choose wisely to repair any problem we’ve created and re-align our way forward.  Nobody is perfect and we all stumble from time to time.  With patience we can do what is needed to fix any problem before us and continue forward with renewed confidence and wisdom.

Today if you’ve tangled your life up with decisions that have complicated the way forward you can take the time you need to correct your course.  Nothing is forever and you can change anything you need to be successful.  Today choose wisely and determine to go forward with confidence.  Make choices that will bring you the success you are seeking.  You have everything you need to accomplish anything and nothing will hold you back.


16 May

It would be great if everything we chose went well and the desired outcomes always came to us. But life is filled with unknowns and surprises. Others may make unexpected decisions that impact us or there may be unseen forces affecting our plans and suddenly the road ahead is blocked and we have to turn around. Setbacks come and when they do we have to start again and find another way. We aren’t defined by them and we don’t need to be stopped by them. They don’t prevent us from accomplishing our end goal but they may prevent us from continuing forward on the road we’re on. We only fail if we stop moving forward and we never need to stop if we want to achieve the goal. If we suffer a setback, we can start again. If we have another one, we can start again once more. Some goals take time and we may need to work around several obstacles to get there but we can take our time and continually readjust until we find the way. There is rarely a straight line to success. Often, we move forward by turning left here, right there, backing up a bit and starting again. We know what we want to do and we have all the wisdom and patience we need to accomplish anything we choose. If we get stalled, we can start again and succeed. There is nothing too complex or difficult for us to achieve.

When salmon are spawning, they must swim upriver against the flow of water. It’s hard work, there are other fish in the way and if the river is powerful it takes enormous strength to swim against it. But the goal is life and the motivation is powerful enough to push them forward despite how difficult it becomes. We aren’t salmon but there may be times when what we want to do goes against the easy flow forward. We may have to press against the tide and we may suffer setbacks. If we quit the first time things go wrong we have no hope of success. We can keep our eyes focused on the goal and when things get in the way we can find a way around them and keep moving forward.

If others don’t agree with the road we’ve chosen they may try to convince us to revise our plans. They may believe they know what we need better than we do and pressure us to give up the journey. Nobody will ever know us better than we know ourselves. We know what we want to accomplish and we know what we need. Even if everything stands in front of us our motivation is sufficient to take us through. Our lives are ours to define and we deserve every success. If we are focused and determined, setbacks will not stop us, opinions will not deter us and we will win.

Today if you’re moving toward a dream you want to accomplish and there is something in your way, step around it and re-chart the way forward. You can go anywhere you want to go and do anything you want to do. There is no setback strong enough to stop you. Keep your eyes on the goal and take another step. Success is right there for you. One more step and you’ll reach it.


15 May

We make millions of decisions as we go through our lives.  When we have a big decision to make we may take our time to consider all the parameters of what will happen when we choose and give ourselves lots of space to think about which way we want to go.  We can take all the time we need, but sometimes as we’re moving along suddenly we know what we want to do.  We’ve passed a turning point and are suddenly and completely sure and firmly resolved on the way forward.  We may not know what turned the tide that brought the decision, we may not be aware of what happened or didn’t happen that decided the way forward but we are sure and unshakable in our conviction.  Suddenly the task is done and we are confident of where we want to go and what we want to do.  When that happens all our doubts fade quickly away and the road ahead becomes clear.  It’s very rewarding when we are sure of ourselves.  Others may still have concerns but if we’re confident they will mean nothing.  We know clearly what we want to do, we know with assurance where we want to go and nothing can change our minds.  Once the decision is made all that remains is to move forward toward the destination.

There are many roads and countless directions in our lives.  Some will say go one way, others will say go another.  There are influences and pressures on us all the time from those who care about us, those who want us to succeed and others who may want something else.  Like static on a radio the noise can be constant and distracting.  When we need to decide something important that static may get louder as others give us their opinions and advice, requested or volunteered.  We may become overwhelmed with all the information offered and get stuck trying to find the right way through.  If we take a step back and close the door for a time, if we allow ourselves to be quiet and listen to our own personal thoughts, all the inspiration and clarity we need will rise.  We already know what we want to do.  If we take a moment to let our minds rest the confidence we are seeking will come.

We are very intelligent and insightful about what we really want and need.  We know ourselves better than anyone else ever could.  We know where we want to go and we know what we need to get there.  Trusting our personal direction and judgment and allowing ourselves time to think and consider our options will allow us to choose the right road going forward.  We can suddenly be sure even if we’ve been confused for a time.  We can suddenly be confident even if we’ve been tremulous.  We have everything we need to succeed already.  Trusting our excellent ability to make good choices and then doing what is needed to make the destination come to us will bring us all the success we seek.

Today if you’ve suddenly decided you know the way forward and you are sure even if others doubt, trust in yourself.  You have everything you need to succeed.  Be confident.  There isn’t anything you can’t do.  You know what you want, you know what you need and you know where you want to go.