Tag Archives: Light

Loud Mouth

22 Jul

There are billions of people on the planet sharing space with us. We’ll never see them all but there will likely always be people around us. We are constantly interacting with others, some we know and others who are strangers in passing. Everyone out there is making their own decisions, and doing things that may affect our lives, not always positively. Some people have strong personalities and are very forceful. They know what they want and make sure everyone around them is aware of where they’re headed. If we’re timid and more reserved, and don’t agree with them, they may run over us pushing forward, never looking back. If we must work with them, and they power over us, and we feel intimidated, we may shrink down and try to blend into the background to avoid a confrontation. It can be hard to stand our ground in front of someone determined to diminish us. Everyone is valuable, and we all have things to offer that are important and worthwhile. Those who are louder may try to push us, but being loud doesn’t mean they have all the answers or know everything. It just means they’re loud. We don’t have to outmatch them in sound or muscle to make our positions known. We can speak up with confidence and clarity, and offer our own perspectives. Nobody will see things exactly as we do, and we can share our point of view in ways that open new doors ahead. We are the only ones who can give the gifts we have to offer. By trusting ourselves, and refusing to shrink, we can contribute to every situation and be part of the road ahead. There is greatness within us. We can share our impressions and ideas, and find intense reward and satisfaction.

Nobody sees everything the same way. We all perceive what is happening through our own filters, formed by the experiences we’ve had so far. What is obvious to one, may be unseen to another. There will rarely by only one way to accomplish anything, or one road that leads to a destination. When we feel strongly about a situation, we can share our thoughts with others involved, and then allow them to express their ideas as well. We don’t have to insist that everything be done our way, but can compromise and bring everyone into the plan.

If we must work with someone who believes they are the only one who has the answers, and they refuse to hear another other options, it may be hard to feel valued and appreciated. If they have authority over us, we may have to follow their instructions. But if not, we can express our opinions and suggestions, and request consideration. If they refuse, we may decide to step away. We have much to offer, and our contributions make the world a better place.

Today if you have to work with someone who is loud and forceful, and is trying to convince you their way is the only possible option, trust yourself and remember your ideas are valuable. Speak up and share your thoughts with those around you. You are amazing. There is nobody else like you in all of creation. You bring light and wisdom, and we’re all blessed because you are here.

Beyond Imagining

6 Jan

There are billions of people in the world. There have been uncountable numbers of them since the dawn of time, each living their own lives uniquely and individually. It’s hard to comprehend the vast scope of humanity and the endless varieties of expression and choice. When we think of how huge it all is, we may feel insignificant and hardly worth a glance. If we aren’t famous or in some way notable, it may seem that we are often overlooked, others aren’t aware of us and our lives are meaningless. But that isn’t true. Every single person who has ever lived, who is alive now, or who will come in the future will bring something new to the world. We are all one of a kind and nobody can now or ever will be able to offer the gifts we have to give. We are worth more than we can imagine and nothing can ever take our value away. Life isn’t always easy and we may encounter a time when everything goes wrong, and we feel worthless and unimportant. But we are essential to the big picture and our influence impacts everything around us. Even if our families neglect us, our friends ignore us, our lovers leave us and it seems nobody cares, we are still worth more than any treasure on the earth or in the heavens. Our worth is never determined or diminished by what happens or the opinions of others. Everything is different because we are here, and nothing can take our place. We don’t have to be loud or famous, we don’t have to find the cure for cancer or get an Olympic gold medal to count. Our presence makes the world richer and every day our light brings something new to everything around us. We can be confident in being ourselves and value every experience we have. We can strive for any goal we desire, but we are perfect just as we are.

There is no way to calculate how much our influence impacts those around us. There are people everywhere we go, and they will see us and hear us as we navigate through our lives. We never know how much a smile or a kind word may mean to someone else. It could change everything for them, and bring them more joy than we may comprehend. One drop of water is a small thing, but given to a tiny, parched plant, may save it from extinction. Everything we do modifies everything around us. We are important, and nothing can replace the good we bring.

Nobody lives in a vacuum. Everything we do touches someone or something, and there is no way for us to live our lives without altering the world around us. Our influence is undeniable and whether it’s positive or negative is up to us. We can make the world better or we can cause contention and hardship. What we decide will determine what comes next. We are in control of our lives, and every choice we make takes us somewhere. We can choose wisely, and find great happiness.

Today if you feel insignificant and unnecessary, remember you are more valuable than you can imagine. You are amazing and important. We all value your influence and want to share your light. Be confident and believe in the power you possess. Your decisions can bring every gift and you will find great joy and success.

Asking For It

16 Oct

There are lot of things going on in our lives all the time. Everything is constantly changing and although we may have a good hold on what’s happening now, it could all shift in a moment and then suddenly we’re in foreign territory. Nobody knows everything and when we find ourselves in situations where we aren’t sure how to proceed, we can always ask for help. There will often be someone around who has information that will assist us, but if we never inquire or open the door to communication, we won’t have access to it. Some people feel uncomfortable asking for help. Perhaps they perceive it as a sign of weakness or defeat, but in truth, asking for assistance doesn’t mean either of those things. It’s just asking a question and enables us to connect to possibilities that otherwise may not be found. If we’re determined to find all the answers on our own and don’t involve others, we may find our way ahead but it might take a lot longer and be more difficult than it needs to be. There are lots of sources available to us and asking for information and advice may make things much quicker and easier than trying to do it all by ourselves. We’re good at many things and always have the potential for great success. By being open to those around us and welcoming help when we need it, our success may be magnified and increased. There are unlimited roads to every destination but because of complications in the way, we may not see them. Allowing others to point the way and help direct us around any obstacles will move us forward and help us reach our goals. Learning to ask questions will open all the doors ahead and pave the way forward. We are wise and capable, and nothing can keep us from any destination we desire.

We can’t anticipate what we don’t know and sudden changes may put us in situations that are unfamiliar and confusing. If the situation is complex and we don’t know where to turn or how to proceed, asking for guidance can save a lot of time and effort. There is no need to re-invent the wheel. We can lean on someone else’s understanding until we gain our own.

When we enter a dark room at night, it’s hard to see. If the room is familiar to us, we may be able to navigate through the darkness and still find our way, but if we’re in a new place, that will be difficult, if not impossible. Turning on a light immediately changes everything. We can see clearly and move forward without any problems. The same is true when we’re moving through our lives. If we don’t have any idea where we are or what lies ahead, getting help from others is like turning on the lights. They can show us the way forward, and help us navigate through until we find our way. Success is always possible, and we can reach any destination getting assistance along the way.

Today if you’re stuck and can’t see the way forward, ask those around you for help and assistance. They have information that will help you open the doors ahead and continue toward your goal. Everything you need is available. Arm yourself with additional information and step ahead. Nothing is out of reach and every goal is possible. You will reach your destination and find great success.


12 Dec

We can accomplish many things as we move through our lives.  What we get done depends on our objectives and how we spend our time.  Life is busy and there are endless distractions, and some distractions are very entertaining and powerful.  If we aren’t mindful they may take more time from us than is helpful.  We can get caught up in the latest computer game, spend extra time shopping with no objective in mind, or simply sit daydreaming about how life could be for hours on end.  There is nothing wrong with doing things we enjoy but if we let mindless activities consume our time they may cripple our ability to move toward the things we really want.  We’re always in control of our decisions and can do whatever we want.  We can stay in the same place for years on end – our whole lives if we want to – or we can move forward toward the dreams and goals we desire.  The value we place on how we spend our time will have great impact on how successful we are.  Life is filled with endless opportunities and all kinds of distractions to keep us from them.  Learning to control what we do and plan our days to include the things we enjoy, as well as time to move toward our goals, will bring us real happiness and true success.  Every dream is possible if we’re willing to do what is needed to accomplish it.  We can have the lives we want the most but they won’t just fall in our laps.  We have to plan our days and manage our time in ways that move us closer to the goals we desire.  We can do anything and nothing is beyond our reach.  Every dream can come true and we can reach any destination we desire by planning our steps forward and managing our time to get there.

In this age of constantly changing technology it’s impossible to keep up with all the new developments and advances that arrive each day.  There is always a new program, a new phone, a new game, or a new app we can investigate and make our own.  It’s exciting to see and learn new things but continually looking at what’s next won’t move us forward.  By focusing on where we want to go and purposefully taking steps that move us closer to our goal we’ll reach every destination we desire.

The world is huge and filled with billions of people.  It may seem we’re insignificant and our influence makes no difference but each decision we make and each time we interact with someone else, we change the world.  We’re more important than we imagine and everything is different because we’re here.  Nothing can replace us and everything we do tells the world who we are.  By choosing well and taking steps that bring us personal success we give great light to those around us and change the world for the better.

Today if you’ve been spending time doing things that aren’t moving you forward, remember how important your goals are.  Success is always there for you but you must plan for it and walk toward it.  Your choices can open all the doors to the destinations you desire.  You are amazing and worth more than anything else in the world.  Everything you do takes you somewhere.  Choose the path that takes you closer to where you want to be.

Holding Tight

28 Sep

Life can be complicated and sometimes lots of things happen that distract us from the road we want to travel.  There are often many different things going on at the same time and it can be difficult to focus on the goals we’re trying to achieve.  It’s rare when everything goes exactly the way we plan and there are no problems moving ahead.  Complications may muddy the way and unexpected developments may hang us up and hold us in place.  We can manage many objectives at the same time and are able to overcome any problem before us, but while we’re navigating through one mess or another, we may set our personal goals aside.  Setting something aside doesn’t mean abandoning it but when there’s a lot going on, sometimes situations take over and as we untangle ourselves from the fray it may be hard to go back and pick up where we left off.  One thing often leads us to another and if we don’t hold tight to the goals we really want to achieve, they may get lost in the shuffle.  We can be effective in solving whatever problems arise and still go back and return to our personal goals.  Success is always an option if we control the direction we’re traveling.  Our dreams won’t come true on their own and our goals won’t be achieved simply by waiting for them to arrive.  We must do what is needed to create the lives we want.  It doesn’t matter what gets in the way, we have everything we need to focus on what’s most important and reach any destination we desire.  Our lives are up to us to design.  We can simply let events decide our path, or we can proactively and purposefully determine where we will go.

Tradition and custom are powerful motivators.  If something has been done the same way for a long time, people become accustomed to the pattern and comfortable with the result.  If we want lives like those around us they are easy to achieve.  We need only follow everyone else and copy their choices.  But we are individuals and our dreams are specific to who we are.  We never have to do something one way simply because it’s always been done that way.  We can express our own ideas and move forward on a new road.  There are unlimited ways to live a successful and fulfilling life.  We can step onto our own path and reach for what we want the most.

The road to our dreams is rarely paved and smooth, and filled with light. There will be times when things will get in our way, detours will happen, and we may even face a complete road block.  It doesn’t matter what complications arise, there will always be a way around them.  We are intelligent and when we get stuck will find the answers we need to continue forward.  Having faith in our ability to achieve whatever goal we choose will help us manage any problems that arise.  We can be confident of success and sure of the way forward.

Today if there’s a lot of noise and complication, and the path to your goal has problems blocking the way, keep moving forward.  You can find your way around anything before you.  There is always a solution and you are wise and creative enough to find it.  Be confident.  You can reach any goal you desire and make all your dreams come true.