Tag Archives: Paved

Holding Tight

28 Sep

Life can be complicated and sometimes lots of things happen that distract us from the road we want to travel.  There are often many different things going on at the same time and it can be difficult to focus on the goals we’re trying to achieve.  It’s rare when everything goes exactly the way we plan and there are no problems moving ahead.  Complications may muddy the way and unexpected developments may hang us up and hold us in place.  We can manage many objectives at the same time and are able to overcome any problem before us, but while we’re navigating through one mess or another, we may set our personal goals aside.  Setting something aside doesn’t mean abandoning it but when there’s a lot going on, sometimes situations take over and as we untangle ourselves from the fray it may be hard to go back and pick up where we left off.  One thing often leads us to another and if we don’t hold tight to the goals we really want to achieve, they may get lost in the shuffle.  We can be effective in solving whatever problems arise and still go back and return to our personal goals.  Success is always an option if we control the direction we’re traveling.  Our dreams won’t come true on their own and our goals won’t be achieved simply by waiting for them to arrive.  We must do what is needed to create the lives we want.  It doesn’t matter what gets in the way, we have everything we need to focus on what’s most important and reach any destination we desire.  Our lives are up to us to design.  We can simply let events decide our path, or we can proactively and purposefully determine where we will go.

Tradition and custom are powerful motivators.  If something has been done the same way for a long time, people become accustomed to the pattern and comfortable with the result.  If we want lives like those around us they are easy to achieve.  We need only follow everyone else and copy their choices.  But we are individuals and our dreams are specific to who we are.  We never have to do something one way simply because it’s always been done that way.  We can express our own ideas and move forward on a new road.  There are unlimited ways to live a successful and fulfilling life.  We can step onto our own path and reach for what we want the most.

The road to our dreams is rarely paved and smooth, and filled with light. There will be times when things will get in our way, detours will happen, and we may even face a complete road block.  It doesn’t matter what complications arise, there will always be a way around them.  We are intelligent and when we get stuck will find the answers we need to continue forward.  Having faith in our ability to achieve whatever goal we choose will help us manage any problems that arise.  We can be confident of success and sure of the way forward.

Today if there’s a lot of noise and complication, and the path to your goal has problems blocking the way, keep moving forward.  You can find your way around anything before you.  There is always a solution and you are wise and creative enough to find it.  Be confident.  You can reach any goal you desire and make all your dreams come true.

Best Friend

1 May

Most of us are probably pretty good friends.  We’re supportive when others need help, we listen when they are concerned, and we try to be there when they need us.  It’s good to be a faithful friend and we all need them in our lives from time to time.  Sometimes we are better friends to others than we are to ourselves.  If we don’t do something well we may criticize our actions and disparage our decisions.  Our reactions to our shortcomings may be far more condemning than we would ever offer someone else.  When others come to us with concern over a wrong move we might be supportive and positive and offer them encouragement.  However, sometimes when we see the same situation in ourselves we are far more abrasive and critical.  We can decide to be as good a friend to ourselves as we are to others.  We can give our choices the same understanding and patience we offer so freely to those around us.  If we become our very best friend and learn to rely on our own personal support, our challenges will become easier and when we falter we’ll feel better knowing we are always in our corner.  We deserve to be treated with kindness and encouragement and we can offer it to ourselves.  Loving ourselves with the same measure of patience and compassion we give others will bring us peace in struggle and comfort in disappointment.  We are worth the very best of everything.  Remembering how precious we are and valuing our self-worth will help us achieve greatness and find success.

Nobody is good at everything or does everything right every time.  We all stumble from time to time and learn as we move along.  Opening new doors brings new experiences and sometimes we have to backtrack or turn in another direction to find the way forward.  We can succeed at anything but the road forward isn’t always straight and paved.  We may stumble along the way, but as we continue we learn what works and find the way forward.  No matter how many times we get lost we can find our way again.  It doesn’t matter if we go the wrong way.  What matters is that we continue the journey until we succeed.

Some things come easily to us and other things are hard to comprehend.  If we’re having trouble understanding we can take the time we need and get the help necessary to get the job done.  No matter how difficult the issue we can find our way through.  We have all the wisdom and determination we need to accomplish anything we desire.  When we stumble we can get back up.  When we take a wrong turn we can choose another way forward.  We can trust in our ability to succeed and we have enough courage to face whatever comes.

Today if you’ve been punishing yourself for a mistake you’ve made or belittling your judgment for a wrong turn, decide to be your best friend.  Treat yourself with the kindness you offer others.  You are precious and valuable.  There is greatness ahead for you.  Remember how important you are.  Trust in your wisdom and you will find the way forward.