Tag Archives: Strong

What’s Left

5 Aug

Life is filled with all kinds of challenges. We will undoubtedly face trials and problems, or difficult situations we never dreamed would happen to us. There is no way to know how the road will turn or what will happen next. Hard trials may come, we may lose our jobs and our security, or there may be extreme disasters or an unforeseen catastrophe. Anything can and may happen. If something terrible comes or our plans devolve and fall apart, we may be left standing, stunned and unsure of how to proceed. Difficult and complicated developments are hard to process and we may need time to understand exactly what has happened and then begin to try to find the way forward. If we’ve lost everything we hold dear, we may believe we are finished. There is no way we can manage and survive. Just because we can’t see the way ahead right now doesn’t mean it’s not there. We cannot change what has happened, but there will always be a way to endure and prevail. There is no rush to move ahead and if we feel overwhelmed, we can take the time we need to regain our footing. Even if we can’t see it, there is light ahead that will guide the way. We are stronger and wiser than we think we are, and already possess all the courage we need to overcome. By trusting ourselves and taking things one step at a time, we will find all the answers we need and be able to move forward. Success is still there for us, and with faith and clarity, we will reach it.

When it seems that everything has gone wrong and nothing is left, there will still be something worthwhile. We are still here and we are still breathing, and as long as that’s happening, there is hope for the future. If we lose everything and have hit rock bottom, up is the only way left to move. Getting completely stopped does not end our journey. There isn’t anything powerful or strong enough to hold us down forever. We can focus on what we still have and make a plan to start again. There is great potential within us, and we have everything we need to prevail.

If we’ve suffered through one loss after another and have endured a long and difficult road, we may tire and think there is no way we will ever succeed. Life isn’t easy and problems may come and compound on each other, but there are solutions to every situation. We can take each issue as it arises and do what is needed to untangle and solve it, and then move on. Trouble may come, but we are capable and wise, and can find the way ahead. Every destination is possible and we can be confident we will reach them all.

Today if you’re suffering through a very hard situation and can’t see the way ahead, take your time and trust yourself. Nothing is too complex or difficult for you to manage. Stand strong and be confident. You are amazing and stronger than you imagine. Keep your eyes on the goal and start again. Every destination awaits and every success is possible. Step forward with clarity, and nothing can keep you from the goal.

Lots of Rocks

13 May

When there is a field we want to plant, before we can start anything we must first take a good look at what’s on and in the ground. There may be lots of rocks that will prevent us from planting, and we may need to go through and remove them. If the terrain is very rough we may have large boulders that must be taken away and tons of smaller but unworkable stones that must be removed. It may be a long and hard process to get them all moved off before we can begin tilling up the soil and planting. In our lives we may have many plans for things we want to do, but just like in that field, before we can begin we’ll have to make sure whatever is standing in the way is moved aside or we can find a way around it. It’s impossible to move forward if there’s an obstacle in our path blocking our way. Some goals come easily and the road to success is clear and open, but others take more time and planning to resolve problems and complications. There may be lots of rocks, but we are intelligent and highly capable and can find our way around anything we must. Every goal is possible but they won’t all come easily. If we’re committed and determined, there isn’t anything we can’t overcome and move through to get to the destination. We can be confident that we will find all the answers we need, and trust ourselves to figure out whatever comes. Every success is possible and with focus and clarity we can reach every goal.

We’ve all heard the story about the magic lamp and the genie who will grant us our wishes. But this is real life and sadly, there are no real genies. We can wish and hope for lots of things, but wishing and hoping will never bring them to us. Daydreaming about what could be will not change our situation. We are in control of our lives, and if there’s something we want we can achieve it but we’ll have to do what is needed to make it ours. It may take a lot of time and effort, it may be harder than we thought at the beginning, and the road may be long and difficult. But success will always be possible and we can achieve anything we desire.

Life is fickle and change is constant. We may try to accomplish something that seems to get harder instead of easier as we move along. There may be constant problems and seemingly endless complications, but anything worth having is worth working for. We are stronger and more powerful than we think we are. Nothing is too difficult or complex for us to figure out and if we need help we can get it. Every single dream is possible, and if we continue to step forward undaunted, we will succeed.

Today if there are a lot of obstacles blocking your way forward, do not despair. You are amazing, wise and powerful. The road may be long and complex, but you have everything you need to succeed. Trust yourself. Every goal and destination are waiting. Stand strong and step forward with confidence and clarity. Nothing is too difficult for you to overcome and you will prevail.

Changing Location

24 Apr

There are endless places to go in the world, and unlimited things to see. We can choose any destination and then do what is needed to get there. All options are possible but we won’t go anywhere until we decide to move. We are where we are, and if we don’t like a particular location, we don’t have to stay there. Our lives belong to us and we have control over every decision we make. If we’re unhappy or feel unfulfilled, it’s up to us to do what is needed to change. We never have to continue to tolerate a situation simply because that’s where we are. We are strong and powerful, and nothing can hold us in place against our will, but we must decide if we’re ready to move. Change won’t just happen because we’re thinking about it. Even if we’re unhappy, life won’t simply provide something new for us. We can move or we can stay in the same situation indefinitely. Going someplace new requires effort and there are no guarantees things will work out the way we want them to. The road ahead may be easy and we might get to a new location quickly and with few problems, or it might be hard with lots of complications and twists and turns. There is no way to know in advance how hard it will be and if that’s enough to keep us in place, we can stay where we are. But if we want something different, and are ready to do what is necessary to change our situation, nothing is out of reach and the whole world is possible. We can change anything in our lives, and reach every goal ahead.

It’s very uncomfortable to hear someone continually complain about their situation or where they are in life, and do nothing to change it. We will all face times when we end up somewhere we don’t want to be. Getting there is not the end of the road or the end of the journey. We may have to wait until our situation allows us to move, but as soon as the opportunity arises, we can step away and advance toward the destinations we desire. Life is fluid and nothing is permanent. It may take planning, and we may have to work to achieve the changes we desire, but everything is possible, and we can have the lives we want the most.

Nobody can read the future, and we never know what tomorrow will bring. However, one thing is certain – if we do nothing it’s unlikely our lives will dramatically change. Standing around complaining about our lot in life may bring us temporary relief from an uncomfortable situation, but will do nothing to make things better. Our lives are an incredible blessing. We can decide what we want and then do what is needed to get there. All destinations are possible and nothing is too far to achieve. We are strong and capable, and can do anything we desire.

Today if you’re frustrated with where you are and want a change but have been unsure about moving forward, trust yourself. You are intelligent and wise, and nothing is too hard for you. Decide what you want and where you want to go. Every destination and goal are possible. You are amazing and have everything you need to get the life you want. Step forward with clarity and confidence. Every blessing is already there for you, and you will have them.


10 Mar

We all want strong, fulfilling lives that move us toward what we want the most and bring us happiness. While that is always possible, we must first decide what we want. Many people say they want success, but just saying we want to be successful means nothing. It’s an obscure thought without definition or plan. What does success mean? Is it all about monetary benefits where we have all the money we want and need? Or is it something defined by accomplishing a certain level of excellence in some area, or reaching some defined goal? Whatever it is for each of us, if we want to achieve it, we must make a plan for getting there. How can we reach the goal? What must we do and where must we go? What needs to be done to pave the way forward? What changes, if any, must we make to reach it? An undefined and unspecified goal is impossible to reach. We must clearly decide what we want, and determine how we’ll get it. Once we define those things, we can begin to move ahead toward the goal. We can be as successful as we desire if we’re willing to do what is necessary to reach the goal we want. If we stay focused and continue to push forward, we will prevail. We can have the lives we dream about but they won’t just happen. Success won’t simply fall into our laps because we’re nice, or because we really want it. We must plan and then work to get what we want. Everything is possible and nothing is too difficult to accomplish. We already possess all the strength and courage we need to do anything we desire. Our lives are ours to design. With determination and focus, we can go anywhere and reach any goal.

The world is filled with endless opportunities and possibilities. There are limitless things to do and countless places to go. We’re in control of our lives but if we don’t know what we want, we may spend a lot of time standing still. The options are endless but if we stand still, we cannot experience anything new. New experiences enrich us and give us greater depth and understanding of the world around us. We can trust ourselves to step forward and open a new door. We can have the lives we dream about by taking a step forward and making it ours.

Many people equate success with money. While money can do a lot, it doesn’t create true happiness. It’s just a tool that unlocks a lot of doors. Personal happiness comes when we’re successful in the things we value. When we have strong, healthy relationships with those around us and do what fulfills us, happiness will follow. We can have deep, rich lives, and reach every goal we desire if we focus on what we want the most, and then do what is needed to get there. We deserve complete happiness, and with determination we will reach it.

Today if you’ve decided what you want the most, make a plan to achieve it and step forward. Nothing is out of reach and you can have the life you dream about. You are powerful and strong, and nothing is beyond your reach. Be confident. You will succeed and nothing can hold you down. Every dream is possible and you will win.

Cringe Worthy

29 Jan

Life is long and takes us to many different places, teaching us many new things. We don’t ever know everything, and each experience gives us more information than we had before. We learn as we go, and take all the knowledge we gain forward with us. When we look back, sometimes we may have a memory of something we did that turned out to be a mistake. There is no way to appropriately judge what we did before by the knowledge we posses now, but looking behind we may be critical of a prior decision. Perhaps the decision was so bad, that seeing it now, we cringe to believe we thought it was the best way forward. However, back then, it’s likely we made the decision based on all the information we had at the time, which will never be the same as all the information we have now. Life is cumulative, and we gain more with each step we take. There is no way to change the past, and trying to dissect why we did something before will never alter what’s happened. We are where we are now. What’s done is done. We can trust that whatever we did before taught us something of value. We may be wiser now than we’ve ever been, but chances are we’ll be even smarter in the future. Every step gives us more knowledge, and our intelligence increases as we experience new things. There is nothing to be gained by criticizing decisions made in the past. We can see them for what they are, understand where they took us and what they brought into our lives, good or bad, and proceed ahead with confidence. We can see what’s before us, and make decisions that will take us where we most want to go. We are intelligent and capable, and know what we want. Every goal is within our reach, and we can find our way forward.

We are all the sum total or our experiences, and if we’ve had serious disappointments and our plans haven’t worked out, we may begin to believe we will never succeed. Nobody wins in every fight. Sometimes we aren’t going to prevail, but that doesn’t mean we can’t achieve our goals. We are strong and resilient, and failure is just a way of getting more information. Every goal is possible, and with determination and focus, we can go anywhere, and do anything.

On a road trip, if we take a wrong turn and end up going the wrong way, we can stop and change direction. We never have to continue going in the opposite direction simply because we made a mistake. The same is true in our personal lives. Nothing is forever, and everything can be altered. If we don’t like where we’re headed, we can turn around. If the road we’re on turns out to be going somewhere we don’t want to go, we can step off and choose another. We’re in control of our lives and can change them anytime we desire. Every goal is possible and nothing can keep us from success.

Today if you have regrets over something that happened in the past and it’s affecting your choices moving forward, take control and decide how you want to proceed. The past does not dictate your future. You know what you want, and have everything you need to achieve it. All your dreams are possible, and nothing is out of reach. Be confident. You are wise and strong, and will succeed.