Tag Archives: Confusion

So Many Butterflies

3 May

Our lives are busy and filled with many things we need to address – tasks, appointments, issues, complications and thousands of distractions. We all have things we want to accomplish and goals we want to achieve. If we have a lot of responsibilities we must attend to, we may need to carefully plan our time to ensure we accomplish what we most want to do. We may have clear intentions of doing one thing or another, but there are endless distractions that may pull us off track. Butterflies are lovely. When they fly near us we may be captivated by their beauty and grace, and for a moment, forget everything else. As we go through our lives, the unlimited distractions around us may be like butterflies coming near. We may push forward, but then see something interesting we didn’t notice before and go check it out. Or we hear something new that intrigues us, or remember something we meant to get done, or see an item that needs to be put away, or a million other things. There will always be dozens of ways to let go of our focus, look at something else and step away from what we want the most. We can do anything we like but we can’t do everything at the same time and expect to move forward. If we want to succeed, we must actually reach the goal. Playing around here and there, looking at this and that, or standing still will never move us forward. There are unlimited interesting things that may capture our attention and if we let them, they may hold us in place indefinitely. We know what we want and already possess everything we need to obtain it. By focusing clearly on the road ahead, and keeping our eyes focused on the goal, we will reach every success. There is greatness in us all, and with persistence and determination, nothing is out of reach.

Everyone has their own ideas about what we should do and how things should go. When we’re working toward a goal, someone may think they have a better plan than the one we’re using and offer their suggestion. We can take any advice we like, but there are a lot of people around us and each one may have a different idea. Constantly changing the way we proceed may keep us from moving forward. By carefully reviewing all the options possible, and trusting ourselves to make the best choice for proceeding ahead, we can step forward with confidence and reach success.

If we want to take a road trip, every map will have many possible options for reaching the destination. If we choose one route and stick to it we’ll get there in less time and with fewer complications than if we change the way forward again and again because another road looks better or more interesting than the one we’re on. By making a plan and then sticking to it we have the best chance of success. We are intelligent and capable, and with clarity and wisdom, can move ahead and reach every destination.

Today if you’re struggling to reach a goal, decide what you want the most and focus on the way forward. Keep your eyes on the road ahead and nothing can keep you from success. You are amazing and powerful, and nothing is too difficult for you to accomplish. Trust yourself and step forward with confidence. Every success is there waiting, and you will make them yours.

Looking For It

6 Oct

Most people are good. They try to be kind, pay their bills on time, do an honest job, and don’t look for ways to cause contention and strife. Although there are varying degrees of goodness, there is nobility in everyone. We all possess the ability to do good in the world. Some people strive to be the best they can be and their contributions are obvious. But if we run into someone who is mean, and rude, who calls us nasty names, or picks on us, it can be hard to see anything good in them or how they are benefitting anyone. They may cover their innate nobility with prejudice, hatred, anger or other displays. Perhaps their lives have been very difficult and they feel persecuted, or someone somewhere hurt them badly, or they just have a terrible attitude. Whatever their reasons for acting out in problematic and damaging ways, their influence can be detrimental and hard to manage. It’s difficult to find anything noble in what they’re doing, but that doesn’t mean it’s not there. Keeping something deeply hidden and denying its existence doesn’t make it disappear. It’s still there. It may be tiny and undeveloped, but the potential exists. Potential is powerful, but until it’s realized, and we move closer to excellence, it will lie dormant and wait. We can do anything we like. We can cause trouble, stir up anger, create chaos and make a mess of every situation, but nothing will be gained until we choose to honor the best within us. By choosing the better part of every situation, we will find great satisfaction and success. Every opportunity is there for us, and nothing can keep us from success.

Some people love drama. They embellish situations to create intrigue and distrust, and tell stories that complicate and confuse. They may suffer from low self-esteem and feel powerful when they’ve gained control of a situation and caused things to go awry. It’s perverse to set traps for others and then stand and watch while everything falls apart. We never have to participate in their web of contention and grief. We can step back and look at everything objectively, and then decide how we will proceed.

They say misery loves company. When some people are unhappy, they want everyone around them to be miserable as well. Instead of looking for ways to manage whatever problems they’re facing, they prefer to create scenarios that bring others down with them. Acting out in destructive ways diminishes the goodness that lies within. Being mean to others when we’re suffering will never negate our own experience. No matter what our circumstance is, we can choose to be open, honest and kind, and focus on moving toward resolution and success.

Today if someone is causing trouble and creating distrust, step back and see everything clearly. Goodness and light are there. Look for them, and let them lead you forward. You are amazing and intelligent. Nothing can hold you in place. Be strong, wise and confident, and step forward. All your dreams are possible, and you will succeed.

Stirring It

16 Nov

We make continual decisions as we go through our lives. Each choice has a result and if we’re careful and take our time, chances are the results we get will be the ones we hope for. But we are complex beings and there is sometimes more involved than just making a good decision. If what we’re doing will affect those around us, they will play a part in the choices we make. Maybe they hurt us in the past, and we carry bitter feelings that affect which way we’ll go. If there is a way to get what we want and hurt them back in the process, we might opt for that even if it’s not exactly the best choice to make. There is always the possibility of stirring up trouble if we want to. We might think it’s fair – you hurt me, I hurt you – evens the score. Well maybe. But evening the score rarely brings lasting satisfaction and might cause more trouble for us moving forward. Life is complicated enough without trying to tangle it up further by purposely hurting someone else. Nobody gets a free pass, and we’re all going to get hurt at some point. What we do with that is up to us. We can seek revenge, and determine to get it no matter what. We could let it eat away at us and consume our thoughts. Or we can get through it more wisely by learning all we can from what’s happened, and using that knowledge to help propel us forward in the future. One thing is certain – the anger and resentment we hold will only hurt us. It will have no affect on those who caused it. We don’t need to be hurt any more than what we’ve already experienced. By holding onto everything we’ve learned, we can let go of any bad feelings and step forward confident we’ll reach success. Nobody is strong enough to stop us from reaching our goals. They may stand in our way, but there are other roads we can travel. We are powerful and wise, and will prevail.

Our lives are ours to design. We can reach any goal or destination we choose. It doesn’t matter if others disagree with us or try to stop us in our tracks. We are intelligent and will find the way forward. Some people are threatened by the success of others, and if we’re winning, may try to prevent us from advancing. They may well delay our progress, but nothing stays the same forever, and in time, we’ll be able to navigate around them. Every dream is there for us, and we can do anything with patience and determination.

Some people love to stir up conflict. They enjoy seeing people confused and frustrated. If we must interact with them, we may become the subject of their difficult intervention. They may do things to hurt us or make our progress forward harder than it needs to be. We can’t make anyone else behave appropriately, but we can control everything we do. They may goad us and tease us, but we never have to take the bait. We can be confident and make excellent choices to be true to who we are and where we want to go.

Today if you’re dealing with someone who is trying to pull you away from your goals, keep your focus on what you want the most. You are stronger and more powerful than you think you are. Be confident. All your dreams are possible, and they will be yours.

Fuel for the Fire

27 Nov

Life is unpredictable and even when we plan well and do everything we can to make sure our plans are set, something may happen that throws everything off course. If we can’t continue forward, and the goal we wanted to achieve is no longer possible we may feel frustrated or even angry. Big disappointments are powerful and can stop us in our tracks and we may be confused about what to do next. We may feel defeated and begin to believe all the dreams we have will never come true. However, there is always another road ahead and when things go wrong, we can change our perception of what has happened and start again. Instead of allowing disappointment to stall us, we can use it to fuel our focus and push us forward. There is always another way ahead and we are never without hope. It doesn’t matter how much has broken, how many things have gone wrong, or how many times we’ve had to try again. There will always be another road and another chance to move forward. Trouble brings information and we learn more about our situation and what works with each experience. Everything that happens, even when it all falls apart, helps us refine the way forward. There is great fuel in experience and we can use it to find the road that will take us where we want to go. Life is filled with promise and no matter how complicated things get, we can still reach any goal we desire. With each step forward, we get closer to where we want to be and if we’re determined and continue pushing ahead, we can make every dream reality.

It sometimes seems there is only one way to do something. Maybe its only been done a certain way in the past and it’s hard to imagine doing it differently. Those around us may tell us it can only be done one way, and if we can’t accomplish it that way, we can never achieve it. There are some situations where there is only one option to move forward but those instances are very rare. Most of the time, despite what we may see and hear, there are many options possible if we reach beyond what we already know. If we trust ourselves to open new doors and explore new options, we’ll find the answers to even the most complex issues.

When things go wrong and the road we planned to travel is no longer available, we can throw our hands up in despair and walk away. We can forget about our goals and decide they aren’t worth the effort or we can stand still and look around at all possibilities before us. There is never only one way to any goal and anything can be accomplished if we’re willing to see other options. We can fuel our decision with what we’ve learned so far and step forward in a new direction. Every dream is possible and with determination and focus we can reach any destination we desire.

Today if things have suddenly changed and you’re disappointed and confused, use the knowledge you’ve gained so far to help you find a new road going forward. There will always be another way to get to your goal and you are wise and creative enough to find it. Be confident. There isn’t anything you can’t do and every dream is waiting for you. Step forward and you’ll reach every goal you desire.

Defining the Deal

12 Jul

Every single person on earth is different. There are all kinds of personalities and temperaments, endless expressions and ideas, and no two people are exactly alike. What one loves, another despises, what brings pleasure to one, brings frustration to another. We may believe our interpretations are right but actually they are only right for us. When we’re growing up in our first family, the patterns and traditions we learn seem to be the only way to live. But as we grow and are exposed to the world we learn that everyone has their own ideas about how life works and what they do. When we must face an extreme difficulty and are having trouble finding our way it may be a big deal for us to process. We may struggle to find our footing and reach out to those around us for advice and help. Someone may look at our situation and feel it’s ridiculous and our worries are unfounded. Perhaps what we’re going through seems insignificant, and it might be if it happened to them. But it’s not happening to them, it’s happening to us and everybody’s life experience is different. What’s meaningless to one may be crucial to another. We are the only ones who know how important any issue is to us. We are the ones who define the deal and decide if it’s important and far reaching or something less we can manage and move on. It doesn’t matter if everyone around us sees things differently, we can define any issue in ways that make sense to us and find our way through.

When we’re struggling it doesn’t help to have someone diminish our feelings. Telling us we shouldn’t feel one way or another is futile and ineffective. Our feelings often come unbidden and may be intense and painful. While we may not always be able to control how we feel we can control what we do. We can listen to whatever advice we deem helpful, learn as much as possible about the situation and then decide how to move forward. We have all the intelligence and wisdom we need to figure out any issue and find the answers we need.

When we’re facing a big decision or our situation is fraught with complications and it’s hard to see the way ahead, doubts may creep in and we may find it hard to move forward. When there are a lot of things going wrong we may get jumbled up in the noise and confusion and struggle to figure out what to do. We never have to solve everything all at once. We need only look at where we want to begin. Every problem has a solution and even if it’s a big deal and very complex we can solve it. We are smart enough and strong enough to do anything.

Today if you’re facing a big challenge and feel daunted and unsure, decide on the first step you want to take. You don’t have to find all the answers today. Simply determine how to begin and take the first step forward. The solutions are there and with patience and diligence you will find them all. You are amazing and nothing is too difficult for you. Be confident. You know what you want and you will prevail.