Tag Archives: Wrench

Tool Belt

2 Apr

We do many different things every day, and respond to endless activities, events, and eventualities as they come along. Everything we experience teaches us something new and we carry all the information and skills we gain forward with us. Like wearing a big tool belt, we add to the things we know and the attributes that make us who we are. A regular tool belt might have wrenches, hammers, screwdrivers and saws, or many other tools. Our personal one holds the many different traits and talents we possess, specific to particular tasks. If we only have a hammer, we are limited to pounding on things, or prying things up. If we need to cut something, screw something in, or turn something tight we’ll be out of luck. Just like the tools on a regular belt, it’s important for us to develop and magnify all our talents and abilities so they’ll be ready for us when we need them. If we keep all our qualities and virtues available, we’ll be confident and capable as we move forward. However, if we limit our exposure to new situations, and keep our lives close, we may set unused abilities aside. It’s fine to close the drawer on skills and behaviors we aren’t using for a while, but if we ignore them indefinitely, we may struggle when the need for them arises. Sometimes, the information and abilities we need will be critical. If we’re suddenly facing a serious challenge, we may find the very skills we need to succeed are the ones we let go dormant. We all have gifts and talents that help us navigate through our lives and manage situations that arise. We are incredibly capable and nothing is beyond our abilities. We can keep our personal tools ready and available to help us at any time, and move forward with clarity and confidence.

Everyone has responsibilities and tasks to accomplish every day. When we’re busy, it’s easy to forget about time for ourselves. We lose the time we need to exercise and stay fit, give up time to rest and relax, and forget about the personal projects we desire. We can be proactive and remember to value ourselves as much as everything else we’re doing. Nothing is more important than our health and well-being, and with careful consideration, we can make a plan that allows us to complete what’s important and still find time for ourselves.

We’re all individuals and have things we want to learn and master. Learning new skills will embellish us and the confidence that comes from mastering something new refreshes us and deepens personal satisfaction. Every skill and ability we add will enrich us and bring us greater understanding and confidence as we move forward. There are unlimited things to do and accomplish, and nothing is out of reach.

Today if you’ve been busy attending to responsibilities and tasks, and neglected your own personal goals, remember how important you are. There isn’t anyone in all of creation exactly like you. You are an incredible gift to us all. Decide what you want to do, and then begin developing all the tools you need to get there. Every destination is possible, and nothing is too far for you to reach. Step forward with confidence. You are talented and capable, and can make all your dreams come true.

The Big Turn

5 Nov

Each day we live brings something new and every step we take moves us toward some destination. As we navigate ahead, sometimes we move on auto pilot, just going through predictable motions and doing what must be done. There are always things to attend to and responsibilities to meet. Our routines may become commonplace and sometimes we may feel we already know what will happen next. But life is fickle and just when we feel comfortable, something changes and our direction is altered. If we’ve just been coasting through, we may barely notice the adjustment, but if we’ve been pushing forward purposely in a specific direction and suddenly the road turns, the change may completely unravel us. We may feel confused and unsure about how to continue. Change is constant and when it comes unexpectedly and turns us upside down, finding the way forward may be difficult. Every destination is reachable but they won’t all come by traveling clear, paved, straight roads. There will be complications, things will go wrong, people will get in the way, and situations will get rearranged. What we do when the road ahead is blocked will decide if we reach our goal or not. If the change is too confusing and we’re tired of the journey, we may simply let it go and forget about the goal. We’re in control of our lives and can change direction any time we like. But if the goal is important, and we want to achieve it, there isn’t any complication or blockade that can keep us from it. If we want our dreams to become reality, we must be willing to adjust and bend when things change. It takes work to get the lives we want the most, but we are strong and capable, and nothing is out of reach. There isn’t a road we can’t navigate and nothing we can’t accomplish. We can keep our eyes focused forward and find success.

Life is messy, and there is always something that can go wrong. We may plan well, and execute our plan with precision, and still something may happen that throws a wrench right into the middle of it. We can’t control what other people will do, or developments beyond our reach, and there is no way to know what will happen next. It doesn’t matter if things go wrong or the road turns. There will always be another way forward and we are smart enough, and strong enough to find it.

How much we want to achieve a goal will determine how focused we are. If we’re attempting to move ahead on a road someone else thinks we should travel, we may start out strong but because it’s not our personal choice, our efforts may dwindle. Nobody knows us better than we know ourselves. Nobody can know what we need or want more clearly than we do. We can trust our own judgement and move toward any goal we desire. Everything is possible, and with determination and focus, we can make our dreams come true.

Today if the road ahead is suddenly blocked, look around. There is always another way forward. Complications cannot hold you in place, and nothing can keep you from success. Be confident and trust yourself. You know what you want, and you know how to get it. Step forward. Every blessing is waiting for you, and you will succeed.

Losing It

12 Jul

Life is complex and every minute of every day can bring something we never expected or that upends our plans and changes everything. There is no way to know what will happen next or who may enter our lives and turn our ideas inside out. Something may arise that stops us cold and requires us to adjust everything we’re doing. We may wonder how this could happen, but we only have control over ourselves, and there are always a lot of unknowns. Sometimes when we’re trying to move forward, situations or decisions get in the way and keep us from advancing. We can get mad, pitch a fit, scream at those involved, and lose all self-control in an effort to stop the situation. We may feel better after venting our anger and frustration, but it’s unlikely that losing our self-control will help anything, or bring us any answers. Disappointments will come and when they do it’s far better to step back and take a moment to process what’s happened and think about how we can still reach our goal. There are unlimited roads available and many of them will lead to the destinations we desire. If one is suddenly closed off and no longer possible, we can find another. We might not be able to do it in our original time frame, and we may have to go the long way around to get there, but success is still possible. Losing control of our emotions and blasting those around us when things change will only delay us from finding the answers we need. We don’t need any additional delays and by thinking clearly, taking a deep breath, and allowing ourselves time to see all the options available, we can continue to move forward.

When something develops that threatens what we’re doing, our first response might be to deny it’s happening. If we’re averse to conflict, we might ignore the signals that things are changing and out of our control. Looking away from things that are difficult doesn’t change anything and prevents us from finding the answers we need to manage what’s happening. We can’t hide from developments and expect to process them at the same time. We have all the wisdom and strength we need to face whatever comes, and find all the answers we need.

A change in direction is just that – a change in direction. It doesn’t mean we can’t succeed or that any goal is impossible to reach. It may be difficult to accept and we may struggle to understand, but we can still move forward. If we get angry and upset, our ability to think clearly will diminish. We can’t find solutions if we’re losing our minds over something unexpected. We know what we want and if we stop and look around, we’ll find a way to achieve it. Nothing is beyond our reach and no matter what happens, we can succeed.

Today if a wrench has been suddenly thrown into your plans and you’re thrown off course, remain calm and see what’s possible. Every road is available and you will find the way forward. You are amazing and powerful, and can do anything you desire. Make a new plan and step forward. Every success is there for you and you will prevail.