
31 Oct

We are always in control of what we do and are responsible for every decision we make.  However, there may be times when we allow ourselves to be coerced into doing something we really don’t want to do.  Pressure from those around us, family, and loved ones may be great, and if we acquiesce to their desires and go along we may find ourselves in places we never wanted to go.  It’s not possible to see the future and there is no way to know the complete results and implications of our choices when we make them.  The best we can do is evaluate possible outcomes and do our best to ensure we don’t end up disappointed and suffering.  If we allow others to push us into choices we don’t want to make and don’t take the time we need to look at all the possible ramifications, we may open the door to problems and trouble.  If we end up someplace foreign and can’t find the way out, we can step back and rethink our situation.  No matter what has happened, we have the power to change course at any time.  We don’t have to stay anywhere we don’t want to be.  By staying grounded and in control of our lives, turning around when we need to redirect, and paying attention to where we’re headed, we’ll have the best chances possible of achieving the lives we most desire.  We can do anything and by holding firm to what is right for us we’ll achieve every goal.  Life is all about the choices we make.  By looking carefully and taking our time we can make excellent decisions that take us exactly where we want to go.

It’s impossible to do everything at the same time.  If we’re impatient we may try to do several things at once in an effort to get through them more quickly.  That might work if everything goes as planned and there are no hiccups in the way, but trying to do many things is like juggling.  It takes concentration to keep three balls in the air and if we add two or three more they may all fall.  We will never move forward if everything falls apart in the process.  It takes more time to clean up a mess and start over than it does to plan effectively and do things in order from the beginning.  Life is not a race, and although there may be time constraints attached to the project we’re working, we can plan effectively to complete what’s needed.

No matter where we are in any process, if things aren’t working and we’re not progressing, we can stop and start again on a new road.  We don’t know what lies ahead and sometimes the roads we choose have unforeseen barriers that don’t allow us to advance.  There is no failure in choosing a different path.  We can change direction at any time and begin again.  Every goal is possible and nothing is out of reach.  If we get stuck we can re-evaluate our plans and find another way.  We can do anything.  We are wise and capable, and every option is possible.

Today if you’re being pressured to do something you don’t want to do, choose what’s best for you.  Let others make their own decisions and find your own path.  You know what you want and where you want to go.  Step ahead on the road that will take you there.  You are amazing and powerful, and can do anything you desire.  Great success is always there for you and you will reach it.

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